Oy vey!! Why do some people still support Israel?


> Killing gentiles is not punishable by Rabbinical law.
> Raping little girls under 3 years-old is permitted.
> Jews should follow "peaceful ways" to avoid pogroms until they obtain power and defences.
> Christians are considered idolaters and need to be killed.

Other urls found in this thread:


this is really a non-issue
there are all kinds of Jews, European Jews, shitskin Jews, even African Jews, all who can have a free entry and stay in Israel
it really is by far the most cucked religion and if people do consider it an ethnic group then it's also the most cucked ethnic group
let them have Israel, it really makes no difference and Arabs are really the lowest of the low so if they don't have it instead even better

Because we're not mudslimes, Ahmed.

It's a Jew containment country. More kikes in Israel means fewer kikes in the west.

>tfw Jews idolate a wall

Wtf I love jews now

> Because we're not mudslimes, Ahmed.
Clearly Schlomo.


So basically we need a 2nd coming of Adolf.

Will they allow it?

Until they get powerful enough to fully enslave or nuke you.

Reminder to catalog all Youtube censored vids (mostly criticizing Jews) here:

www dot censoredlist dot com

Listen up leaf adolf is irrelevant it was a jew puppet, adolf was created by jews in order to get the palestine clay, cause of 6 gorillions. Just like they did 9/11 so US had sort of an excuse to invade middle east and get hands on their oil.

How does this site work exactly?

Alt-right is a marxist controlled opposition used by leftists to make the right look crazy.

So everyone on pol is a brainwashed useful idiot of marxists


nice try but no, Sup Forums is a Christian board and we have divine protection while you are being useful idiots for the serpent

He's right about the white nationalist/nazi crap. It's only going to destroy the alt-right, as intended.

But also, you can't have cultural Marxism without understanding its origins.
>(theological liberalism) Protestantism +
>(classical liberalism) French Revolution =
>cultural Marxism

nonsense , cultural marxism comes from the kike 'intellectuals' of the Frankfurt school, it has nothing to do with Theology, more with jewish cultural hostility

>the rise of the right in general is the immune response to the over-oppressive leftist crap and nothing else and it will keep rising because the leftardation of the ridiculous lying press and jewish cheap shots at whitey and because God wills it

I don't really support Israel per se but I definitely prefer them to sand niggers. Is this an acceptable answer, OP, you faggot?

You obviously have no understanding of the continuity of liberalism.
Theological liberalism begat philosophical liberalism which begat classical liberalism which begat progressivism.
Gramsci, one of the intellectual founders of cultural Marxism clearly understood this.

Kikemasters underestimated how much they have poisoned their own kind with feminism and cultural marxism.

ust because Gramsci said something, you obviously fail to mention that the Frankfurters framed cultural marxism to be what it is and blame it on the quotes of an Italian communist, you're obv. a kike

> Forgets to clear name: Polish Jew
> I don't really support Israel per se
> Also supports Christian genocide.

Scum Jew, pogrom soon.

Are you that dense?
The Frankfurt school was the result of the four hundred year long march of liberalism. Gramsci was a child of Marxist thought, cultivated also in the Frankfurt school. He clearly wrote that the destruction of Western civilization could not occur until Christian morality was destroyed and replaced with 'something else' of their making.

>Oy vey!! Why do some people still support Israel?
Probably because most Israelis, even most the religious ones, don't ever read or take the Talmud seriously - which is where all these degenerate and mind-fucking texts come from.

>20 years of Father Luther's new doctrines gave rise to 40 new sects
>Christendom fractured into theological rivalry via theological liberalism, aka protestantism
>200 years later
>hundreds of individual Christian sects all claiming to be the true Christian sect
>protestant principle of private interpretation infects all streams of thought, seeps into philosophy
>protestants disillusioned with the sectarian and subjective nature of protestantism begin a humanist philosophical revolution
>Masonic lodge founded in London based upon the egalitarian, Judaizing principles of Anabaptists and Jacobite/Whig revolutionaries
>Masonry quickly abandon Christian religious foundations and promote secularism and overthrow of authority, namely the authority of the Catholic Church and Monarchy
>(Judaizing) Masonry uses Protestantism as a weapon against the foundational principles of Christendom: Catholicism
>Secularism rises
>Christendom further weakened; theological wedge + philosophical wedge
>America founded
>First secular, godless nation on planet earth in recorded human history
>1789, French revolution
>Protestant private interpretation altered philosophy and manifested itself in political realm in the actual overthrow of altar and throne
>Christendom shattered
>American Protestants hail the rise of the secular republics as the "best government on earth" and "protected by God"
>200 years of secularism has led to children confused as to which bathroom to use
>Classical liberalism has spread into all facets of the world stage, including the hierarchy of its natural enemy: the Catholic Church
>"Conservatives" wonder how we got here, but still say "We need to get back to the Constitution and everything will be ok"

>per se
please kill yourself

>Theological liberalism (Protestantism) begets
>Philosophical liberalism (Renaissance; humanism) begets
>Classical liberalism (founding ideologies of American/French revolution) begets
>Marxism and Contemporary liberalism (progressivism)

>1517: Protestant revolt
>Christ yes, Church no
>1717: Head Masonic lodge founded in London
>God yes, Christ no
>1917: Bolshevik revolution
>God doesn't exist
>2017: ?

No pattern of the continuity of liberalism, yet, kiddo?

I didn't forget to clear my name and I dont' support Christian or even Muslim genocide but I certainly don't sympathize with kebab terrorists like some kind of edgy leftist retard.

The Frankfurt school was standing on the shoulders of the revolutionaries of the past. Theological liberals paved the path for the philosophical liberals which paved the path for the classical liberals which paved the path for the Marxists.

It doesn't take a genius.

Oh look, it's that Lebanese Leaf coming in for his daily butt-hurt induced rage-posting. Hopefully you'll beat your record of 148 posts.Either way, you'll forever be cucked by Jews. Stay mad.

I'm not Lebanese you faggot, you're assuming someone else. Go shill somewhere else David or I'll gas your entire neighboorhood.

Jesus Christ, Mohammed, calm down, it's just Sup Forums.

I'm disappointed that I didn't realize that it's him at first. He really has become a living meme. I hope he lays off the drugs and stimulants and weans of from posting nonstop. It's not very healthy.

ע"פ ההלכה מהתורה מותר לקדש קטנה בת שלוש שנים - כלומר ליצור זיקה בינה לבין בעלה לעתיד, אך לא לבוא עליה כפי שמבואר בחז"ל בכמה מקומות משום סכנה לקטנה. ברם גמרות ביבמות סב: וסנהדרין עו: מביאים דין חז"ל שאסרו להשיא ילדים מתחת לגיל מצוות וכך נפסק להלכה בשולחן ערוך אבן העזר סימן א´. אז תאמר שגיל 13 זו גם פדופיליה! אך אין זו קושיא כלל וזה מכמה סיבות: א. גם החתן בעצמו הוא בן י"ג שנים והיום קיום יחסים בהסכמה בין ילדים בגיל 13- 15 איש לא מגדיר כפדופיליה; ב. עניין פדופיליה לגבי הגיל הינו קביעה שרירותית ע"פ התרבות ובגרות הנפשית של הילדים. לכן היום כשגיל ההתבגרות מסתיים מאוחר מאד (יש טוענים בגיל 30), אז אדם טרם גיל זה בד"כ אינו בשל לנישואין. בימים קדמונים אנשים היו בשלים בגיל הרבה יותר מוקדם וגם בגיל 30 אדם היה נחשב לזקן כי רוב האנשים לא הגיעו לגיל 40. והרי עדיין צריך להספיק להקים משפחה, לגדל ילדים. אז נשאלת השאלה מתי להתחתן? לכן כמעט בכל התרבויות היו מחתנים בנות בגיל 13-14. בחורה שבגיל 18 טרם נישאה הייתה נחשבת לרווקה זקנה.

No, all your hypothesis is bunk because you hide the jew again, no matter how you will try to serve your dish , you cannot just ommit the fact that these judaic godless communista have anything to do with somehow Protestantism influencing Philosopy when it's obv there's conflation. My recollection is that the Renaissance started with the classical scholastic tradition moving into Italy in the 15th century and the rediscovery of rational thought , that's a full 2 centuries before 1707.

Protestantism came from doctrinal disagreements between the Catholic excesses and spread in the Germanic lands. It didn't come from Philosophical liberals when the Catholic theology had its own well established philosophical interpretation of the scripture which threw it into all its convenient errors.

You ust can't change the fact Marx was a jewish imbecile who influenced a series of others of his ilk to come up with a system to destroy what they saw as a foreign ( European culture ) to their own judaic cultural norms and the methods to apply it , creating cultural marxism, a cultureless abomination against civilisation. Case closed.

Holy fuck JIDF are swarming this thread.
It's almost like they don't want the world to know that Talmudic Jews are paedo scum who feast on the blood and suffering of other humans.
Leave that sandmonkey alone you bastards.

Talmud is pretty terrible but Israel is hardly a Talmudist society and sand monkeys don't really have a moral high-ground when it comes to primitive religious degeneracy.

t. Herschel Rosenberg

shut up kike

It doesn't "hide the Jew" at all. Judaizing was prominent in the Calvinist/Anabaptist movement, as well as in the founding of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
Renaissance, toward the end, became revolutionized toward secular humanism.
Protestantism first and foremost was a looting operation with a theological justification behind it. The principle of private interpretation gave rise to the reinterpreting of humanist texts outside of the Christian context.
It is no surprise that classical liberalism, the descendant of protestantism, would be the ideology to emancipate the Jews under Napoleon.

Yeah well this Polish Jew fag is known JIDF. He constantly monitors threads like this for optimum response time.

Short Version

Long Version

This aspie cavetroll is just being edgy.
Jewish law forbids clearly marriage before 12 and 13 (age of law aka bar mitzva), an age that was normal everywhere at that time.
Parents have the right to predetermine marriage for babies once their three (but not before) just like princesses and princes back in your old fairy tails. Sex with a child is prohibited for the danger it poses to her.
Jewish law is extremely extensive and specific. What this fag does is cherrypicks bits that deal with technical definitions (like categories of law - what are "do" and "don't" what is "before god" or "before society" what is "attack" or "abuse" etc. So he picks out a part where it says, for instance, "killing gentiles is not punishable" and excludes that is says "by the Jewish court" because "the law of the land (in that case babylon) is not Jewish - AKA if a Jew kills a Jew the community will take it in their own hands to trie and put him to death, but if he does not, it is up to the local government.
Christians ARE idolaters because they worship idles, but they are NOT supposed to be killed at all. They are simply separate from the Jewish community. The point is - if an idolator harms you, while usually you should not attack him nor take him to Jewish court in certain cases you are permitted to take matters into your own hands.

Jews have hopeless larping fag omegas like this Java, just like half the people on this site, move along.

Israel is currently ethnically cleansing the Palestinians. That is what you israel is doing, there is no getting around it. Its the similar to how Canada and America came in existence, but the difference is that the bad things are happening right now in the current age as opposed to the past. If the natives are going to give us shit for it, then you better fucking believe that the Palestinians have a right to give you 1000 times as much shit.

Palestinians are okay actually all of the Palestinians I've met were decent enough people.

It's their busy-body edgy retard "supporters" who are beyond sub-human trouble makers who need to mind their own business.

Marx- actually not technically a Jew
Rand - actually technically a Jew

So what's your point

user a piece of my Foreskin moved placed and left a hole and forged itself into another section of my Foreskin.


Though Proddies judeised in their textual legalism with respect to scripture they also confront the jews as Luther's 'kikes and their lies' rejecting them. The secular humanism was but the freemsonic attack on Christianity by ews made clear in that all its structure is judaic. So is marxism, and the first marxist and the first soviets and everything, and when marxism didn't work so well for Germany, cultural marxism, it's right there . If the jews don't want to be associated with the ennemies of the West they had better not revolt against it .

And don't say that no ews involved because in this era of degeneracy we are living through , jews of all sorts swarm to 'dear fellow whites' as they did with humanism. They had a dog in this game from the beginning.

And as for masonry all the way up from Adam Weishaupt the frankist jew to today and before since Cicero and they will try again in the future , they have to go COMPLETELY from the West.

>move along.
yeah no thanks, it's obviously jews are a problematic class to everywhere they go outside israhell, and even inside it and they've got to get the hell out of US/UK/Europe.

>Be me
>Having a good day
>Browse Sup Forums
>Remember Jews exist

Must be so hard for you, that sounds horrible.

I don't Rand, and marx culturally a jew and his revolution financed by jews in new york so jews in Russia could delete fucking everything of the Christian Imperial culture and get ahold of all property untill they were Stalined out of it.

they are economic and cultural assassins and they will use the noahide laws as a pretext one day to eliminate Christians one day from wherever they will have a hold on.

Father Luther was only anti-Jewish until he realized that they weren't going to convert on account of his new gospel. Before then (and after) he was a Judaizer, such as in the example of Philip of Hesse.
He told Philip that it wasn't against the law of God to take a second wife (while retaining the first) -- polygamy -- because the Jews did it.
Where do you get that I am saying there are/were no Jews involved? You obviously have an obsession with Jews, yet everyone worth their salt knows Bolshevism was a Jewish revolution. The Frankfurt school was almost exclusively Jewish--if not completely.

I was merely making the point that we didn't arrive at Marxism out of thin air without cultural and revolutionary precedent. The five hundred year long march of liberalism--from 1517 to 2017--can be followed directly through these revolutionary movements, of which, both Jew and Gentile were involved.
All these revolutions and revolutionaries have one thing in common--their hatred and violence against the Church.

This is why in the 1898 edition of the Vatican's Civilta Cattolica entitled The Jewish Question, the synopsis was that any nation that separates itself from the Church and the laws of God will come to be ruled by Jews.
When the Church is strong, the Jews are weak.
When the Church is weak, the Jews are strong.


yes, okay, I just don't want people to lose the initial point, to secondary peripheral issues, which is to start reversing this social sjw travesty fed by sub-marxism and the liberal (((press))) as far as your conclusion I don't disagree, only I would prefer te Catholic church to revert as well to pre-liberal and preferably pre-heretical points instead of diluting itself throught thepassing of the centuries and acquiring new and strange mutations.

Also jews must leave if they can't live amongst us without sabotage and cultural warfare, this will never change because its essential to our own tradition surviving, and it has every right to.

Even the hierarchy of the Church is infected with liberalism. But everyone knows that now, with Francis.
I honestly don't think this is a situation that can be (humanly) fixed. We've slid too far. Only chastisement can bring us back around--and perhaps you're helping to raise consciousness among those who otherwise wouldn't be exposed.

The way Christendom handled this was Sicut Judaeis Non. Basically, no one has the right to harm the Jew, but in return, the Jew has no right to subvert and destroy one's culture. It worked before, it could work again--of course, after a cleansing of apocalyptic proportions.

I don't think I'm writing anything here that isn't already common knowledge to Sup Forumsanon, as for thee jews it's always the same, subversion entails the loss of a few political freedoms if it's not remedied. Not that it's possible now, or that the Catholic Church can save herself either, if you have a look at the Orthodox (Christian ) and hebrew prophecies there will be a great destruction and untold unecessary death. The answer is to repent, in everything that has lost its navigational compass.

So jews must out RAUS

Super 1488 checked.

right and left won't matter when you have to eventually deal with all of us schlomo

kek, so long demons

Jewland is where jews run their criminal operations from. Every jew is a liar and deceiver.

Preaching to the choir user. Have a funny /pol story from years back