Kraut Cuck BTFO by The Alt Hype Part Deux

Does Kraut really believe the bullshit he's spewing?

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no way this is him

yeah, that's him
What's your problem faggot?

i hate to tell you
It's him. He's also a bit fat.

I hate this kraut cuck so much. Typical german so busy trying to sound smart and appear sophisticated when hes just a mentally unimpressive manlet with a oger face who can't think a straight thought.

Germans are so poorly dressed, it's insane. Also that diy haircut.

So what? No one thinks Kraut is smart

Kraut is the only one who thinks he's smart

He's extremely stuck up for an unintelligent person - is that common in Germany?

30 bullshit threads a day for this fagot.
telemarketer excellence.


Yeah, why would we need to take this opportunity to redpill literally thousands of people on race realism when we could be patting ourselves in the back in baitthread#754 or bumping the 587th communist thread.

Did Kraut have credibility before or was he always like this?

Cant be the same guy

if you were to compare him to other skeptics he had some before he spazzed out over edgy sphinx. after that it just keeps tumbling down

>Kraut is the only one who thinks he's smart

Um, no sweetie, all the top Skeptics think he is smart.

which vid is that comment on?

He got RageAfterStorm fired from her job.

>I'm le skeptic look how le skeptical I am about the predominant ideology prevailing throughout the world about how there are no differences between the races look at all these sources I am citing from the Le UN
wtf I love rational skeptics now

Why would anyone listen to this autist

Sorry meant

Copied wrong link

Either Kraut or Sargon deleted it.
Maybe Sargon realized that the race denialist position was not as solid there as he thought so he decided to just bail the fuck out and pretend he wasn't there.

I'm guessing Kraut has already finished all these videos and is just uploading them now, so we can't expect him to change at all, can we? Not sure if he would even with the criticism.

i bet sargon deleted it after seeing how many hatefacts were more popular and almost everyone found his video to be shitty, at least Vee ( retarded romanian) knows that krauts vids are shit
dont worry about it and its changed now for me too.


isnt this sargon of akkads whole existence

haha look at this black collectivist using a hyphen incorrectly
t. sargit

I was waiting for this video all day. I'm not well-versed in these topics (I have knowledge on a basic level of race realism), so this really adds intellectual weight behind our arguments on race realism.

I think Kraut is too scared to debate Ryan from Alt Hype because he knows he'd get demolished

If Ryan "The Hurricane of Racial Pain" Faulkner keeps this up there wont be any Skeptics left by Christmas.

Sargoy of Blackdad makes a living out of pausing somebody else's video and yelling at it incoherently so yeah.

When he started acting like an SJW he looses any kind of legitimacy he thought he had. I don't care what argument he has. He is attention whore telemarketer and there are plenty of people discussing race realism that have a better moral character.



Fucking Sargoy, man. He got demolished by Millennial Woes last year on the theoretical side of things, so I think a debate with Ryan Faulkner from Alt Hype would crush his worldview.

>yfw MOOSLIMS man BTFO'd Sargon already last year and he still refuses to accept Alt-Right argument

what? I thought this was just SJW narrative weaving?

^ ironically, they say this as they weave narratives about us

>hen he started acting like an SJW he looses any kind of legitimacy he thought he had
Are talking about the same person/video here? How the fuck was the Alt Hyp acting like a SJW? Do you even know what video I posted?

Why does krautcuck keep trying? What I'm watching is a 200% cringe rendition of someone slowly committing suicide in real time for all to see. I don't think I've ever seen a self destruction like this. Even with someone like Spoony, it took place over an extended period of time.

I'm glad he keeps making himself look absolutely fucking retarded. And it's even better that he's directly going after Ryan Faulk, because hopefully that means more people seeing his channel and watching his content.

they mean Kraut

>2 months of studying
"Donkeys and horses are subspecies of one another"

All Sargon and Skeptics do is argue from incredulity and hope the altrighter doesnt ask them to prove anything they assert (they cant).

Oh and weave narratives about how altright and SJWs are the same (because they are collectivist. which is him essentially crying racist)

More like:
"I spend 20minutes on wikipedia"

Guys like him are giving germans a bad name.
He is not a true german!

>isnt this sargon of akkads whole existence

I don't know man, you guys aren't really cranking anyone out besides Merkels lately. I'm still rooting for you though.

Why do Germans look evil?

Exactly. Like, I was expecting to see some of the more nuanced (but still bullshit) reasons against race-realism, but this is just pants-on-head retarded.

There's so much retarded shit in that video, that I don't even know where to begin. A full critique would end up being like 5 hours long, going line-by-line and explaining why every single thing he said was completely wrong or misrepresented. I might as well do a cinemasins-style video with a counter of every single time he spouts something wrong.

>He actually deleted it when he realized how wrong the video is

youtube (((e-celebs))) are all retarded.

severe autism and bottled up rage is a national requirement

Because they are. Fucking krauts.

He's half Eternal Anglo, like Kaiser Wilhelm II was.

>Historian David Fromkin states that Wilhelm had a love-hate relationship with Britain.[19] According to Fromkin:

>From the outset, the half-German side of him was at war with the half-English side. He was wildly jealous of the British, wanting to be British, wanting to be better at being British than the British were, while at the same time hating them and resenting them because he never could be fully accepted by them.[20]

id prefer evil looking people to idiots and cuckolds

Mews isn't even a good debater. He's fairly low energy, and despite this, he still steamrolled Sarcuck

>hurr durr why should I care? lol I'll be dead by the time britbongistan goes to shit :^) haha why do you care so much?? You're just an SJW :^)

Do it then, if he is so wrong, prove it so we can make fun of him with it.


Germans are cucks tho

Some people Sargon should debate, even if I dislike some of these guys it would be hilarious

>Mike Enoch
>Alternative Hypothesis
>Andrew Joyce (occidental observer)

I think he's a decent debater. Much better than I am in voiced debate. He is quick with counter-arguments and generally has decent arguments. My only issue with Woes is that in debate he doesn't go on the offensive at all, really. He only generally argues from a defensive position, which gives his opponent all of the advantages

>sargon talking about lack of refutations

I still can't believe people give money to this faggot. How many thousands of dollars does he get just being completely uncritical and labeling everything he doesn't like an SJW while doing fake forced laughter while watching others' videos?

I doubt he deleted it for that reason. I dont think he has that much critical reflection

Kraut really personifies the European mindset that I've encountered. Most Euros that I come across have this massive amount of unfounded arrogance and almost none of them realize that they've been completely brainwashed.

I couldn't understand why they'd commit suicide through immigration until I actually encountered some of these pseuds.

Kek. Love ya man

His only argument is variations of "say no to identity politics" and ignoring race

Literally the same argument as cuckservatives

It's called why the fuck are you giving this guy attention?

Agreed. "Muh horseshoe" seems to be their only counter-argument.

Saying "Oh, but you're just like the SJWs" is not an argument at all and never has been. You're not discrediting White Genocide theory with that. You're not discrediting anti-Egalitarian and anti-Democratic thought with that. You're not debunking Race Realism with that.

That's what I mean. He did a good job, but he's not a master debater, so to speak. So the fact that he STILL steamrolled him just shows you how terrible Sarcuck is.

Agreed. This will never happen though, because Sarcuck knows he'd get utterly BTFO. That's why he stopped doing any sort of dialogue with white nationalist figures, and instead just does monologues where he's free to spout terrible arguments without anyone being able to shut him down right then and there.

It's all good though. I love the fact that these Le Rational Skeptics(TM) are all going after white nationalism. None of them have any decent arguments, and all this is going to do is get skeptic fans to come over to our side.

Which is just silly. I mean, is the family unit bad? Is it bad that I care about my mother more than the lady across the street? Is that collectivism? Am I a communist now?

>google Andrew Joyce
>"The History of Jewish Influence"
>Andrew Joyce PhD is a scholar, speaker and writer with academic expertise in immigration, ethnic and

Top fucking kek, let's make this happen

The video I posted is of Ryan Faulk, not this Kraut faggot

You made a Kraut thread. You are advertising for him.

If you want to show someone else's video make a thread about who you are posting.

Make better threads


it's clear that his worldview is antiquated

>Also that diy haircut.
>giving money to the hairdressing jew

I've tried to contact The Alternative Hypothesis with little success.

All I want to know is how Ryan Faulkner got such an in-depth knowledge of these subjects, because he started back in 2007, which some in his comments sections have said means he was 19 at the time....I mean, surely you'd need some kind of college education in hard sciences to be as educated as him, unless you're a literal genius or just have the patience of an autist to read all this Biological theory by yourself and formulate research analysis methods without a tutor

>sages thread
>monitors it for over an hour

>video from Alt-Hyp
>title is "Alt-Hyp BTFO Kraut"
>Picture is from Alt-Hyps video

pls faggot, actually watch the video I posted now

Is Joyce much of a debater? I like reading his stuff but not every scholar is good at debating and vice versa ofc.

experience and high IQ

I bet you none of them will remember what arguments Kraut used. They will just reference the videos themselves

One of my favorite works from Joyce is how he details how Jews worked in Europe during the Middle Ages and how it relates to them pushing gun control and surveillance today.

Back then they were the middle men between the Kings/higher nobles and the lower nobles/burghers/peasants, responsible for raising credit and taxes and having the royal arms as support. Ofc the peasants and other nobles didn't like that so when they got uppity the kings let the Jews fall to save their own rule. So ofc nowadays they want to disarm the population.

Really makes so much click and takes a lot of wind out of MUH POGROMS.

Medfag here. Its REALLY not that hard to get knowledgeable on certain topics. The idea that you NEED a formal education is often bullshit.

I know. I bored. Low quality threads is cancer


Narrative is easy, truth is hard

When I first encounter the subject of race IQ differences, I was Kraut and Tea. I spent months trying to solidify my belief in the environmental position.

What you don't realize while youre doing this is: why are you taking the environmental explanation as your null hypothesis? Its done without any reasoning whatsoever. When you stop to think, you realize that OF COURSE the hereditarian explanation is the actual null hypothesis. The debate is framed in these peoples minds as "the hereditarians have to prove their case". Its exactly the opposite! The hereditarians are claiming that intelligence works like any other trait.

Its the environmental explanation that has to be proved, and there is literally no evidence for it. All there is is evidence that an environmental explanation is PLAUSIBLE, that if you throw a bunch of environmental factors into a hat, maybe what comes out is a standard deviation gap in intelligence.

Thankfully the relevant genes for intelligence are being discovered as we speak. Within ten years the debate will be resolved, almost certainly in favor of the hereditarians.

Would breed with.

Well, I mean, I agree, but surely to get to THAT level of Biological understanding and research and statistical analysis would either require a teacher or an autistic degree of patience to wade through all the theory and then apply that to academic papers

>. I spent months trying to solidify my belief in the environmental position.
but why? dont you people learn about evolution in school, or did you just assumed humans are not affected by it?

isnt that how most of us reach proper conclusions on this stuff?

College or grad level education isnt some magical thing. You can learn the same things on your own


I suppose I could. I plan to go into Medicine at some point in the future and I was really good at high school Biology. I guess my issue comes from where to begin on the topic of race. Should I begin with genetics, or physiology, o microbiology, or neurology?....

Kraut had to go to night school to get his higher education entrance qualification. in germany, mind, and we have had decades of leftwing/green politicians dumbing down our schools because muh elitism/immigrants. he's fucking DUMB.

I like how rational skeptics dont watch responses to Kraut's videos but just say "as a doctor, he is right"

this guy has such a weird voice wtf

Not only I don't believe the average population will believe that races are different even after total epigenome understatement, but also I wouldn't expect the consensus of the general population to not backlash violently against academics before it starts to show any sign of changing.

It might sound simple and straight forward to us, but just look at these videos we are commenting on, just look at how an experienced content producer makes a full of himself through his delusions and obsessions.

People are legitimately afraid of the idea that they have genetic limits and that someone's success is 80% defined at birth. People's consciousness literally hurts when they consider this as a possibility, and they'll even get violent or dismissive if necessary. This shit will be worst than proving evolution to the common population.


They cry as they ignore any response videos. Youtube gets pissy with links in the comments section, they know that

Why are all the Skeptics out of shape?

beacuse they are to busy intellectually masturbate to their own videos

Just because you're a Doctor doesn't mean you know racial Biology.

I mean, Medicine students aren't exactly Geneticists.

You(i assume) are defending something that Kraut made up on the spot and that is not true. Species are not classified based on potential breeding capabilities nor subspecies. Humans mixed themselves with Neanderthals and they are not the same subspecies, not the same species, they are different species.

But furthermore, this is fucking taxonomic nomenclature. Who gives a fuck? If what we call blacks have in fact genes for lower IQ and what we call whites have genes for higher IQ, then the debate is settled.

I am mocking Vee

dont drag wilhelm in to this man also find most of the psychoanalysis of him to be wierd and have a bias

If you're an autistic nerd and have that drive it's pretty fuckin common. I'v been into biology and paleontology for years and I get niggered when people mention wrong facts. Kinda like grammar nazi syndrome.

Wilhelm did nothing wrong.

i think faulk is a literal autistic savant you can tell by the way he speaks when he's more off the cuff. he is a fact whore and probably has more knowledge on the topic than all of us in this thread combined

So, correct me if I am wrong about any of this:

Kraut and his expert spent the video misunderstanding species and subspecies, obfuscating use of the term race in this debate, and lying about what Ryan was saying in Alternative Hypothesis

That's not the same person.