What went wrong lads?
What went wrong lads?
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Girls can't into logic.
It wasn't going well for them so they cry, babies use this a defense mechanism.
Honestly, there is nothing worse than a woman discussing matters of the state. Their opinions on all things political should ALWAYS be ignored. Simple as that.
I don't think they should have ever been given the right to vote.
Oh God, of course not. Women's suffrage was a mistake, women's (((liberation))) was a mistake.
When'd they make a blue maga hat?
It's not a MAGA hat. He said it says "Make America Free Again"
No one cares Alex
fpbp babbys first interaction with reality all women are memes
it's like they've never had their views challenged before...
>Be Christian in 1970
>go to church
>every one you know also goes to church
>never question anything
>never have your own beliefs tested or questioned
>life is one big happy circle jerk
>be liberal in 2017
>every one you hang out with is also a liberal
>watch john oliver
>never question anything
>never have your own beliefs tested or questioned
>life is one big happy circle jerk
Owen used to destroy until he started having to defend Alex Jones stupid conspiracy theories (ie sandy hook). He should leave InfoWars.
Fuck off shill
roasties: roasted
Please tell me more on how Sandy Hook was fake
>you guys are really sweet
>i could teach you guys a lot
>*unzips dick*
God this is our future, god damn liberals are so mental.
jews will attack what they think is the weakest link, which in their eyes is sandy hook. if you remember when sandy hook happened within a day or two the sheriff or lead investigator went on tv and said it was against the law to question anything that happened. sandy hook was bullshit one way or another
>make America free again is hateful
>"Doth m'lady being bothered?"
These girls are dumb as shit but I would still fuck either of them, women have the eternal upper hand on men. They could have won that argument against me if I had any suspicion whatsoever that going against my own convictions would land my weiner inside of them
Meh. Was hoping for Owen Jones.
I love how you guys pretend there aren't no white people fighting for a white ethnostate among you when they question your intentions.
You guys act like kikes whenever they are named.
What are you 16? Attitude like that wont get you ANY pussy
JBL should take care of them.
shut up nigger
I get more pussy being an asshole than you will ever get being a nice guy.
That actually made me cringe and turn off. The fact the girls could act so incredibly stupid was just amazing. Every time Shroyer made a point they just cover their faces as if he is so stupid he isn't even warranted a reply whatsoever.
People like this are truly poison to democracy. You cannot have a working democracy if people refuse to democratically debate and talk things out. Seriously, just sad. I would feel like a total failure if a produced a child like this.
Jews play both sides.
I nail girls but disagreeing with these particular girls doesn't get you through the door. That's the problem with our permissive culture, they are absolutely convinced of their own convictions and are not in possession of the rational faculties of men, it's an intractable political stance that society has put these women into. Trust me dude, I live in California, as a white man you have to shuck and jive like Floyd Mayweather to get yourself through the door with about half of women. If they are cute it's worth it
grow a spine
women will respect you more
i would punch that cuck right in the face, and that's no larping
Once he saw how much of Big Guy Owen was, for him, he scurried off back into the crowd.
Fresh buzzword from an old internet
How's it feel being a white knight beta orbiter?
you wouldn't do anything, you most likely live in your mom's house and are unemployed / a virgin
Owen was a great hire for infowars hes fantastic at what he does in the streets
Girl on the left could get the dick honestly
It requires an operator mentality to sniff out the path of least resistance to pussy, with many "empowered" millennial women, if they are already attracted to you physically there is no reason to put up an ideological roadblock if your only goal is to rail said retarded roastie
Being a white nationalist isn't the same as being a nazi. Nazism is GERMAN Nationalism with socialist perks offered to German people.
Honestly I could have debated much better than Owen.
>We're not saying that brown is better
Yes you are, everyone who's brown not only has their own country where whites aren't invading and changing the demographics. On the other hand, brown people are coming to white countries and trying to change the demographics, that's brown supremacy.
Debate finished.
really makes you think
Very nice.
Plenty of unanswered questions and many (((coincidences))) have a look yourself cuck
>you have to have the mind of a special forces soldier to figure out how to easily fuck women
You wouldn't do a fucking thing LMFAO. You'd stand there and yell the same thing over and over like a full blown retard.
The Great Yellow Knight
They could've easily said Ukraine, Poland or some shit. But these dumb hoes are there just for show.
Yea I thought he could've made better points
>these things can vote
Aaaaand there's my daily blackpill.
It can't be fake, my wife's son died in Sandy Hook! White supremacists literally executed, literally ex-e-cuted, him. He's dead. How's that make you feel you fucking bigot.
Was he agreeing with Owen or the girls? I can't tell
He was white knighting hard for them
"Beaner power" female and "Hands of my body" White female.
Hell on Earth right there. Brought to you by The Merchant.
I know this, that's why I didn't mention Nazis.
Nazis, in the Trump protestor's own definition, are right wingers.
being a conservative-leaning, blonde white man in Los Angeles this is pretty much true. I'm not fighting an ideological battle with women that I've already essentially bagged if I want to get laid. It's all about picking your battles, basically
nuh man. that guy would have had a bad day.
women are only good for fucking and having the babies
What the fuck have you ever "operated" you are the guy that takes the path of least resistance, I doubt you know the which end of the rifle is the business end. In the off chance you have been in the military you are the guy who's girl we called "Navy Widows" the moment you got deployed.
You kind of do. If you treat women like humans you're going to strike out every single time. You really can't think of them as a person because you're either going to disagree with them or be disgusted by how awful they are.
If you view them as an objective it really ups your chances. If you meet a woman as an equal you're just cucking yourself.
Blonde represents females.
Blond represents males.
He had the brown girl eating out of his hand. He ushered her off to help her weak white friend. If he wanted to he could've made her stay.
I hate those guys so much. They don't even care about these movements they just know that they can't compete with chad or anyone else so they have to cuck out for girls. I can't wait till this race dies off
that could be some Holy Mountain magic shit if this was the 60s.
Owen shroyer is a worm.
wtf they cried because they couldn't debate him????
that's no reason to cry
or were they crying because they realized they're being manipulated by the mass media?
He did everything I hate about "reporters."
Just ask people their opinions and why they think that and stop trying to debate them or challenge them. Every fucking reporter and tv host has to fucking butt in and try to argue. Really grinds my fucking gears.
LMAO, what in the fuck?
You know what a bad day was? having your precious MSM and Liberal and RINO puppets denounce you. I hope Soros paid you enough. And if you didn't get paid, you're a fucking idiot.
They cried because literal nazis killed black people, and police are evil, and Owen is a nazi evil bad man, and the police are evil, and love trumps hate, and my body my choice etc.
I have never given Infowars much credit, I felt they were always too zealous. I have seen two interviews by this guy and he's done nothing bu show how fucking stupid people are.
this, basically. There are degrees of truth to this statement and it becomes less true when you are searching for "partner" or "wife" material, but if you are just trying to dip your knickerstick in a girl who you don't have any reason to expose your power level to there's no reason to overcomplicate the mission
I can't understand how anyone likes Alex's eldest daughter Owen. He's so far up Alex's ass it almost makes me embarrassed for him. Also, he seems smarmy and petulant.
>Nazis were a socialist party
how tall is owen?
The people at these events are easy prey. I remember infowars hitting up people when Obama was running for office at some big event.
>dis nigger gone make edderythan free
>freeh house mayne, freeh house
>hows a nigga not gon want free house n sheei
>pay fo muh tweve chiins n shit mayne, he fo my people, he black n shiet
Owen never really tries to debate, his goal is just making them say stupid shit because you can't have a proper debate in the middle of some place like this with random college kids from the left - it doesn't work. He's not there to genuinely push points and defend points, he's there to showcase the retarded points the left makes and their COMPLETE INABILITY to clarify a single thing they claim to believe so deeply in. It's what he did even before he got hired with carl the cuck and all that.
would've make him earn his money good
it's because they're women and it's what women do. they fall back on society when they get BTFO.
women are much weaker than most people realize.
>they're not nazis, they're larpers
>"if I put on roman armor it doesn't turn me into a roman gladiator"
top kek, based owen
He's pretty knowledgeable but I agree that he's bad at bringing up salient points when confronted with public idiocy like this. There aren't many people who are willing to do what he's doing here, though
>Maria Nonsensio
>Crying Candice
Dubs, names em'.
Also, the guy in the yellow high-vis.?
thats what I was thinking. I could've burst out laughing when the latino power chick said she gave factual answers to all of his questions.
Facts are feelings user. Where have you been.
Here's the scary thing... In America, their vote matters just as much as yours does!
They probably don't even know what romans are.
That was so fucking cringe. I skipped to the crying and then stopped watching. Jesus Christ...... indoctrination works.
>What it basically means is to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.
> As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter any more. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him, by force, to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When the military boot crashes his, then he will understand. But not before that. That is the tragedy of this situation of demoralization.
--Yuri Bezmenov
What is it with Owen "Cuckdestroyer" Shoyer
>He killed aids Skrillex
>He killed Karl the cuck
>He triggered two cunts into hysterical screams at a party
>Now he killed another one
When will this madman stop, pol?
What is his endgame?
This. This LITERAL nazi needs to be stopped before he takes his incoherent rage towards the black socialist community.