
What could I enlist in to see the most combat. I don't wanna spend years on a ship I wanna be in the thick of it.

Find out who's scheduled to rotate through Afghanistan and ask to be sent there.

Join the Army

Try the special forces

Chicago Police Dept.

Special Forces is always taking people. Or go 11X with Option 40 for a shot at the Ranger Battalion. Don't believe the memedia, the "muhreens" are no more elite than the Army. We do everything better than they do.

We need more selfless patriots like yourself.
War is good for banker bonuses. Strong banks are good for America.
Never doubt your decision.
Good boy.

If you're serious, join the FFL, you'll basically be cannon fodder but will ve rewarded for your service if you survive.

If Jew, join the IDF, constant fighting due to crazy ultra orthodox retards building shitty settlements

t. IDF infantryman

> POG detected

Marines, unless you're a bitch like 99% of Sup Forums.

I think he wants some adrenaline in his life, as well as some purpose beyond a normal modern life. Honestly that's what I did, and I don't regret a second of it

Western military has turned into a feminised bitch-parade where women are let into combat roles.

You shouldn't enlist. In fact every single man should quit the military and we can see how fucking women do at defending the realm.
I'd give it a week before they're begging men to force them back into the kitchen.

I have a jewish grand-granddad, can I join IDF please?

You just won the biggest cuck award.

"Defending the realm" you're so naive. It's almost cute if it wasn't horrifying that so many people feel this way.

Like 99% of US bombs hit countries that have absolutely no military force that can come within thousands of miles of us.

Go to your nearest Marine recruiter and the first thing that needs to come out of your mouth is
>Hi I want to be a Grunt and see the most combat possible. I want to be a United States Marine.

He will probably get a fucking woody and drive you to MEPS that weekend.

Be a mercenary

OK, but you are signing up to be a slave for the banker for 4 years. Wrecking the world for banker profits must be really exciting.

Have you read the book War is a Racket?

US Army Rangers or Special Forces if you're man enough to make it.

if you can't pass selection, just go Marine Corp infantry.

I'm army, couldn't pass selection and I wish I went marines instead.

You need military experience, preferably SF to be a merc these days. Unless however you go a join the Georgian Legion or something in which case youll be dead in a week.

This guy gets it.
Don't join the militairy OP. Stay on Sup Forums for a few more months are read about why your government is deployed overseas. Find out what the militairy is used for.

Yeah probably, typically the IDF only takes full blown cultural and religious jews but there is also a form in which a non religious non Jewish person can volunteer.

Kek. Probably OP's best bet to see action though

The US military isnt doing any fighting right now, infantry is just a bunch of janitors. The only people fighting are SOF and artillery (which is hardly fighting, just firing cannons from a safe area)

The FFL drops people for the smallest fuckups though, like stuttering once while learning french, so dont believe the meme that it's an easy way to a new life

Gone of the days of the armed forces in the 1900-1950s. The Royal Navy, the USAAF, even the wehrmacht. They make todays forces look like shit (not counting technology)