What is prison really like? I have a friend who is going to be sent there for a really long time and I am curious what it will be like for him
Has anyone here done hard time? Need stories and general advice
What is prison really like? I have a friend who is going to be sent there for a really long time and I am curious what it will be like for him
Has anyone here done hard time? Need stories and general advice
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send him this at least once a week,
alright i got time..
it aint that bad bruh. depends on where you at and if you get money on the books. if you got family that has a little money it helps a lot when you down. I had money stashed after I got hit up and i trusted my girls mom to call it in, she took some "for the baby" but she did me good for 8 years. you get out on OR? pay a bond? how come you aint in co right now?
bruh if you out now you should just start flipping some real fast, you going to prison anyway fuck it, come up on some money and give it to somebody you trust like senpai to put it on the books every other month it aint like you can do it yourself and that 150 go fast bruh. everything cost inside.
the food is easy, either you got money or you dont. prison food is weak, sometimes you get something special like when they get donated shit for holidays or a some factories freezer go out but they always fuck it up and make it taste like some retirement home charly brown kinda food, bland as fuck. the food you can make in the cell is tolerable at best but you can make it spicy at least. I pieced money up every month with my celly cuz we was the same set and we was cool. no homo. some fools get robbed so be careful. you can get wrapped up quick inside even when you didnt do nothing so dont go telling fools you got money. if you poor then fuck it you dont have a choice anyway just make the best of it, you can always trade up food just make sure you know what they are saying when you trade up.
(pic) tapatio packs bruh, my life saver locked up. put that shit on everything.
Tell him if things get bad then attack a random guard or weak inmate. When my cousin had to deal with being bullied in the pen he lashed out as a last resort, but you are put in solitary. So if he can not take being alone 23 hours a day then he should just take the rape. However if he can take it then do it. It is the best thing to do if you can take it. Or just neo nazis (I know you and your friend aren't white but yeah still). They be retarded pawns of the kikes but they will help protect. Good luck to (((him)))
this helps. thanks
we're white and he isn't much of a tough guy so I doubt he'd thrive in a prison gang
Friend of mine got locked up for a while. Fortunately he wound up with a cell mate who didn't want a hassle and was nice enough to learn him the ropes. Kept his head down and got along alright.
Turned out to be basically a huge scandal to suck money from every direction possible.
I see
it's really luck of the draw then
don't accept cigarettes from other inmates.
Prison is not bad if you're alpha.
Prison is terrible if you're beta.
First thing his cell mate did was give him a cup to drink out of. You might not think you'd need to worry about such a simple thing as that. But you do.
It's going to run you and your family right out of money if you don't figure that out.
Prison is total bordom, un-remiting bordom, unless you've been you cant know, those tv shows that go "behind the walls" are propagander shit.. The truth is that there is nothing to do, you stare at the walls, you stare at the bars you sit and do nothing! Nothing happens for 99% of the time then someone snaps and there may be a short fight, then more bordom.
Some whites must choose between being the sex slave of one man or facing repeated assault. The stories they toldNo Escaperead like nightmares:
I had no choice but to submit to being Inmate B’s prison wife. Out of fear for my life, I submitted to sucking his dick, being fucked in my ass, and performing other duties as a woman, such as making his bed. In all reality, I was his slave . . . I determined I’d be better off to willingly have sex with one person, than I would be to face violence and rape by multiple people. The most tragic part to this is that the person I chose to ‘be with’ has AIDS.
A Michigan inmate writes:
[Another prisoner] claimed me as his property and I didn’t dispute it. I became obedient, telling myself at least I was surviving . . . He publicly humiliated and degraded me, making sure all the inmates and guards knew that I was a queen and his property. Within a week he was pimping me out to other inmates at $3.00 a man. This state of existence continued for two months until he sold me for $25.00 to another black male who purchased me to be his wife.
A different inmate describes how he became a black man’s “ho.”
You will clean the house, he said, have my clothes clean, and when I’m ready to get my ‘freak’ [sex] no arguments or there will be a punishment! I will, he said, let my homeboys have you or I’ll just sale you off. Do we have an understanding? With fear, misery, and confusion inside me . . . I said yes.
If you have a cell mate, after about 2 weeks, shit starts to get anoying, the way they scratch their arm, the sound they make when they breath, it gets on your nerves but your stuck with this person 20 hrs a day in 11 by 6. It fucks with you, and you have to suppress your feelings otherwise... prepare for bordom in prison, if you dont kill yourself in the first month or so, you might make it.
Rape is vastly over egged, there will be gays on your wing and some will be more than willing to take it. Your chance of being raped is realy low.
Why do you type like a nigger?
Money on books. Get shit to read. Read and keep to yourself. Be helpful but not too helpful. Don't accept favors, it leads to ownage.
Spicy sauces = HEAVEN.
Read, keep to yourself, dont give/do favors.
Suffice it to say, don't start shit with anyone.
Alpha mirroring will help. Perception is everything.
I imagine that depends. US prisons are more diverse and less Islamic than British prisons, aren't they?
But yeah I see your point about the boredom. I've never been to prison, but I have been stuck on a really shitty boring guard duty. The boredom is unimaginable, an I was stuck there for relatively short time
Dont try and be "ALPHA" cause some punk will slap the shit out of you. Try and talk to people get to know them in the half hour or so you get to socialise, but dont be a dick about it, you might have been "The Shit" on the out, but inside your just a punk worth shit. Youi have no friends in prison, no one is your pal.
This too. Not mirroring you're the shit but keep your confidence but do not over do it.
No smokes in the joint ...stop watching TV faggot
I can't find it, but I read a forum post on some car site. A user was sent to jail for drug possession with intent to distribute.
He said everything is so boring in prison that you have to smuggle in drugs just to pass the time. Said he was able to smuggle a syringe and some heroin or something (somehow) and kept using the same needle until it rusted out and he developed tetanus. He spent a week or so in the infirmary. He didn't really mind because it knocked some time off from his sentence. lol.
well, dont be naive... they are illegal but definitely there.... as well as any other thing that you could ever want... high availability in prisons. contraband is prevalent...
that being said: OP, don't accept them as they fall under the favors category..
Keep your head down, read, do your bid.
I cant comment on US prisons, but UK is survivable, if you get your mind right, otherwise your done for! Tips packets of salt, pepper, tomato sauce, other condements are gold, some prisons give you them others dont, holding prisons, will probably give this stuff away, keep it. when they move you to the bigger prisons then you probably wont be able to get them so use the ones you save as currency. When you get to buy stuff from the list, always buy tobaco (find out which brand most on your wing like) even if you dont smoke, you trade it for stuff. beyond that use your common sence!
I'm a very feminine trap and about to go away for a long time. Did it on purpose too for the buffet of BBC awaiting me plus three hots and a cot on taxpayer dime. Feels good desu!
This. Save all of your condiments, etc that you can... Can confirm that it is GOLD in US too.
Be polite. Be curtious. Manners, hygiene, and minding your own business can go a LONG way. Politely declined unwarranted favors, offer unasked favors. If you are ever asked "what are you going to do about it?" Hit them as hard as you can. Never, ever show weakness of fear. Most of all, respect yourself. No one will respect you if you don't respect yourself.
I spent a year and a half in Federal prison camp 10 years ago. No one bothered anyone. Really boring. I had a clean polite cellie and I was to him. Glad to get out and on with my life.
>Has anyone here done hard time?
Not really hard time. I did 2 years less a day (to keep it provincial instead of federal) for manslaughter (my baseball bat may have gotten a bit out of control). I pleaded guilt and was out in 10 months (counting time served), it was a cake -walk. I already applied for and way granted a pardon wiping my record clean
Tell your friendo to watch "Get Hard" to prepare. He can at least go in smiling.
this, but not just fags.
anything offered to you isn't offered as a gift, they will keep a score and expect the debt to be paid otherwise you're in a tight spot/they're in your tight spot.
So why'd you kill him? And let's be honest, you did it on purpose.
nice try
oh yeah if you're a nonce say you did time for something else.
>let's be honest, you did it on purpose
Well yeah, it was a long standing feud over money and property, fueled by booze and shit talking. I had the advantage of being able to afford a jew lawyer thankfully, or I probably would have been up shit creek. I've grown out of that shit now, I think. No fucks given
>went to prison
>types like a nigger
Really makes you think.
you're a fucking dumbass, when did you not learn to shut your fuckin gob
Don't be stupid about it tho. Fresh meat can be smelled and bullshit coming out of your mouth smelled easier for lifetime convicts.
>you're a fucking dumbass
Says the fag who can't even keep pakis out of his daughters pants
He's Canadian and doesn't understand that nobody in prison is guilty of anything.
Lotta good advice here, OP. People's experiences differ dependent on where they go, but the main thing I can tell you is to NOT let television and movies make you act a certain way. First impressions are everything just like in real life. I find that if you go in there just acting like a normal dude, and not either a hot-shot tough guy, a wannabe gang member or a flaming fairy, you'll be relatively alright. You do need to keep your guard up, though, when it comes to interacting with other people. Trust your intuition when it tells you not to associate with someone. There are a lot of guys that trouble just fucking FOLLOWS on the inside. If all you end up doing is watch TV, read and play chess or Scrabble or whatever, you're doing good. If you like sports, that helps a lot as most other guys like sports, and it can be pretty goddamn entertaining to watch shit go down during football season. And speaking of that, watch yourself if you decide to partake in some betting. I've seen quite a few dudes get caught up in some shit over bets not being paid off and such.
is his name Eric?
Eric Clanton?
Ditto. Yup yup yup.
Also, PT.. keep fit, exercise, and hygiene is closest to godliness!
Yeah it's probably not that bad when you're already a Cholo
Are you a beaner?
Liberal paradise, that's why so many of them end up there.
You're a nigger, right?
theres a youtube channel with some nigger with a lisp that explains everything.
`Fresh out of prison`
>have friend
>goes to pen for long ass time
You must be a nigger right?
Your friend shouldn't have left that baby in the car
Yeah I went. Not gonna say why bc data mining suspicions, but it wasn't any weirdo shit. I did a year. It's not too bad as long as you stay with your own kind and don't get into debt (no getting loans, no gambling). It's not as rapey as people imagine. I was in a medium security camp, and nobody really starts shit because it's not worth going to isolation for a month, or getting your "priveledges" taken away. Just gotta keep to yourself, and don't be a pussy. It's easy. Tell him the thing he should be worried about the most is having money on his account. Having food and coffee makes time go by alot smoother.
Former San Quentin CO here.
Tell him to keep his fucking head down, do his time, and not get rolled up in playing politics or gang shit.
Tell him to get a job ASAP. It's the best way to keep yourself out of trouble. Also have him attend any of the church/self help/education classes he can. Generally those dudes keep their noses clean, and don't get embroiled in the shit.
Keep money on the books for him. Any little bit helps.
Despite what you may see or hear, a lot of the prison sex is actually consensual. There are prostitutes that service guys bunk to bunk in the dorms. My Sgt let it happen because it kept dudes cool.
What did he get popped for?
Pic has nothing to do with shit. It just makes me laugh
i was in jail for 2 days in 2 different jails. both were overnight so 1 day counted as 2 days for time served except the one of the jails didnt have cells they just had all the prisoners sit in front of a TV (nearly 60 prisoners) the other jail had 3 prisoners per cell and were placed in the cells based on age. the guys i was in a cell with were talking aobut xbox and school fights while the older guys were straight creeping out of their cells and walking around during lunch time. the guards didnt pay attention so anything can happen in jail depending on the location. feel free to experience it yourself so if you do time you know what ot expect
You didn't do any of time, faggot. 4 days is a joke. Don't talk like you know what time is like, cause you don't.
Nice desu
this is so fucking gay and degenerate.
i violated probation and about to turn myself in so ill know what time is like. i always want to test my capacity passed pleading guilty for traffic tickets
Incidentally, unlike female reports of rape, most of which are made up or wildly exaggerated by women looking for attention or revenge, white men's reports of being raped in prison are hardly ever invented, as white men have nothing to gain from doing so.
Of course, nothing is ever done to help them.
anyone here smoke weed?
Good time to get better friends
This only applies to weak beta faggots. You don't see skinheads or Aryan brotherhood members being turned into punks.
Can someone decipher this niggerbabble? holy shit I feel like I had a brain aneurysm
all i can say is, you better hope you can buy a radio or tv because your mind is going to rot
source: been to prison in south carolina twice
Exactly. OP's friend needs to learn a hustle real fast before he goes in, it's money and a time killer. That and make a hardcore schedule every day, go to bed early, wake up early, it helps to be fucking busy. Also, work out, great time killer and even if you get your ass beat (which will happen) as long as you can hold your own and at least be willing to and knowing when, to throw down, you'll be messed with less.
Don't gamble, keep to yourself but don't let people think you are a bitch. Prison ain't that bad. Get thru the first year and try to get on work release. Prison is a fucking breeze on work release.
Clearly never been in an American pen. You better be fucking alpha and you better be able to back it up. If you're a manlet, you will end up getting your shitter stretched out.
I'm dead serious, if you aren't big enough (at least 6' and 210 + with real visable muscle mass) to physically defend yourself, you are truly fucked. I watched more than a few small dudes get their shit pushed in (and it doesn't matter much if youre a nigger, white or spic, since if your small, you'll end up a bitch, though whites definitely have it worse).
Talking and socializing is about the worst thing you can do. Shut the fuck up, mind your own business and be ready and able to throw down.
aruba is pretty rare
how many autists actually collect flags here?
A US prison right? They are shitholes. I've watched many prison documentaries and shows about different US prisons and yeah, real shitholes they are.
>If you're a manlet, you will end up getting your shitter stretched out.
5' 7" here, you try I would end your life
not talking about collecting flags, talking about incidence
>threatens to end anyone's life but his own
do humanity a favour and off yourself
tall dude has the same soft spot in his neck as anyone
size of the fight nigga
we put lions tigers and bears in cages. there's more to strength than physicality
Dude's probably a black belt martial artist. Mess with one and you are as good as dead.
wow, they let you out?
Every fight i've seen with a manlet in it loses or prison ho i've seen is a manlet. just saying.
Yeah, saw plenty of punk ass bitches like you get their arms, collar bones and jaws broken thinking they could MMA their way through some 6'8", 270 pound nigger.
salty milk and coins
well I'm not in prison. you ain't seen me
and if you seen me, you would see me killing niggas wanna fight
I aint no bitch and I'm not talking about no MMA. I'm talking about you make a wrong move one of us is going to die
prison is just like summer camp but longer
I spent 2 months in an NZ prison.
How bad it is seems to depend on your cellmates, and your crime/sexurity level. Mine was low and basicaly everyone just bored, waiting to go home.
I'm not sure about gay rape, there's aother actual consesual gay sex going on that I wouldn't really worry about it.
Food is shit, get someone to send you money.
Avoid niggers/maoris if you can. Don't accept anything from anyone, ever. Don't get people owing you things, don't owe anyone anything. Keep your valuables hidden.
Just be normal, don't try and start shit to prove you're hard (you're in prison, there's always someone stronger). In saying that if someone keeps fucking with you, you need to stand up for yourself, for example some guy kept cutting in line in front of me, and would constantly call me faggot and try and fuck with me so after a few days of this I smashed him over the head with a tray. pretty sure it didn't eve hurt him because it was plastic but it's the principle that counts.
Just watch tv, quit smoking, work out.
To put it in persepctive I am 5'7" and 55kg so like 120 pounds so pretty small and I was fine in prison, didn't get into any major fights or anything, didn't get raped.
Mostly was bored, watched tv, slept.
Was in prison for 5th dui btw.
stock up on jelly packets whenever you can in case you become some niggers bitch and have to toss his salad (eat his ass)
>LARPing this hard
Let me explain something to you: in prison, it ain't a boxing match or a cage fight, there aint no rules, points or refs. And it ain't like on the outside, where people shit talk. If someone is beefing with you, you wont have time to figure out if you can use some special punch, because you probably already have taken a few, youre trying to get him on the ground and both of you are fighting to land whatever wherever you can.
The one who is bigger and stronger usually wins. What stops a fight from ever happening is if they threat of potential harm is evident by you being as big and muscular as possible. If you look like you could do damage, but keep a low profile, you'll be okay. If you look like a pussy, your fucked. If you act like an upity bitch trying to prove shit, you'll end up in the infirmary bleeding out your asshole.
Mail him, getting mail is the second best thing, after a visit.
If you can afford it send some money and/or get some books/tapes/magazine subscriptions, depending on how close you are.
It's been over 10 years since I did time but I doubt much has changed.
I don't train martial arts or MMA or anything like that. the only rules I recognize are the laws of physics
Let me explain something to you. if my will is stronger than yours it doesn't matter how many muscles you have. I am faster than you, and I will bite the life out your neck before you know what happened
or shank your bitch ass
Thanks everyone. Some really good advice. He's not black, nor am I, so I know he'll be outnumbered but he's kind of tough so we'll see what happens. he's being charged with first degree murder but it wasn't his fault. unfortunately that carries a mandatory life without parole sentence and i'd hate to see that happen to him
First things first. Find the hardest-looking motherfucker you can find and sucker punch him out of nowhere. (Chances are he is a hardened con, use suprise to your advantage.)
Next, stake our your territory. If you are good at basketball, run into the middle of a game and steal their ball and pop it.
Like lifting? Run up and kidney shot some dude while he is oushing wieght.
Prison is all aboit respect. You got to earn that shit.
Now that you have earned a reputation for being a badass, no one will fuck with you. Now you can start work building up a crew. This will come in handy for the private army you will need to extract your revenge once you are unleashed onto the outside world.
>I have a friend who is going to be sent to prison
Spotted the faggot
>if my will is stronger than yours it doesn't matter how many muscles you have
pic related
there are plenty of guys with everything you have plus 10 inches and 80 pounds.
>suddenly realize i've been speaking to a bunch of convicts for all these years
i gotta get out of here
Since this is a prison thread, how fucked is clanton once he goes to prison? He's a skinny twink with an Iron Front tattoo on his bicep, SJW leanings and a lot of media coverage.
I'm not too familiar with burger prisons but apparently they're pretty race divided, is his best hope to try getting in with the Aryan Brotherhood?
Tell him to find the baddest motherfucker there and blow him