How safe is it to post stuff about (((them))) on this website...

How safe is it to post stuff about (((them))) on this website? Why do we all feel so comfy chatting here when we know its an honeypot and heavily monitored? I dont want to get v& and shoahd

Hello Aki

Safety is unknown. Someone is still sitting on the ekansovi database that linked Sup Forums posts to users' actual identities. It's only a matter of time before it gets made public.


life is short

doesnt matter anymore, theres too many goyim that know now

idk why you cowards care so much.
I pretty openly shitpost on facebook with my real identity.
Yeah the jews will send me to the gulag when they can, but they were going to do that anyway for being a white male.

You fucks are cowards.
>omg, what if they discover my true beliefs!?
>people will say mean things about me!
Grow a pair or just go back to being a braindead "normie"

This site is constantly monitored by feds and (((them)))

That's the point

What do you mean, OP? I, for one, love the Jewish people and the state of Israel. They are beautiful and truly the chosen people, I hope they manage to attain more land and slaughter more Gentiles.

You can't escape the Jews. As long as you don't threaten their supply of gold and gems on here, they won't come after you. You can call them kikes and Larp as a Nazi all you want.

Because hating leftists is what they want you to do.

Leftists want people to pay taxes, taxes are expensive. Its cheaper to pitch in on news organizations and buy politicians than it is to pay taxes.

So they brain wash fools like you

All posts on Sup Forums are satire

>usage of (())
>guise guise i'm new

In that case,hi NSA.
I would be totally down for shit posting for cash.

Because it is just satire bruh.


I've been shitposting "illegal opinions" here since 2007. If they get me now, I can say I had a good run.

The fear that causes Sup Forumstards to be public is the fact that it's a taboo. And the fact that it's taboo is the reason why most normies will be left-wing.

Actually it's the massive amounts of left-wing media they consume. They get the arguments through most big names on twitter, they can't say racist or antisemitic shit, and why? Do we assume other people are left wing?

Just a reminder to you three letter agency niggers you have no motherfucking power here.

Allahu Akbar!
The U.S. must take Monroe Doctrine now.
The U.S. must withdraw American Forces from all Foreign Countries now.
Stop America's doing its all wars now!

I love American99% and the U.S.

China, Germany and Japan must loosen Germany's, Japan's and China's monetary policies now!
China, Germany and Japan must stimulate Germany's, Japan's and China's domestic demands now!
Japan and Germany must issue a lot of construction bond now!
Japan and Germany must reduce Germany's, Japan's and China's taxes now!
The U.S. must tighten its monetary policy now!
As a result, Dollar value will rise!
The U.S. will have trade surplus!

Japan, Germany and China are evil empires.
Islamists' true enemies are Japan, Germany, China, FRB, top1%, Wall Street, American Military Industry and DOD!
Japan is the country which has been promoting Globalization!!!
Allahu Akbar!

maybe for you but this poor bastard has a BKA visit scheduled next wed. at 5:30am

Entire site is satire and you'd have to be a fool to take anything posted here as fact. Also Sup Forums is a board of peace :^)

if anyone wants to make me not say what I think, they will have to kill me
>if I don't kill them first

Stand up and fight for what you believe in, hiding and cowering in fear will achieve nothing.

I salt my posts with truth and lies. My personal history is sufficiently improbable that I highly doubt anyone can tell one from the other.

Wrongthink is your friend. Sup Forums will be in the history books (if there are any in the future)

It's about as safe as any other place.

When you change your flag from > Geographical Location, it adds a proxy making incoming traffic appear to come on from a nonsensical IP location.

For example, you can't tell where I am posting from other than "Kekistan" and neither can foriegn intel agencies.

History favors the brave.

History favors no one.
No matter who you are and what you do, the world still turns, the sun still burns, and time will grind us all to dust.

So, it's even odds on all sides. The only thing stopping you is you.

is that a song
>it should be


>Waaagh goy said mean things about us
They already think we're cattle, who cares?

tfw I didn't even know I did but just checked, feels good man

Pretty sure a fedora grew out of the top of my head reading your post.

Honorary American...this is truly a winning attitude.

What can they do about it? Not much.

Also, there is now conflict between Israel and Diaspora Jews. Israel wants Jews to come home, and Sup Forums only helps with that. If Diaspora Jews become a threat to our mission, Israel will just blackmail them and tell them to sit down. Don't kid yourself that it's not already happening. Jews have zero sexual morals plus highly defective sexual orientation/behavior genes, a bad combo. Most of them can barely keep their deviant tendencies under wraps. They all have skeletons in their closet. Just look at Benny Polatsek's internet searches. That's typical for these defectives.

Israel is going to have a hell of a time assimilating American Jews when they arrive.

>thinking they care about truth

I'm gonna laugh my ass off when you guys send every last Jew on earth to Madagascar, and build a giant wall around it. Then when you look around and realize that everything is STILL fucked you, you'll realize it was the Jesuits all along.

If it gets to the point that you get black bagged over Sup Forums posts then it's already too late

You again. Like I said the other night, post your irl name and SSN, they already know anyway.


lol. my god that was a good chuckle. thanks user. i agree. plebbits are used to being narced on

Very safe because in reality (((them))) doesn't exist. Its just a collective feel good thing by pol losers to feel better for themselves and blame others.

The closest to a (((them))) in the world but they are, quite ironically, mostly people like the Saudis, Putin & Trump. Which if anything the pol retards deep down admire because they wish they had been born rich themselves and were able to freely abuse others.

I doubt Sup Forums is a real threat

I love jews. Thanks ekanskovi! More immigrants the better. Fuck borders, language and culture, my feeling are way more important.

Canadajin you have to go back

t. (((them)))

Really spins my driedel

Everything I post here is satirical and I'm mixed hispanic so I'm not worried

>if anyone wants to make me not say what I think, they will have to kill me
The joke is on (((them))), I want to die anyway

>That pic

talking shit isn't illegal. we are all mixed race people here larping as commies and fascists

>talking shit isn't illegal
it is over here

>implying I actually mean anything I say here

Im purely in it for the bantz m8

all my posts are satire etc
only a fool would believe anything here as fact etc
etc etc

were all fucked any ways.

Might as well go down giving them a big fuck you.

I'd rather die letting them know what I think of them than hold my fucking tongue.

I wonder how many people actually know that's true on this board. Its been going on since the old days of Sup Forums.

I also wonder how many people fucked there lives up taking this shit seriously as well.

I have a TS/SCI and ive been posting for over 5 years. Yeah nothings is going to happen.

Anyone else got a clearance and posting?

"be afraid goyim"

fuck off kike come at me

Don't worry goy Sup Forums is safe

If you've ever significantly browsed here you're on a list. If you've posted here you're on a more dangerous watch list. The content of all posts is saved by Google via captcha and stored with all of the other data Google has access to through your IP. Google and other companies give this information to the government in exchange for more favorable deals. Unless you make actual threats against specific people you won't get holocoastered so don't worry. Even (((they))) have limits.

this this this this this this
stop being fucking cowards, the NSA already knows all your dark secrets.
That weird porn you watch, archived for the rest of your life.
Stop being afraid, buy a fucking gun, and start waging online war with (((them))). Since 90% of you are fucking NEETS, wellfare faggots, and dungeon dwellers, the least you can do is fight back online. Grow some balls.

Eveic tandrem polysign twoframe. If you're reading this I need you to know I do not intend to leave my house tonight, I am of sound mind and health, and I do not posses a firearm. If something should happen your five know where to look. Stay safe. Stay safer. 3589793238462643383279502884197

This website is a honeypot. We have the first amendment to protect us thankfully.

Besides, this board is a psyop's dream. They want to observe and contain, not destroy.


Here's a thought - I have no reason to care.

I just don't want my parents to know how many pink id's i get

> mass doxx of Sup Forums users causes them to lose jobs and face harassment
> with nothing left to use, thousands of predominantly high-IQ White males come together to form a community free of Jewish subversion
> the entire world gets redpilled

Sup Forums isn't a containment board from other boards. Sup Forums is a containment board from real life.

I'm actually, publicly, this "racist", so fuck the likes. Holocaustâ„¢ NEVER happened.

>with nothing left to use, thousands of predominantly high-IQ White males come together to form a community free of Jewish subversion
>Sup Forums is white