What will american look like when whites become a minority???
White america
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Yugoslavia. For all the liberal proclamations of "Diversity makes us stronger" and "diverse communities Pull Together" history has shown that to be the opposite. Look at Libya, Syria, Myanmar and numerous other examples. When sea levels start rising and global temperatures rise, it will get even better...
Include white Hispanics in white and try again. Y'all remember George Zimmerman?
IDK a lot of bridges have been burned over THAT since 2008, and the point of no return over assimilation had been passed long ago.
You realize that once white people are gone the US dollar is going to be worthless right? This is just a piece of land. The only thing that makes the US valuable is white people.
Niggers are literally burning down their own crops lol
Dems will win every election until GOP cucks itself into oblivion to claw back some nonwhite votes.
Anti white politics fly out of control, white history further and further demonized, white culture left by the wayside.
State will massively increase in size, despite having less and less tax revenue to pay for it
South africa 2.0 will begin to form
Epic meme
The Asians will probably take over after Whites are gone as the new elites.
Not a argument faggot.
It's not actually going to happen though as the white birth rate actually picked up a bit, the illegals are being deported, and legal hispanics are fond of intermarrying with whites and the kids of such unions wind up being white themselves.
No we wont
Delete this
Hell on earth
Only a 7% different from now so just a bit fatter and uglier
Pretty much all the US resembles South Florida with socialist policies. US would collapse sometimes 2040 or 2050.
Asians and Jews as elites over Hispanics and Blacks...
sounds like paradise
Once whites drop below 40% shit will get very bad due to age pyramid.
Whites aren't going to become a minority. Those projections that suggest so don't account for the differences in mortality rates or nigger-on-nigger murder or how abortion disproportionately affects minorities. When you factor those things in it just seems unlikely that whites will become a minority anytime soon without mass non-white immigration. Immigration is hitting rock bottom as of recently and deportations are going up and up. White births are still the majority of births.
We will never be a minority. Right wing Europeans sick of Mudslimes will start coming to America. Raise Act will also fix most of the problems, along with ending DACA and deporting illegals. Also, ending abortion and instead giving free vasectomies and hysterectomies instead will fix the nigger problem complete in 50 years.
nothing will have changed
I wish it didn't have to be this way brother.
"mass non-white immigration"
Asia and Africa: Hold our beers!
Part 2
the main thing is that this all hinges on Trump winning a second term and the democrats not falling apart and uniting behind Kamala Harris. If it's her in democrats, she will:
Triple down on Asian, Latin and African immigration to specifically bolster the minority vote
Introduce hate speech laws
whites are a slight majority of the births but a much larger majority of the deaths.
Yes niggers off each other in record numbers each year, but the nigger population of america has remained relatively steady for decades. It's the increase in hispanic and asian immigration with their above replacement level birthrates that you need to worry about
The US dollar will be fine. America will continue to run off the backs of working whites while dindus and hispanics do nothing and collect gibs. White people will just deevolve into full on slaves to keep everything working until we resemble South Africa.