Tell me Sup Forums with all those mudslimes and niggers out there why don't you own one of this.
-Can be disguised as a key chain
-Deadly weapon combined with Krav Magá
Tell me Sup Forums with all those mudslimes and niggers out there why don't you own one of this.
-Can be disguised as a key chain
-Deadly weapon combined with Krav Magá
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Btw it is called Kubotan i got these two for less than 10€ shipping included
Second one
Shameless bump
Interdasting. Have a bump.
why not just carry a gun?
Kubotans are fucking god tier , best weapons i have used by far , easy to conceal , although its not as legal as you might think. You can slip off by telling its for car window breaker but if they understand its actually a lethal weapon you migth be in some shit. So I prefer boardmarkers rather than these
The fuck is that, a butt plug?
Because I'm an American and I have two guns on me at all times.
Because I can legally carry a gun?
This doubles as an anal toy for yuropeans like OP
Nice dildo you faggot
If you have to bump your own thread four times, you are probably not the next Boxxy.
I prefer baton, kubotan is only good against unarmed people
use what you have eurobros. anything is better than nothing
is a blunt point sticking out of the bottom of your fist really that effective?
they are not legal in ny, la, ma, etc. the fuck are you talking about. maybe in spain, but if you get caught with one of those on your "keychain" it's a weapons posession charge. unlike a pocketknife which can be used as a tool, the kubotan has no other function other than being a weapon to ground punches and be used to influct blunt force trauma.
tl;dr don't be an idiot and carry one in the us and learn how to fight, you goddamn pussies.
being a cripple I get to walk softly WITH my big stick
>pic is not me it's just some guy I found on jewgle
but he's holding my same coldsteal axe head cane
that doesn't seem very harmful
so air rifle
Because I'm not a pussy and know how to fight
>learn how to fight
yeah learn how to fight off being suckerpunched and stomped by a gang of niggers
No thanks, I will stick with my Para Ord 14+1
>-Deadly weapon combined with Krav Magá
totally worthless tool if you didnt krav maga
i stay with my neck knive
because a glock 26 and a blade are better than that feminist weapon....
it easily kills if you know where to hit , if you dont know where to hit its still pretty good because the force is immense if focused on that one single point
it hurts like motherfucker, try to jab a pen into your leg at full force:
Looks like something a faggot would carry. Go to /k/
Assault spoon.
>ny, la, ma
more like dumbfuckistan
it is when you attack someones hands. imagine that being forced into your bones. it doesn't take very much pressure per square inch to really fuck up someone's fingers or hands, let alone eyes and other targets. that's essentially what it's for. imagine going in for a punch and meeting the point of that being crushed into your knuckle as they block. it's not pleasant.
If you put yourself in that situation it's your own fault
they will punch a hole through skull. Easily. Guy you're fighting dies from brain bleeding
Really. With my Para Ore 14+1 and two extra mags I can take on all Berkeley Antifa single handed.
why not knives?
click click click says the roach... how many Armenians you kill with one those faggoty ass things?
then i may get one of those, since a three-inch non-locking blade (maximum you can legally carry everyday in england) is probably going to do you more harm than the aggressor
just got one off amazon for $6
improvised weapons, any tool can be made into a weapon. I'll take a spoon over nothing
Its fake from one of those gore movies.
Still kind of fucked up they put kids in front of that gross prop.
I've got a keychain kubaton or whatever the fuck they're called, wouldn't carry it though. pretty sure I'd get more fucked if I ever had to use it in self defense than if I just used a gun.
Don't be an asshole for your Bro.
Unless he is from catalunya
Shield .40 Ends all attacks. Omli
a kubotan should never be your first line of defense. and if you're getting gang stomped, it would more than likely be taken and used against you. life isn't a movie, you think you're gonna take down a pack of wild dindu's with that? get real.
sadly, you're right. pretty much all the blue states have blanket bans on anything that even looks like a martial arts weapon. it used to not be like this.
it's unlikely that you could generate enough force to penatrate the skull like that, but it would certainly do damage.
well if you're cornered and escape seems pretty much impossible, you may only need to seriously hurt one of them to make the rest back off and attend to the fact that their mate ragdolled onto the floor or is screaming and bleeding profusely
wait, you can't use melee weapons but only guns? why?
Preferred tool to get the brown out
Because I own a 1911
I wish I could also have that but I can't. A Kubotan is the only way I can carry anything to defend myself. Even short knifes are illegal. I daily have to pass through metal detectors. Carrying anything more deadly could make me go to prison.
I didn't say not to use weps at all, the earlier argument was you should learn how to fight and not rely on shit like this that will definitely get you arrested if used in that way.
alot of people think that if you are attacked and you use a weapon to defend yourself, you walk away from it free and clear. you do not. you will be arrested and charged with assault. at least that's how it works here. because you brought weapons into what would have originally been a normal hand to hand street fight. i know this because i have been the victim (or the winner, however you want to look at it) of this exact situation. growing up in nyc and getting jumped by niggers, being forced to use a weapon against them to escape, yet i was charged with assault and criminal posession of a weapon. the courts don't see things the way most people expect them to.
now i'm not saying don't have any way to protect yourself. i'm also not saying just lie there and get your ass kicked. but if you're going to bring weps into a fight that would otherwise be a fair one, don't be surprised if you go down for having what is legitimately and ostensibly a weapon. of course you guys can carrry whatever you want and have your naruto and dragon ball fight fantasies, but i'd rather have all of you safe and free from courtroom bullshit. just sayin.
Look man. OP here.
I've trained muay thai, Krav Magá and kickboxing for 5 years. I've also been in several fights. You got nothing to do in a fight if your opponent has a weapon and you don't. Even if you win at last you will get seriously injured. I prefer to carry a simple weapon and finish quickly.
Do you hide yours in your pussy or butthole?
And in my country, self defense with a non-deadly weapon is not illegal. Carrying one is illegal tho. I know it's stupid but that's how it is.
>be ugly skinny fat manlet
>thinks, "heh, i am skinny fat manlet i need to show others I am ultimate edgelord le cringe"
>wear skin tight underarmour long sleeve shirt while wielding admittedly cool nigger defense axe
have you thought about using the kubotan with a wooden cane?
I guess it looks worse for some damn reason. Since it would take more force to defend yourself with a weapon than with a gun, its harder to prove you actually feared for your life.Or something like that.
Only in shit states though. But most states do have laws against carrying clubs and brass knuckles, even red states.
Easier to just get a carry permit.
^^defend yourself with a melee* weapon
Also guns will do more to save your life than any kubaton.
Whats your experience with them so far? Are they not getting slippery from sweaty hands?
Ive tested a selfmade cubotan against some harder surface and i was not very stable. Only after i cut some groves it was better.
Is this what it's like to be a European? Having to carry hard and illegal butt plugs for self defense? Thank god for the 2A.
>axe head cane
It would be easier and would make one look less retarded if the cane had just some heavy ball at the end. Its way more effective, you can swing that shit, not worrying about axe head allingnement with target.
Ho hello FBI nigger.
None of your business.
I have a fidget spinner.
Roll of quarters makes a good fist pack. You can drop it in a sock and swing it to literally crack skulls.
you could adjust your grip with your thumb , i dont have sweaty hands so they dont really become a problem for me however it could happen if your hands are soaked. The actual kubatons are perfect if you know how to use hammer and krav maga stuff
No it's a sounding rod
Ok, its a possibility. The thumb thing wouldnt work for me tho.
Yeah these things are a beast with some training. Security here uses them sometimes, they go for pressure points.
>people in this thread seriously think a sex toy for jamming down your dick can kill someone
these are things you insert into your penis
I've smashed a coconut with mine, shit will fuck someone up at full force.
>Illegal in uk
why am I not surprised?
yea that's why I made sure to say not me
only good picture of the stick with some size reference I could find
the hook is good for trapping a weapon and some grabs if you know how
I also have the blackthorn which is just a big round shillelagh club thing like you want
also the axe head is much more comfy for long days when you actually are required to use the cane to walk and it's not just fashion
Shutup ro,ch
Tactical Assault Plug
probably some vegan parents trying to traumatize their kids into not eating meat.
>selling and buying marihuana is illegal
>Growing marihuana or carrying marihuana is legal
I like that knife.
Because I carry a firearm you massive faggot.
(((Krav Maga))) is based af, are these kubotans actually effective tho?
tfw cucked self defence laws, even in the home
Why are the kids tied with rope?
Is that a fucking webley? Confirmed for class.
It looks like a sex toy.
Had that second cat on the right not run away like a pussy, that dude and his bitch would be dead. Doesn't look like red-shirt even realized the second guy was there or was armed.
>.22 lr 1911 handgun
Because I pack my fist with a lighter and spare $20+ on a stupid piece of cheap metal. Also have conceal permit, id just shoot the sand nigger(s).
Fuck you m8 I clicked that shit by mistake and now the old bill are going to be here any second.
Fucking yank cunt
jesus christ spainfags can barely carry dildos without going to prison.
the jews have really fucked over your whole continent.
Convert to Islam now or the prison gangs will get you.
Looks like butt plug
Yeah he got lucky.
Dying in a firefight would be preferable to being kidnapped and tortured to death though.
I was about to say "Just get a gun you fucking idiot" but then I saw your flag.
I know that feel
I'm lucky though. In UK these things are illegal. Spain is quite easy on weapons.
Or just carry a gun. Knife works too. Hell, the Uzi tactical pen does the same shit but can break cuffs and sign shit.