Have you ever met a legit based black man?

Have you ever met a legit based black man?

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i am one, AMA


>If sweden was a youtube video

>wearing a tracksuit

It's like they want to be treated like human shit

Live in a neighborhood full of them

the black dude was talking shit. I remember him saying that he got arrested for having a illegal gun. Cause he didn't know that there was a legal "process" to getting a firearm.

>i am one, AMA
probably a 4 incher

Yeah, his parents were rich and he grew up in a 99% white town though.


One of my friends is black and he hates niggers more than I do.

Know 1
Came from big money. Graduated with honors from 'Bama. Extremely based.
He is the only one I know of.

All black men are based, but they can become a nigger.



Curious digits. What is Kek implying here?

Most of the mathematics TA's I've had were from French north Africa or Madagascar, funnily enough, and they were all exceedingly polite, well mannered, intelligent, and friendly men.

Of course, that's to be expected, since they're probably the cream of the cream of the cream of the crop from their countries.

>women aren't obsessed enough with criminals
>we need to start them younger so they'll fetishize them more
goddamn this country

This picture is...unnerving...

kek confirms brits are cucks

Kill niggers.

inb4 someone adds the blacked logo


There's one who lives near me, the only black man in our entire neighbourhood, who hates non whites and votes BNP every time. He says he loves Britain and thinks we should close the borders and kick 99% of all non whites out. There are another pair who I know who own a Caribbean restaurant, they seem alright too, and are right wing. I don't really dislike black people, I hate leftists more than anyone.

you sure he didn't just take this from a porn site and photoshopped the youtube stuff on it?

dick or gtfo

Holy shit, look at how wet those girls are and look at their faces. They desperately want the black cock. Amazing how young white women start at wanting black cock and brown babies.

dude. if you're ever been caught up in the legal system you'll begin to realize how important lying is. Deny. Deny. Deny. Until the day you die.

Yes but I'm military

that nog would rape the fuck out of those white children if he was alone with them in a dark alley

>Have you ever met a legit based black man?
Yeah. Plenty. If you go by the same criteria you look for in any other friend, you'll find the same damn shit. I mean black man shit is different from white man shit but not all that different. They both have stereotypes that some conform to but not others.

It's just that the majority of 2017 nogs come from shitty homes so they in turn become shitty nogs and make even shittier nog babies. But if you break that cycle and give them an education and an /understanding/ of the world, they're usually fine. Again, juuuust like every other race. Some assholes, some not and the asshole-to-not ratio is directly proportional to the number of normal black families to fucked up niggyiggy families.

This is how it is. We love to pretend we're genetically superior but there's no evidence. It's pretty much all environment and external factors that make so many of them chimp out hard.

Have you people ever fapped to kids?

every single black dude I've known was cool to hang out with, actually, other than old black women sitting next to me in the bus smelling like complete shit, I've never had a bad encounter with a black person in my life

doe it doesn't matter, the empire is over so Angola for Angolans and Portugal for the Portuguese