Is space colonization possible? If not what is our future going to be like?

Is space colonization possible? If not what is our future going to be like?

Other urls found in this thread: oneill.pdf

within 1000 years there will be 500 story tall commieblocks covering every square inch of the earth.
space travel is a gimmick, at best mars will be the australia of the future, a huge desert with some small colonies spotted between.

>space travel is a gimmick
jesus i knew that Australians were backwater retards, but i didn't think you would be this far gone


Yes not only is it possible its ongoing, several breakaway civilizations(human) several secret programs (navys solar warden, air force will release their program very soon). Mars has manufacturing slave labor colonies that produce wxotic tech acquired from barter with et civilizaTions. Anartica has many r&d facilities and even a space port. All hidden under speacil access programs and private military industrial complex companies. Your welcome.

Humans are territorial and expansionist by nature, even if you don't plan on taking someone else's shit, someone is planning to take yours the moment you show weakness.

If there is no outlet for that aggression, we begin to turn on our own and even great civilizations decline and collapse soon after that. Space exploration could be a great way to prevent our decline into niggerdom, it's expensive but still better than throwing money at fighting the ZOG wars.

Teleportation to other parts of the universe may be a loophole to enabling space colonisation if FTL travel is impossible. Sort of like stargates..

Technology gets so advanced that we can virtually play out space colonisation and galactic empire through simulation at home (virtual reality.

The population will either be controlled and reduced to less than it is today so that we may live a relatively natural and spacious life on Earth. Or we become incredibly populated with housing being revolutionised to the point where people may inhabit both the oceans and underground regularly. But housing may also be developed in the skies.

Colonisation of the Moon is inevitable and a case could be made for Mars and the rest of the solar system. The real question, is colonisation outside of solar system in our own galaxy plausible?

That is the stretch, although we should within time have the ability to colonise and develop our own solar system to suit our needs.
We may even develop artifical worlds/space stations like the one in OP's picture if we're around for long enough.

I see it more as a question of when than how. Assuming we continue to grow and progress for thousands of years, it is inevitable we grow into space. The incentive will always be there, resources and living space, but also curiosity.

Like the other part of the movie

not possible in our basic biological form
we are too weak
it can only be possible if we enhance ourselves with technology
see: transhumanism

>what is our future going to be like?
Lots of niggers

It all depend if we crash and burn and become a Brazilian caliphate, or survive this century with enough resources and scientific manpower to pull that off.

Sure it is
>happen in our live time
>future going to be like?
Different than today's

Yes. We just need a launch vehicle, and there are many viable options.

Hail Zeon

It is possible, but we won't make it happen. The birth rates for whites and East Asians is below replacement, and over time what resources we could be using for space colonization will be diverted to gibs-me-dats for the billions of low IQ retards that will inhabit this planet.

Humans will just regress into mixed race barbarians fighting for scraps until a meteor finally wipes them last ones out.

>within 1000 years there will be 500 story tall commieblocks covering every square inch of the earth filled with nothing but brown people


I imagine that we will have wasted all the important finite materials necessary to leave the planet putting smart phones and the like in everybody's hands by the time we have the means to do it.

My questions with things like OP pic is where the hell would we even get the resources for something of that magnitude

Watch Isaac Arthurs channel, he will answer your question in great Detail

Mining asteroids.

Possible, yes. In your lifetime, not to any extent farther than basic colonies on maybe mars or the moon. The end of the conversation.

no, complexity vs biology argues against it, except maybe for spores and water bears.

deevolution to idiocracy.

>Is space colonization possible?

Yes, and it's going to begin right here in America. We have some of the spaciest colons on Earth.

I may have misunderstood him, but one thing that annoyed me is that his belief that human population could reach hundreds of billions individuals. If you only look at niggers population projection, I can see how he can come to this position, but White, and East Asian population are below population replacement or even shrinking, and they are the only population that could produce enough scientists and engineers to bring the technological revolution that could help us conquer the stars.

Space is a meme, you are quarantined.


That's simply due to resource caps. Rich white people don't want more kids because that shit is costly, a lot of effort, and there's cool shit to buy. Once it becomes cheap to exist in luxury and without working, people will have more kids.

Space isn't even real you fucking tard.

> what is our future going to be like?

Do you know what it's like to live on the ISS, now ?

> US astronauts drink recycled urine aboard space station but Russians refuse

Let's archive it

> We have some of the spaciest colons on Earth.

*** trigger warning ***

Looking at how women behave and how they have the monopoly on reproduction, I'm not really convinced by that. I'm thinking that once women have control on their sexual reproduction, can guarantee that their offspring can survive reliably, and can be financially secure with a cushy office/governmental job or welfare, they don't want to get more children than needed to pass their gene, as it's a heavy biological investment. Even if they could live without effort in obscene luxury, I don't see them want more than one kid.

>Is space colonization possible?
only if you break the goyim shackles...

Yes, but not like what most people think. It will not be like Star Wars or Mass Effect where you have a uniform civilization that spans many star systems. This would be impossible even if ships could reach near light speed because stars are so far apart. It would take four and a half years just to send a message to the nearest star system to our own. Twice as long to get a message back. Instead, you will have massive colony ships either with people in cryo-sleep or they'll just send embryos. They will ship out on many years long journeys to other stars, declare their colony and have their own separate civilization, laws, and customs.


Maybe, but you'll likely get gassed

That's literally not an issue. Filter out the urea and cells / pathogenic material and you're left with water and electrolytes.... It's a good use of space that is critical.

won't be a serious issue by that point. Assuming we're able to perform functioning space missions, we've advanced the rest of our sciences as well. You're highly neglecting genetics and hormones as well. You don't want kids and you don't pass on your genetic traits. 2 generations and it's sorted out.

Absolutely fucvking digusting. Who the fuck is aroused by this shit?

the most degenerate of degenerates. Even regular fags don't understand this shit.

I'm assuming by your comment that you were curious enough to click the image. That's the first step.

>Who the fuck is aroused by this shit?

Sadly, you in a few months.

I suppose that if we develop a commercial artificial womb for full or partial pregnancy for non medical reason, we could also see Western women wanting to have more kids too.

>Is space colonization possible?
>If not what is our future going to be like?
Lots of niggers.

I've seen straight gaping shit before. Not even turned on by that. I don't need to see more.

>Sadly, you in a few months.

Time to kys

Yup, that's a game changer. A few kinks we gotta work out still, but it's getting close. They're humoring the concept in my med school classes. Biggest issues are for sure the immune system.


I didn't know men had such big anuses compared to women.
I thought women had the biggest anuses.

Yes. But it won't happen because our country is full of retards.


>I don't need to see more.

And yet you clicked for more. Myself, I saw the still image and thought, "don't want to know what happens" and left it alone. Based on context, I assumed it would be horrendous. You had the same context I did, and yet you chose "ooh I'll just check to see how gross this will be". As I said, first step. Good luck with it.

we've had the technology since the 70's it's just expensive as fuck with little to no return on investment. oneill.pdf

>it's just expensive as fuck with little to no return on investment.

But think of all the undesirables we could send up. We could be cheap and sloppy about it. "This air hose looks loose." "Who cares! Ship it!" Think of it as a massive orbital Australia.

>As I said, first step. Good luck with it.

I've been on Sup Forums long enough that I've seen stuff similar to this, but everytime someone posts things like this, I still don't understand it. So again, it's time to kys

You're posting simply to sound holier-than-thou and more intellectual because you're some goofy ass effeminate faggot.

fuck them, they don't deserve to get to go to space, fuck this gay earth.

Nothing holy about it. I've seen horrible things here, too. But I don't curiously click obviously horrible shit and then question who is interested in this stuff. Because it's demonstrably you.

"Humans" are ultimately fucked in any long run.
We're not equipped to deal with something as desolate and unforgiving as space. Our metabolic needs are too specific to efficiently reach nutritional sustainability. The problem isn't with space though; it is with humans.

The future of space travel lies with transhumanism; something that can bear the torch of intelligence without being snuffed by the void. It will likely be a hybridization of genetic modification and artificial intelligence.

As long as they send us postcards, I guess.

FALGSC or nuclear wasteland
it is about 50/50 right now

I'm not going to stand here and listen to you badmouth the greatest democracy the world has ever known.

You argue like a fucking liberal Jew and it's annoying.

Take your pilpul somewhere else.

brother from another mother?

Yes it's possible. The truth is always stranger than fiction. For all we know, we have already started.

>Is space colonization possible?
Totally possible, but to achieve it, we have to alter our own biology, and some not so basic leaps in technology are needed.

Governments of the west come to their sense and stop blindly funding poor people making bad decisions. Population enters slow decline, most work is focused on care for elderly. Advances in medicine greatly extend lifespans. World looks very similar to how it is now.

I just hope that we are uplifted as a species rather than having a class of elite trans humans with human slaves.

Not the best-worded concession, but I accept.
Enjoy your frightening journey.

Unless whites learn some solidarity for once the future is one enormous designated shitting street for savages

There was no concession made on my end. You're arguing in circles. You don't even have a clue who you're typing to. You're wasting your time on an internet forum typing to an anonymous person, who is probably thousands of miles away from you, about an anal-gaping gif, and trying to convince them, even when they've seen shit like that before, but were never interested in it, that they will eventually start looking for it.

You're the dumbest, most hard-headed Jew I've seen type shit on here in quite some time.

Not gonna happen. Humans are too easily disgusted by non-humans. Either war or mass infertility will happen.

More like pets.

So you've seen it before, and were so disgusted that you had to look again. But no, you're not interested. Not interested enough to look, not interested enough to advertise just how not-interested you are.

You don't need to start looking for it. You've found it, again and again. When you lie down to sleep tonight, and close your eyes, it is what you'll see. Especially now that I've said so.

Ahh well, I can't keep this up anymore. I'm just fucking with you. Have a nice night.

>le moon landing was faked!

Fuck off.