Is trump a time traveler
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This goes way too deep.
Yesterday I wrote a thread that compared our timeline to the years (2004-2005). I also proposed that there may be 1 suspect involved...
Previously I was startled by a specific search of "Mandela Effect" in Google trends from the year 2005.
Could this be the person responsible for causing the effect?
You can find my thread here
Was it common knowledge that Donald Trump's uncle was a professor at MIT who prominently assisted in WWII? I can understand why the government wouldn't want to highlight this information.
Has this has been brought up in conspiracy circles and investigated further?
Have they successfully bombarded us with so many conspiracies and theories that we would overlook something as important as this?
Trump's family received Nikola Tesla's personal scientific research. It was immediately brought to John Trump to be interpreted when Tesla died.
In 1943, as the technical aide in Division 14 of the NDRC, Trump reviewed and analyzed the papers of Dr. Nikola Tesla when Dr. Tesla died in a NY hotel. The research was completed on behalf of he Alien property Custodian office in Washington DC.
John Trump worked alongside Alfred Lee Loomis
During 1942, Trump became Secretary of the Microwave Committee, a sub-committee of the NDRC. The director of the Microwave Committee was Alfred Lee Loomis, the millionaire physicist, who decided to create a laboratory.
Alfred Lee Loomis assisted in developing the atomic bomb as apart of the Manhattan Project.
He invented the Aberdeen Chronograph for measuring muzzle velocities, contributed significantly (perhaps critically, according to Luis Alvarez) to the development of a ground-controlled approach technology for aircraft, and participated in preliminary meetings of the Manhattan Project.
Alfred Lee Loomis helped build the first CYCLOTRON.
A March 1940 meeting at the University of California at Berkeley concerning the planned 184-inch cyclotron (seen on the blackboard),[15] from left to right: Ernest O. Lawrence, Arthur H. Compton, Vannevar Bush, James B. Conant, Karl T. Compton and Loomis
The first Cyclotron was patented by Leo Szilard, who also worked on the Manhattan Project.
He was present when this was achieved on December 2, 1942. He worked for the Manhattan Project's Metallurgical Laboratory on aspects of nuclear reactor design.
Now here's where CERN comes to play.
The invention of the first Cyclotron lead to the invention of the Heidelberg Cyclotron.
How did I come to this conclusion? The Heidelberg Cyclotron was proposed in 1932 by George Gamow, a Nazi physicists. Guess where George Gamow frequently visited?
The same place where they gathered to develop the first Cyclotron. This is how the Germans were able to build their own.
Gamow worked at George Washington University from 1934 until 1954, when he became a visiting professor at the University of California, Berkeley.
CERN was established by Prince Bernhard, and this was all a revenge plot against Nazi Germany...
After World War I, Bernhard's family lost their German Principality and the revenue that had accompanied it. But the family was still wealthy and Bernhard spent his early years at Castle Reckenwalde
Prince Bernhard gathered scientist to scourer Germany to retrieve all of his research on the Heidelberg Cyclotron.
Prince Bernhard helped form the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
In the aftermath of World War II, this report Prince Bernhard financed a private investigative force of over 200 former British and German intelligence operatives to scour Germany for all documents and scientific literature related to the Heidelberg Cyclotron— agreed to form and finance the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Prince Bernhard, a former Nazi, was co-founder of the Bilderberg Group. Prior to World War II, he was a member of the Nazi Party of Germany and Reiter-SS officer whose “main/central” duty was securing Western nation funding for Waffenamt (German Army Weapons Agency) scientific projects— most particularly the Heidelberg Cyclotron.
Bilderberg Group
In 1954, he was a co-founder of the international Bilderberg Group, which has met annually since then to discuss corporate globalization and other issues concerning Europe and North America.
This is specifically why The Bilderberg Group funded, and created CERN.
The convention establishing CERN was ratified on 29 September 1954 by 12 countries in Western Europe.
These are the 200 scientists who scoured Germany for Prince Bernhard's research on the Heidelberg Cyclotron.
I hope you guys are understanding the implications.
Back to John Trump and Alfred Lee Loomis.
Loomis was responsible for inventing the K-Complex...
K-complexes have two proposed functions: first, suppressing cortical arousal in response to stimuli that the sleeping brain evaluates not to signal danger, and second, aiding sleep-based memory consolidation.
He also pioneered techniques for EEG's
Working with Edmund Newton Harvey he co-invented the microscope centrifuge, and pioneered techniques for electroencephalography.
This guy worked heavily with brainwave states. He understood, and valued the importance of the brains frequency.
Everything is connected. I hope we're starting to see the bigger picture.
Who else has gone down this rabbit hole? What other connections can we make?
Reference Article
Tesla Time Travel Technology (Video)
Edit: Time Travel is scientifically possible.
Could Higgs Particle Be A Time-Traveling Assasin
LHC Could Be World's First Time-Machine
Official Research of Higgs-singlet discovery.
Edit #2: CERN's CEO Fabiola Gianotti attended the Bilderberg Group's meeting last month.
I think Joe Rogan brought up a fake monument on one of his properties for an event called "the river of blood" during the civil war or something like that but it never happened in any history books well maybe Trump saw it happen or knows of it on another timeline he was a part of you think?
What 2/3 predictions?
He is not a time traveler, he is tax cheating rapist.
Physics don't allow for physical third-dimension time travel forward or backwards. It's physically-impossible & always will be.
The physical third-dimension can only be WITNESSED interdimensionally by entities of the deep future.
This is going to sound crazy but I'm anonymous so I'll say it. True leaders have the gift of prophecy and predestination. When you're going to be President, you know your whole life since the moment. The multiverse grants you the knowledge, but since psychic knowledge isn't acquired deliberately or consciously, it's difficult to tell what's a vision or just simply daydreaming or speculating.
So you're just left with this immense drive to be the leader and end up making all the right moves to get there. Subconcious connection to one's multi-soul already shows you're the leader in another timeline in a different part of the multiverse. That connection is physical, through the actual electrons in one's brain moving back and forth between the different vessels of the multi-soul.
I've known I'm going to President since I was a kid. I've accurately predicted every single President my entire life too. It's because in the future, I already know who my predecessors were.
This explains any prophetic looking action on Trump's part.
>This New Experiment Will Allow Us to 'See' Quantum Entanglement With The Naked Eye
And it could allow us to quantum entangle two humans...
everything has already happened, is happening, and will happen
this makes me think..
This confirms Based Bernie for 2018
Wouldn't everyone be able to accurately predict presidents then? It's not like only the future president would know his predecessors.
Link to yesterday's thread plz.
I got you
This is a slide thread.
Jews did 9/11
Mossad is fucked
Israel is fucked
Hitler will rise again.
That's unreadable.
Bernie was just a Paper Tiger for Hillary to win against. And then, she almost lost against him.
>When you're going to be President, you know your whole life since the moment.
The moment you're born or rather that you realize what the President is. For me I was telling people I was going to be President when I was 6 years old because Bill Clinton shut down the military base I was born on and we had to move away.
>When I'm President, this isn't going to happen.
I still remember that moment. I said to a news crew that were interviewing us actually. Imagine if I WAS President and they find that old tape of a little kid straight up telling him he's going to President in the future.
I actually don't even like the supernatural element here. I'm an atheist, I try to look at things rationally above all. But I can't ignore the first time I saw Barack Obama at the DNC endorsing Gore... I thought he was going to be President. I didn't know WHEN but I knew it would happen. The second Trump announced his candidacy I got that same feeling and just went with it this time. (I knew McCain and Romney were going to lose so I never publicly supported them).
I try and go against the feeling and give myself reasons to not believe in my own bullshit -- but reality proves the bullshit-psychic feeling part every time instead. To the point now where I know I just have to accept it. There is a reason why my mind spends most of it's time thinking about politics and the POTUS and the decisions being made and what I would do.
It's like... you get elected by the people, sure. But you get "elected" by some other force too... Whatever that is. And I can't tell you who's going to be POTUS next, but when I see them running I'll know.
What kind of President will you be? Whose side are you on? Be honest.
>I'm an atheist,
O.K., this answered my question so you can ignore it >atheist
You are on the side against God so you will not be a good President. Sucks for America. But, then again, God is the ultimate determinant of who is President and if He does not want you to rule, you won't.
>R*ddit spacing
Get out.