The EU and Jewish oligarch-friends of Putin accuse Poland of "antisemitism" together

“There has been a distinct normalisation of anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia in Poland recently and we hope that the Polish government will stem this hate and act forcefully against it,” EJC president Moshe Kantor said in a statement released Thursday.

How Putin's Man Made His Way to the Top of European Jewry

For the last eight years, the European Jewish Congress has been led by a Russian oligarch with close ties to the Kremlin. And now, Moshe Vyacheslav Kantor has been elected to a third term – without a challenger.

In 2017, Forbes estimated Kantor's net worth at US$3.1 billion, making him the 34th richest person in Russia and the 630th richest person in the world.

This fat Russian kike's company Acron Group tried to take over our strategic chemical companies years ago but he was blocked by Polish government. Does anybody still have any doubts that Russia and the EU play in the same team?

Other urls found in this thread:,114883,22308179,zdewastowany-cmentarz-zydowski-w-maszewie-rozrzucone-nagrobki.html

> Does anybody still have any doubts that Russia and the EU play in the same team?

It was obvious from the very beginning for everybody with a brain in the skull.

I think its just regular business. Does anyone give a shit about poland?

Regional politics here are worth more than your entire country, I doubt jews give a shit.

Your third world country full of race-mixed subhumans is literally ruled by Jews. Of course, you don't give a fuck anymore, filthy kike-animal. But i do care what is happening to my country and why Jewry who rules Russia and the EU want to destroy us together.

Now fuck off, murrican kosher ungassed trash

I pray everyday for China to remove your niggerized jew-land.

Surprised that my fellow Jews are going after Poland now. Poland has always been antisemitic and it's always been our true ethnic homeland.

Blood runs thicker.

Get over it, no one gives a fuck.

Poland is indistinguishable from any other slav land, post all the statistics you want, anyone who traveled knows.

Go back to making 2 bucks an hour.

We have nothing in common with filthy Jewry. The only good thing Germans did was removing this satanic motherfucking thieving and murderous trash from our land.

Well, other than the fact that like 50% of European Jews are basically ethnically Polish such as myself and my family.

But yes it's true there were quite a few cowardly traitors and collaborators in Poland during WW2 who sold their Jewish countrymen out to the Germans.

A bullet for all traitors.

That doesn't really explain or justify persecuting Poland nowadays: almost all of the Polish collaborators died a long time ago.

Personally I love Polish people although if I ever met a collaborator I'm sure I would kill them with my bare hands.

A group of 6 nigger-spic subhuman "soldiers" from jewS army were beaten two weeks ago in Poland, Gniezno by a two Polish junkies, kek

They were running away in panic like bitches. Google translate, such things happen here quite often. xD

Sounds like the usual drunken hooliganism Polish ""youth"" like to get up to.

Another thing I unfortunately don't miss about Poland is people's inability to handle alcohol.

Truly one of the saddest things you'll see in Poland is people just zig-zag stumbling down the street with piss on their pants and shit all over themselves.

Get the fuck out to gas, filthy kike. Nobody likes Jews here. These motherfuckers always were, are and will be our main enemies, just after Germans, Russians, Ukrainians and the rest of Europe.

We're not enemies really we're basically brothers it's too bad about all the antisemitism and bad blood because when I go to Poland I see my own blood kinsmen with the same faces, language, mannerisms, deep culture, heritage, etc.

Even though I left Poland a long time ago every time I go back I still feel at home.

But you are correct that there is unfortunately a lot of petty antisemitism and drunken violence in Poland, nowhere is perfect.

You are not my brother, satanic jew. What the fuck is your problem?

Just look what we did to one of your cemetaries few days ago:,114883,22308179,zdewastowany-cmentarz-zydowski-w-maszewie-rozrzucone-nagrobki.html

If i was there, i would take a shit on jewish bones and gravestones, just for fun. Now fuck off of me, evil parasite.

I mean you're not personally my brother, like I said, there's a lot of low-life drunken hooligans in Poland with nothing better to do than cause trouble and vandalize shit like niggers.

But Polish people in general are my kinsmen, for sure, it's there in the DNA.

Not all Polish people are alcoholic nigger monkeys, I'd say it's an absolute minority.

You aren't polish, you're a Jew who believes you should've obtained the protection of the Polish people in WW2. Even though your own people, the Jewish people, self-segregated, and held no attempt to assimilate into Polish culture or religion.

Come back later when you actually make an effort to become a part of the society. Instead of jewing off the land and expecting help.

you're a dumb chav, a social margin. You can only go out, commit a crime and be jailed, and nobody will give a fuck about you, useless idiot

Why are you so nice, dirty Jew? You want money? You won't get anything. Your filthy Jewish tribe can forget about property restitution and 65 bln dollar. Jewry is trying to extort this money from us in last 17 years without any success whatsoever.

burger still better than a slav

I don't really expect anything in particular from Poland or Polish people nor do I expect to flee there in some hypothetical Shoah 2.0 but the fact is that genetically, culturally, linguistically, mentally, etc. I'm Polish.

It's absolutely disgusting, truly a shame. Can you imagine how much of a low-life nigger you'd have to be to desecrate a grave?

I know this doesn't reflect Polish people in general, however: every society has it's degenerate vermin, it can't be avoided it's part of humanity.

>He thinks I want his money

Nah man, keep your vodka money, you need it more than me.

JewSA is going down, just like its soviet Roosian-Jooish bolshevik counterpart. They both drown in poverty and Jewish shit. The future of Poland is China and we should rather focus on them.

he's clearly an angry chav

You deserve death and it's a shame your family wasn't killed in the war thus saving the world from your shit existence.

Shapeshifting kike.

Except that you still practice Jewish customs and religion.

Yeah, this is the result of low education and alcohol abuse. No different than niggers in other countries.


I'm truly sorry your life is so hard and shitty but it's not my fault and I'm really not that sorry deal with it, faggot.

Not really.


>Yeah, this is the result of low education and alcohol abuse. No different than niggers in other countries.
This is the result of a complete economic and social fuck-up that Eastern Europe is, because chavs are an Eastern European phenomenon. In industrialized and affluent countries, such people are pretty much gone, for the time being. When people go through social and economic revolutions, when they're brought up in crime and cynicism, then they conclude that only strength matters

>such people are pretty much gone, for the time being.

You ever been to the UK, retard?

Israel jews are fine, even like them but this stuff with eu-russian jews is only cuz we want germany pay debt. There is no secret that wolodia ll help frau merkel.

You'd be surprised, even in a country as rich and stable as Canada we have our low-lives: alcoholics, drug addicts, degenerates, career criminals, two-bit niggers, butt-blasted Muslims, etc.

No society is perfect and humanity is a mixed bag.

Who likes Jews in Poland? Only other kikes, kek. Poles remember that they are responsible for at least 1 million of Polish deaths. They were cooperating with soviets in 1939-1941 in Eastern Poland in executions and Siberia-sending of around half million of Poles. Poles remember Jewish pogroms on them in such places like Koniuchy or Naliboki, when filthy kike partisans were killing thousands of our women and children only because these villages refused to be robbed from food. We remember that around 60-70% high positions in communist state after 1945 were occupied by satanic nazi polonophobic Jewry.

These fucking children of satan still try to rewrite history and accuse us of collaboration with nazis, although these motherfuckers were massively collaborating with nazis and soviets. They also want to rob us from our property.

Our politicians don't represent the people for decades already.

I'm sorry about the other Americans in this Thread, Poland. Know that America won't abandon you this time around.

Nobody gives a fuck about your bankrupt and weak shithole. The only guarantee that Jewish Russia won't attack us is its business connections with the rest of Europe, not your weak pseudo-army full of subhuman spic-nigger soldiers and transvestites. The only thing i can't understand is why our government doesnt demand at least 10 bln dollar / year for using our territory as fucking murrican military base... We dont like jew-ruled countries full of dumb subhumans and unfortunately USrael and Roosia are such countries

feels good man

Chavs in UK are way more marginal than in Eastern Europe. Look only at this forum. Chavs of Poland are way easier to meet than from western countries, you being an example

>We remember that around 60-70% high positions in communist state after 1945 were occupied by satanic nazi polonophobic Jewry
I also remember that once upon a time, PZPR had 2 million polish members

Be fair when judging others

Two minutes of truth:

>I also remember that once upon a time, PZPR had 2 million polish members

Even CIA lately published a secret report that sheds some light on the scale of Jewish penetration of Poland's state after 1945:

Children and grandchildren of these ungassed diabolic red criminals destroy our country since 1945 till today.

Now I know why there was Brexit. If people in the UK had to encounter people like you, I'd also vote Brexit

Reminder that they've murdered 3 million ethnic Poles, and considered Poles as subhumans. You're a pathetic scum, you should change yourself because you have problems with controlling your anger

I don't care. The core of PZPR were Poles. If Poles didn't collaborate so much, then communism would last shorter. Again, be fair to others

We wuz jews nshiet

t. American nigger

>Reminder that they've murdered 3 million ethnic Poles, and considered Poles as subhumans.

And they were right. We were too stupid to ally with them and attack soviet union together. We lost 20% of population, our country was turned into fucking rubble, later we were sold by our "allies" to soviet jewry which pauperized us to african level in next 5 decades, and what we have out of it today? Filthy Jewry and its Western allies rewrite history of Poland and try to make a nation of the Axis out of us. How often do we read about "Polish death camps" in the press? How often kikes rewrite history in all possible media and present us as nazi collaborants? That's what you got for being an ally of kikes and their anglo-dogs.

>Pole posting Nazi propaganda

Death to all collaborators. My great-uncle killed vermin like you during the War.

He was a hero.

okay achmed

>And they were right.
As I wrote - you have problems with controlling your anger, you need psychological help

>It's Poles fault becouse couple % of Poles colaborated

>don't give a shit that Poland was a first multincultural country in Europe and since then we constantly have to deal with colaborators

yea, kike spotted

You stupid troll, do you think that we don't know how Jewry thinks and feels? It is visible that you are not a kike. Kikes are cold psychopaths, and they never talk with emotions. Stop pretending that you are a kike, and find more enterntaining activites like jerking off for example

vlad the fag putin

> r*ssia is such good boys we din do nuffin

these cringy subhumans need to ktselves

>It's Poles fault becouse couple % of Poles colaborated
couple LOL. I remind you they voted twice for Kwasniewski and for SLD after 1989

Face the truth - millions of Poles collaborated with the system, where do you think all those SB officers came from and they weren't Jews. Communism lasted in Poland for 50 years and someone maintained it for this time

(((EUSSR))) all europeans are low test faggots we should have nuked them together with the nips fucking pansies heil Trump

They voted twice for Kwasniewski nad LSD becouse they realized that those new "liberals" steal even more than commies did...

+He was an chronic drinker so everybody could relate.

And milions of Poles collaborated becouse they wanted to stay alive and we failed with getting rid of soviets by force so people had to take diplomatic actions. Even if noone would have signed to PZPR soviets would just send their people to govern the region... And they had army in our country just to make sure we don't change our policy... and we didn't have power to take military action.

It's so simple and your unability to make simpliest conclusions(or you are just acting like that) makes it 99% you are actualy a jew strongly brainwashed person

And don't forgot that even since 20s "polonized" jews collaborators like Szechters tried to enforce communism in our country.
Your statistics names them as Poles by they don't feel Polish, dont act Polish and don't serve Polish interest


I'm no fan of Nazism, but we really should have fucked up the USSR right after WW2. The amount of long-term damage done by allowing Communism to continue to exist, backed by a superpower, is incalculable.

a jew or strongy brainwashed person*

And yes 3mln/35+mln is not even 10% so it's couple

You can find excuses for anybody. Why do you find excuses for Poles, but not for the Jews? Maybe because you're one-sided?

The fact is that millions of Poles collaborated with the system, and this is one of the reasons why it lasted for 50 years

Guys, time to save Poland!
Let's start the meme "Germany and Russia want to split Poland again and they use anti-semitism as a weapon"

>but we really should have fucked up the USSR right after WW2

We named our new boulvar in Warsaw with the name of Patton lately. We did it because we wanted to make a nice gift to Trump during his visit to Poland. He is a fan of Patton.

>Polish Jew
You're a leaf first. It doesn't matter if you're a Sihk Leaf, Korean Leaf or Jewish leaf, you all fell from the same faggoTREE.


I love witnessing these diaspora faggots trying to fit in with the Goyim, only to be reminded that they'll always be a "dirty kike" in their eyes.

Thank you goyim.

makes me think

This is like Polacks trying to please Westerners, to whom Polacks are gypsies

i pray russia runs over your shithole and destroys your catholic cult

Israel = Pandora's Box

based Poland taking the shit out of Putin AND the globalist kike bankers in Brussels. that's what happens when you have a white majority country--you recognize the threat ruskies and jews both pose to your country and continued existence.

everything you say is true but that doesn't change the fact that slavs are lianimals. you're like white skinned ar*bs