She's right you know

She's right you know...

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice bait OP.

Nothing is free. How is this basic concept so difficult for people to understand

> Try so hard not to fall for the bait
> Can't resist
Nothing should be free. Work for your fucking living.

So how does she convince those people who provide those service to do it for free? Unless she is advocates enslaving those people to provide those things against their will. Of course that's called communism.


Slave labour is now legal

2/10 bait


Why is Tampons listed, but not toilet paper?

My first thought

>niggers want people to be their slaves
It's completely transparent. Republicans ended slavery, and Democrats have been seething to reinstate it ever since.

dey wuz kangz

If it my leftyiest dreams (nightmares?) I'd never have expected pet care to be free. Did she mean Veteran care?

didn't know that time had a cost, and please don't make dental free in the US, I don't want Americans to look like Britons and not be able to smile in photos.

Dental care is only free for children here.

NHS dentistry is only subsidised and not exactly cheap.



GIBS FREE SHIEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. She wants her 12 year old cat to have expensive surgeries for your money.

>Dental care is only free for children here.

Well that explains the lack of straight teeth, I guess, since most orthodontics happen then.

>NHS dentistry is only subsidised and not exactly cheap.

That's what subsidies do.

For example;

>Band 1: £20.60 covers an examination, diagnosis and advice. If necessary, it also includes X-rays, a scale and polish and planning for further treatment.
>Band 2: £56.30 covers all treatment covered by Band 1, plus additional treatment, such as fillings, root canal treatment and removing teeth (extractions).
>Band 3: £244.30 covers all treatment covered by Bands 1 and 2, plus more complex procedures, such as crowns, dentures and bridges.

Dental in the US without any insurance is cheaper than this shit.

I don't get it

the eternal coon

People say "time is money" because you could be working and getting paid. If time is free, now you can waste people's time and make them work for you because they wouldn't be getting paid for their time anyway, it's free.

considers healthcare, housing, dental, food to be shit
Nigger detected

Remove veterinary care, dental, and tampons. Replace "food" with "vegetables". And wtf, free time? The fuck does that even mean?


You forgot to mention:

Helicopter rides

Sup Forums troll account?


You're all going to die when the Sovereign Debt Crisis hits and the socialist system collapses.

no water, no food, no medicine, no electricity, no police, no fire fighters, no public sanitation, no stores

On one side:
>a bunch of delusional kids who need safe spaces;
>junkies who will turn on anyone once SHTF;
>mentally ill cross dressers;
>mentally ill men with their dicks chopped off who need to shove a dildo into the open wounds where once their dicks were for 4 hours per day so the wound doesn't close;
>aids acceptance shit heads who will not have medicine once SHTF;
>nationalist niggers (BLM) who want to kill whites so they can starve like their Zimbabwe brotha retards;
>invading africans ridden with latent tuberculosis and all other kinds diseases
>islamists who will turn on them commies once they are weakened from fighting the patriots if the commies manage to win so they can implement the caliphate and impose sharia law and kill all gays and infidels

>disgruntled republicans that are sick and tired of being attacked and called nazis for not agreeing 100% with the extremist domestic terrorists on the far-left
>disgruntled whites that are sick and tired of being attacked and called nazis for not agreeing 100% with the extremist domestic terrorists on the far-left
>disgruntled rational people of all races that are sick and tired of being attacked and called nazi appeasers for not agreeing 100% with the extremist domestic terrorists on the far-left
>the few true Nacional Socialists that have been spending the last 20 years running thru the woods and practicing on how to kill commies and every kind of traitor

Tell me, which side is more likely to not be a rational realist who knows what to expect from this mess and is properly preparing (hint: it is not just guns and ammo commie kids)? Will have the most in-fighting and betrayal among their ranks? Will have their morale broken faster?

>american education
Why is this allowed?


>veterinary care
pay for my healthcare white boy

i can agree on healthcare and dental (which should be part of healthcare, that's redundant), water and time? sure. but free vet bills for your shit assed bark machine dogs and filthy spit bath cats? free food so you can eat steaks every night? free mansions? free tampons? fucking what? alot of issues with that list.

how about free cell phone airtime and free internet. wireless means no wires to maintain, where the fuck is the cost coming from. it's bullshit. all network access needs to be dirt cheap or free.

These people know nothing about taxation.

it sounds like the argument is she wants more free time to be doing things other than working. more free time to shop, do trivial bullshit, bix nood on the phone with other sheboons, etc.

You see what she's doing here...
>Time should be free

She's advocating for plebe slavery

shit that should be free:
• Absolutely fucking nothing

Paid by taxes
>veterinary care
Lol no, not our fault if a dog is retarded
Paid by taxes up until 19
Don't think farmers would be happy to work for free you bellend
Houses doesn't grow on trees
>accesible transportation
Seems good if AI's can drive
Not gonna waste tax money on that
What are lakes?
Slave labour is legal again?

If your time is free, nobody has to pay you for your labor

>Shackel Ford

Accessories are Bullshit, unless you're on a heavy bulk or on Juice. Don't fuck around and waste your time with that, just focus on huge, heavy compounds. It takes an assload of focus and it's tough as hell mentally to lift at max intensity on low calories, but that's why most people look like shit without Juice (And in some cases, even with it).

Who's going to pay for all that?
Take your shit back to