My family told me not to come home for Halloween

Because I said the media lied about Charlottesville. They said that made me complicit in the murder of the six million.

See what your little cult you recruit for online did to me? Get out while you can.

Did you explain that Hitler did nothing wrong?

Haha you cant seduce me with your lies anymore. Im trying to rejoin my family you told me to cut ties with

Just go see them anyways and bring the rope. You have no choice.

>with whom I told you to cut ties.
See Sup Forums is educational.

kill yourself in front of your family and leave a note where it says it's all their fault.


I know this is b8, but your imaginary family are worthless pieces of shit.

Wow, OP is definitely just some honest guy telling the truth and not a retarded shill.


This is the worst bait I have ever seen in my entire life.

1 post by this poster

Come to my place.
Lets hang out.

No shit retard, it's my first post in this thread.

Now hover over it! Look, it says 2 posts by this id! Are you actually this fucking stupid? This is how we know you're a shill. Because you haven't lurked long enough to know how this board actually works and to know that we see retarded b8 like this every single day.

>Family abandoning you for something as stupid as a difference in political views.
You just have a shit family. Sage for shill threads.

He's new and parroting the few things he's heard on the board. Ignore him and sage.

It's probably more about you grinding on endlessly about your pet-topic at every single family dinner

1 post by these people

Hiding your power level is your responsibility, user.

Sounds like your family is a bunch of cucks.
My grandmother hates niggers more than I do.

>My family told me not to come home for Halloween

>BLAMES Sup Forums

Tell them the truth about the six gorillion and that Hitler was a good boy who didn't do anything wrong.


It's actually only slightly off from the real post. OP posted a pic James Woods tweeted to troll Ol' Olby

Are they Jewish? I would have responded with Oy Vey or that the whore killed was part of the antifaggots that just got condemned by their retainers.

Try to be a less obvious shill next time OP, you already outed yourself in 2 posts.

Sounds like you're a kike living in a kike family.
Advice: kill yourself or grow some balls.

wtf I hate families now

I've heard of leftists disconnecting from family members like they are in Scientology. Progressivisim is a cult, but why would you run back to it, eh?



Remember, if you don't sage this obvious slide bullshit you're a nigger and will be the first to die in the race war

And kid, if your convictions are so flimsy that a scolding from your brainwashed parents makes you renounce them then, by all means, GET THE FUCK OUT AND NEVER COME BACK


>try to lepic redpill your family without anything to make it clear to them
>dropping your spaghetti
>shit escalates

>come home for Halloween
who actually does this anyway?

Nobody. This whole thread is fake and gay.

Saged and reported



It's always this, come beta fag cries about how their family couldn't be redpilled without any sort of evidence or background to corroborate what they are trying to prove the the most pozzed generation in history.
>boo hoo, pol, can't form an argument to save their life
>why am I being held accountable for my own actions, it's all your fault pol
fuck off my board normies..

>I'm dumb enough to ruin my personal family relationship at the suggestion of morons on Sup Forums

What's it like being retarded? Why is it that you are completely and utterly incapable of thinking for yourself? Do you have restraint?

Time to kill yourself. You're basically just a bot.

Not enough people troll this faggot Olbermann.
I really fucking hate that guy.

You should kill your family.

>eating dinner with family one night
>topic of illegal immigration comes up
>after listening to a bunch of bullshit about about dreamers and shit, say that I think the illegals need to go back
>dead silence, could hear a pin drop
>everyone staring at me wide eyed
>sister then gives me the "Ugh, racist and sexist much?" look
>father's face goes beet red and veins start popping out, looks like he's about to murder someone
>mother clutches her head and shrilly repeats "NO PERSON IS ILLEGAL" over and over again
>grandpa clutches his chest, grunts "Unnnnngh" and falls out of his chair and dies, coroner determined the cause of death was a wave of violent hate speech that stopped his heart

I got disowned by my family, they're adopting 10 illegal Mexican children to replace me.

My mother has totally bought into the media hysteria as well but can't pull the Holocaust card because my father is Jewish and I'm the only one of my siblings who presued Judaism as a child rather than Catholicism like her family. The fact my father and I are the only ones in the family who lean right and voted for trump really throws them for a loop and detracts from the the literal nazi narrative. Feels good man.

Well, your family are idiots. You're better off.
Find a new family that actually possess the ability to reason.

>family opinions are more important than the truth
>Sup Forums is a cult because it told you the truth
Can't tell if bait or really low quality shilling.

Hilariously, this might be an almost true story.