Just a little gift for you, Sup Forums

Just a little gift for you, Sup Forums.

Here's where trumps mindset is at the moment.
More leaks coming.
Stay tuned.

>DJT "First off I think its been two weeks since I've seen one of those articles... things you're talking about-what are you talking about?"

>JK "These right here."

>DJT "Oh. And what exactly was your problem with these again? Because, remember, this is like the ninth time I've had a little guy like one of you or these lightweights walk into my office, like screaming 'oh we need to end DACA, they'll cut off our heads, the courts, oh it's so horrible, oh' and then here you are this time around telling me the opposite. So which one is it?Should I believe you when you tell me you 100% think we should, or really know we should end DACA, or should I believe you when you beg I do whatever this plan is, like a soft amnesty or whatever. Because if I run down myself in this mess then my people think I've gone and done a full 180. Is that what you want? John, is that what you want?"

>JK "I want an outcome that can benefit both sides. How do you plan to do one of these negotiations without giving"

>DJT "Yeah without giving concessions? Look, I've given concessions to these people for, what has it been 6 months, 6 months and they're never happy. Never happy. They run amok all over me. If it were up to you, what do you want, you want me to be a wimp? Weakness. You want weakness? How many times have I said to these guys, these globalists, because that's what they are, they brag about it, that I promised this that and that so therefore want this that and that. What do they say to me? You know what they say. They give me a whole diatribe using what you just said-'concessions'. Oh the concessions. And I listen, and I'm patient, but frankly I'm losing my patience."

Other urls found in this thread:


where is the proofs

this is all very gay



Explain to me why Kelly would be arguing for either side of this?

Kellys job as COS is to bring IN people to argue about this, not to do it himself.

The other leaked transcript about trade and Trump, showed Kelly to understand that "Yes, we need to bring in people who can do what you want". Not making Kelly out to be some agenda-driven person.

I don't get it. Calling it fake for now.

>Dumb-old Judea Dumbf: The Mindset of the Lobotomised Brain
(an autobiography)

Sorry but I protect my sources.
I know exactly how you guys feel but I can't betray the trust of my sources.
Just wait. Gradually what I say will get proven true.
It would be so easy for me to work for the nyt or some other msm publication and share my info there with a certain degree of spin on them, but it's more beneficial to our country that I post my info here, where it's entirely anonymous and unadulterated.
Just be lucky you have me on your side.

John Kelly was the first to announce the end of daca

bad larp


Lol if you guys only knew...

Humor me, then: are good things in store? What level of Intel are you claiming

Cool story. When will you post again? Got anything else for us, even if it's not word-for-word?

He left out the rest

>DJT "I like that but it hurts a bit"

>JK "Just relax. We talked about this, you exhale and then I go in and you slowly inhale"

>DJT "it's just that you're scratching my ass. Shave or don't shave but commit to one it's like sandpaper back there"

>JK "I know it's just I get so busy"

>DJT "you're busy? You're busy now"

>JK "yes I am"

And it went on like that for 7 hours.

I also am an inside source and I too could totally get any job I wanted doing whatever but
I'd rather climb on the cross here for you


I am open minded enough to believe this might have happened... but what of it? It's just a small portion of a conversation. What are we to do with this information?

I saw that you wanted us to post "President McMaster" memes, and I don't see how those would get to the President in time to make any difference unless Bannon texts them to Trump or the President lurks on Sup Forums.

I don't understand your intent fully.

And who's side are you on?

Heres the basic gestalt.
>I work in the msm
>used to be a big lib
>was redpilled in 2015 thanks to you guys
>due to my credentials people send me info
>normally I would send it to my editor who would then twist it into fitting his globalist agenda
>I don't do that anymore and am now testing out sending info here, totally unfiltered
>through various leaks I also feel I've developed a pretty keen sense on who the president is
>my only agenda is to let Sup Forums know the status of trumps mindset
>Sup Forums calls me a larping faggot

which news company?

I get the feeling that Trump is doing the best he can but people are losing their patience with the "Elites". The guillotines can come back out at any time. Hubris is a hell of a drug.

Were you one of the anons coming here earlier with hints at fake news stories and hashtags to push at certain times?


You're insane if you think I would tell you that.
All I'll say is it's not the New York Times.

>Work in MSM
>Former liberal now redpilled
I've never heard of this ever happening.

If I were him, I'd be losing my patience too

The fact that he hasn't gone full 1488 on AIPAC yet is a testament to his patience

What do you think is gonna happen? Not just with daca but with the presidency in general.

The text absolutely sounds like something trump would say imho.

I work in the professional media industry behind the scenes. I used to be moderate and over the years took the redpill. There are conservatives/right wing people in media, but we're pretty much forced in to silence or else we lose our jobs.

I'll humor you; how exactly IS the President, in your opinion? Are we right to believe in 4D chess or his he just a puppet/getting cockblocked at every turn?

Ok, I'll indulge. Forget your leaks or what Trump allegedly says. Let's assume you're legit and actually have leaks. What do you, personally and professionally, with what you know, think of his mindset, and what direction do you think he will take.

It sounds like it was taken straight from a wiretap.

>gotta buy me a DJT dakimakura

You know the guy you see at the rallies? From what I can tell that's literally him.
If he says it then he thinks it.
But literally 99% of the people around him are literal demonic snakes and I think he's just now catching onto that fact.
The only thing different about him in the office is his vocabulary is more refined.

Sorry user, sounds like the rest of us before the election.

I've read these fanfictions.
And then they fuck, right?

this is a representative from a clickbait outlet called "axios"
dont ask me how I figured it out
you are all welcome

Interesting...so it would seem that Trump is only being held down by "concessions".

But it would appear that he's nearing the end of his rope, before he unleashes his full agenda and doesn't give two shits about what the media says...

If so, fuck John Kelly. He's part of the Globalist plan. We elected Trump to represent US, not them.

This is pretty much spot-on

So are you on Trump's side, or not? Disregard the alleged journalism

Interesting....keep us posted.

why dont you just go work in the administration?

This is as gay as it is fake

what are concessions?

Trips^ of truth.
VenomAgenda is fake and gay.

I'm on the side of his agenda. If he flips on that agenda then I'm not.
Just a heads up it's looking like he's going to go with Kelly's plan for some sort of congressional DACA on Tuesday.
But as indicated by the transcript Kelly and all the other people in the admin are on thin ice.
My interpretation is trump wants to give Kelly enough rope to hang himself.
Like, I'll do your plan but if that fails or hurts my support from the base then I go nuclear.
Lol they would never hire me

Most of Sup Forums was lib at one point. I'd venture over 75%. That's why we are so effective. We understand them and they underestimate us.

Chafing Under Gen. Kelly’s Control, Trump Continues to Call Close Friends and Advisers

Kelly has tried to control who the president talks to, but Trump is continuing to call business friends and outside advisers, including former chief strategist Steve Bannon, Washington Post said.

Trump calls Bannon and others from his personal phone when Kelly is not around..

“Donald Trump resists being handled,” Roger Stone, former Trump adviser and longtime confidant.

“Nobody tells him who to see, who to listen to, what to read, what he can say,” he said. “General Kelly is trying to treat the president like a mushroom. Keeping him in the dark and feeding him s— is not going to work. Donald Trump is a free spirit.”

..friends could call the White House and be patched through to the president, now his calls are routed through Kelly and do not always make it to the president...

So far, most if not all of the White House staffers who have been removed, pushed out, or resigned have been Trump loyalists who were with him during the campaign.

Trump “doesn’t like” how Kelly is handling him, the report said.

At the same time, he is “quietly fuming” over National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn’s public criticism of his response to the events in Charlottesville, even after they spoke privately.

He has “grown increasingly frustrated” with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, whose approach the president says is “totally establishment.”

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters earlier this week that Trump “absolutely” has confidence in Tillerson.

Barry Bennett, a former campaign adviser, told the Post that it’s “not unusual” for Trump to bluster about things.

“That doesn’t mean it’s real. There were people on the campaign staff that he said to fire a dozen times, but he never did it. It was just bark. And some people don’t know the difference between the bark and the bite,” he said.

Either this is fake and gay, or it's a signal that Trump's done playing softball and things are going to get fun.

>i got called a larping faggot, but i did some good
Welcome to Sup Forums. Pour yourself a drink and have some fun with the rest of us.

I try not to take it to heart.

When did the convo take place?

Based on your alleged leaks, who does he legit trust? Can't be many if Bannon and Gorka are out, and he has friends like Kelly

That's basically just what Bannon has said all along. Trump's first instinct is always in line with the base.

He trusts guys outside of the admin.
That's what bannon and gorka meant by they can help out more outside the admin than inside.

Here's a secret. DJT is talking to those two more now than ever. That's why he keeps traveling to palm beach and trump tower.
Notice the Charlottesville response was when he was away from the White House and nobody could feed him a false narrative

I can't see how Trump can actually complete his term effectively now?
and I'm not talking about impeachment I support Trump but I think like he is chained...

Is there hope?

Drain the swamp is how.
He needs to kick out the non-loyalists

Trump needs America to vote against the RINOs and the Democrats en masse, 2018.

Give us another way to verify you're legit. Give us a leak your agency will publish. They all share them, so it'd blend in

For all that missed it.

Proofs? W.o it OP sounds credible.

you're all morons. god this place is shit now.

Seems like an odd conversation to be having with a cartoonist.

Lemme guess....You want to kick out McMaster

larping faggot.

If he says that McMaster is the enemy, he's a zionist and shouldn't be trusted. Plain and simple.

You seem alright, just try to make sure you dont do more harm than good with what you post if you are actually legit.

How can we help put the pressure on ivanka and jared to get them to scurry out of washington faster?
Ivankas gots to go

All you did was type some words you LARPing faggot. Post some actual proof or fuck off. For anyone who doesn't know, Axios is actual propaganda started by a guy who was to much of a failure even for Politico.

Are you talking about Kikevanka's husband or is this John Kelly?

Then there is no hope because he actually can't "Drain the swamp" without "Draining the swamp" It's a catch 22...

"concessions", as in what? Are they asking him for less rigidity on certain points in his agenda in exchange for something else?

Or is it more like, hes just going to start doing and saying things whenever he wants. At this point I dont care. I want him to be Dictator.

Hey insider man how about giving us a window into how Trump views the special counsel. I understand him pretty well myself so interested to hear if our perceptions jive

foods and drinks they sell at sporting events

Is that supposed to be "John Kelly" or "Jared Kushner"?

Totally agree. Can you help me get out original research that supports Trump's agenda?


I guarantee you guys this is fucking Kike Thernobitch.

Emperor Trump-sama is worthy of praise. May all of his cuck underlings be silenced and brought to heel.

point to the shill, user
www.axios.com | Sup Forumsabout/#team

Axios political "reporting" confirmed blockhead tier.

gets picked up by drudge often enough. just saying. faggott.


Drudge regularly links to blockheads. If you didn't know that, you might be a fuckin blockhead, Joe.

Drudge is a zionist Kike.

if you're wondering why he's been shitting on Trump.

>And I listen, and I'm patient, but frankly I'm losing my patience."


I wonder if that's why they leaked that DACA was ending. To gauge how ppl would respond.