Just how red-pilled are the Nips?
Just how red-pilled are the Nips?
Jews fear the samurai
It's amazing that doing the intelligent thing is "red-pilled" and not just common sense
Good. They should be refused 100% of them though.
They say it's for "economic reasons" but one can read between the lines.
that's why japan is still a beautiful, clean, safe country
Why is it so tough to break up with a Japanese girl?
Because you have to drop the bomb on them twice before they give up.
A genuine inspiration for the world
Good. I hope Japan maintains that position.
fuck Japan really is a beautiful country isn't it?
it should be 100%
Nippon will fall unless you fight for your own countries so you can stand with your Samurai brothers.
Those fucking racist nips need to appreciate diversity if it's the last thing they ever do. There are women and children fleeing warzones who have been denied safe haven because a bunch of Pearl Harbor-bombing squint-eyed anime-drawing tentacle rape-fantasizing herbivore faggots care more about "le based homogeneity xD" than common human decency. Fuck I hate the Japanese so goddamn much. Not a Korean btw.
can you source me this please.
Who is this man?
I know the Japanese are seriously red-pilled on this sort of thing. What's the sauce?
Stay out you fucking animals. You will NEVER reach this place, and you could never grasp its language with your pitiful, pornography addicted brain.
Idiocracy really is a documentary
>Not a Korean btw.
Yes we can all see the flag and tell that you're Mexican.
That'll do, expat pig, that'll do
You can't tell a sovereign country what to do. Japan is a little island country overcrowded with millions of its own people. Space is a commodity. Can you do some research and stop speaking out of your ass?
>triggered inbred
>inane, nonsensical insult
Can you speak a language other than English? Can you even say you hold a decent command of English?
>priding yourself in being a Japanese speaking weeb
Kek. Neck yourself you autistic boomer sloth.
>They say it's for "economic reasons" but one can read between the lines.
Societal disruption is bad for the economy.
Bare in mind the remaining 1 percent are not given citizenship in Japan. It's likely they're sent back immediately when the war is over.
>resident of japan calling others porn addicted
pot calling the kettle black innit
They make all the cool toys, electronics, and video games you all love to play!!!!!!! Food isn't so bad either!!!
Thank you Japan.
This whole thing is beautiful
Japanese is my fourth language after English Farsi French, with German being my fifth (which I admit I am still learning). And I'm not a "weeb" I don't think Japanese culture is superior to my own. The average Japanese student or worker is an overworked monkey, and the Japanese language (while actually simpler grammatically compared to romance or germanic languages) is garbage when considering the arcane pursuit of learning chinese characters.
You don't even know what you're talking about, because you're an underage faggot, some 16 year old who sits alone at his high school lunch table, thinking of ways you'd want to kill the niggers at your school, but being too much of a pussy to actually do it. You take so much pride on being Aryan, but you speak neither Farsi, Sanskrit or German. You probably didn't even know Sanskrit was a spoken language
You are the one that should kill himself you useless stain on the planet.
>your residency dictates your tendency to watch porn
East Asians are generally insulated against the fees-fees of foreigners.
sorry, I can't tell if you're actually japanese or a hentai loving weeab english teacher by just the flag.
Nobody cares you pretentious lonely fuck. Just die already.
English teacher interested in traveling the world and learning its languages.
Stay angry, child. Sc
LOL your life.
I speak English, German, decent in Latin, Spanish and French.
So now can I call you a faggot? Mr. "I only bought the Wakizashi because I haven't earned a Katana"
And you will croak miserable and alone. But at least you'll be cultured ;)
Mind you that means you should stay the fuck out too
If you ask Japanese people about refugees, they will say that Japan should help, it's when you ask about specifics that you get good common sense answers.
Basically, it comes down to "we should help them there" ie send aid. If you ask them if Japan should take them in you basically get "mmmmmm.... I don't think so".
Post in this thread if you're a samurai
You sound like a faggot who needs to chill out.
> Japanese language is garbage when considering the arcane pursuit of learning chinese characters.
Sounds like someone who failed their N3 and is trying to make excuses. Please kys.
The one percent is too much. Keeping the race and culture pure is more important than the economy.
holy shit has anyone actually read the article
"i just want to live as a normal person"
>marries another burmese
>both been in japland for over 15 years
Not at all.
Stop posting mutts.
Japan is false puppet state and will burn soon
Hello Kim Jong Un!
Burn the UK first, Kim
Your request can be considered. Please do not visit Guam or Hokkaido soon.
Do they let you take a shit without calling Beijing for permission first?
Cheers lad
I'll hook you up with my sister if you nuke Stockholm, Kim.
>Assisted by the UN, Liliane was able to claim asylum on arrival in Japan stating that her life was in danger due to tribal conflict back home.
>She is no closer to reuniting with her child - now a teenager, her daughter has repeatedly been denied a permit to even visit.
Nice job, mom. "Good look, lil one. I'm off to Japan"
>You need to do absolutely everything to try to speak in Japanese but you don't know where to find free lessons."
Free lessons are offered almost everywhere. The quality of the lessons vary greatly. There are also cheap lessons available. Or you could do what I did and buy books AND FUCKING STUDY.
>She says she was overlooked for teaching work, despite her fluency in English, when employers realised she is African.
My guess is that she is trying to apply as an English teacher but unless your country has English as an official language or is on a specific list (America is on this list for example), the company cannot get you a work visa.
I'm surprised they're accepting 1%, like really, nips can do better than that, 1% of how many? Plus third worlders have no mental capacity to even integrate a culture as complex as the nips or western. (((They))) already accomplished 1% that's how it all starts, then that 1% will probably vote for more to get in, and we all now what happens after.
Isn't sanskrit middle eastern? As in sandniggers?
Looking to supply us with more comfort women?
Thanks, shitbag.
They are probably only taking waifu material girls.
Thank god. I can't imagine what would happen if Japan was as cucked as say, Sweden. If mudslimes started infesting Japan, I would expect anime and manga to be amongst the first things to be sanitized so they are no longer "Haram".
Don't worry, there's a whole army of lonely faggots protecting them...or stalking.