if it's not the Jews? Who is it?
If it's not the Jews? Who is it?
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The Jews.
its the jews
It's the secret Jews inside Judaism.
what Sup Forums doesn't understand is that we have our own jews here that are riling up the boards to fight anti-other jew wars.
It's unescapable.
hm, interesting
Its the ultra rich jews
Do you really think that poor shlomo living in Brooklyn gives a fuck about destroying the white race?
He's probably more concerned about a nigger breaking into his car
Its the jews within the jews, they're built like a pyramid scheme
interesting, so how do we spot these Jews, and how do we pretend more of these Jewish interventions?
The Freemasons. Sup Forums underestimates them.
No one. There are just powerful people who have similar interests at times (migrant crisis), but don't work directly together or know about each other, so sometimes it looks like there's a big conspiracy or agenda when there are none.
There are 15 mil jews in the world, they can't control anything with that number of people.
>but muuh politicans and hollywood jews
Yes, because the brain of the jew is mutated due to milenia of inbreeding, they have an enlarged part that deals with speech. They are good at talking nigger, a.k.a. politicians, actors, tradesmen, etc.
If anything, jews are our allies against the sand nigger muslim pedo worshippers.
It's everybody. We all gave our tacit consent by standing idly by. Fuck humans. You know that experiment where participants had to administer fake electric shocks to a subject and most continued when they thought said subject had died? That's all you need to fucking know.
What if it was the Jew all along?
We need to come up with a codename to talk about jews so the jews don't know when we plan against them... how about wej?
The Hidden Hand.
the mountain jews
Typical mongoloid.
We must protect (((them))) at the expense of everyone else
It's not that every Jew is responsible, it's that Jewish ethnic activism is a very powerful force that created incentives for our society to act in a way that is hostile to our own interests, and good for Jews.
If you watch this video:
You'll see that every politician is forced to sign a pledge to make America the foreign policy arm of Israeli interests.
Our government is more responsive to the desires of a foreign power than it is to our own citizens.
Moreover, every media and academic organization is incentivized to act on behalf of Jewish interests.
i will find you and give you a heart attack!
just a brank bro
You already know the answer to that question OP.
Gotta gas them all
That sneaky levitating faggot