What are your thoughts on this?

What are your thoughts on this?

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Drugs are dangerous, they have a detrimental effect on your body if you take them long-term and side effects. Take care.

I just took 10mg worth. Not as good as xanax, but it does the job.

It spooky

Weed does better for me. Got my medical weed card and never seemed to refill the pills again.

Don't take it any longer than a week. Benzo withdrawals are hell on earth. If you have an anxiety problem, change your lifestyle. Learn to meditate. Don't even think of drinking alcohol with that. You'll turn into an animal, and you won't remember the shit that you did.

>Got my medical weed card and never seemed to refill the pills again.

I believe it. Just like you never seemed to shower, go to work, or get off the couch again.

Good Goy pills to keep you subservient and submissive, basically acts as a piece of electrical tape covering the check engine light you don't want to deal with.

T. Xanax/kpin prescribed for 7 years

Not even good at knocking people out. Shit tier sedative that only the most degenerate of addicts or 18 y/o seniors take. People who take it more than once actually have developmental disorders.

>take antidepressant

Many such cases!

double checked

Tried once. It makes you chill to the limit. It don't make you feel good anyhow there is no high and you won't feel funny. Your brain just stops reminding you of your problems or possible troubles

it atleast doesnt have the suicide rates xanax does.

>Your brain just stops reminding you of your problems or possible troubles
Sounds like heaven to me

Very dangerous to take recreationally. Shit makes you totally retarded and you will do extremely stupid stuff.

It can be helpful for some anxiety disorders if taken at a very low dose for a short period of time. It's highly addictive and you should quit taking it before you start building tolerance, which is probably like 3 months.

been on them for nearly 20 years straight



How cucked do you have to be to not call it by its chemical name.

Good for seizures and bad muscle spasms from a Neuro disease

Temporary treatment for bad anxiety

Otherwise, more harmful than good

If you don't take too much, it's just a numbness. It's not really fun, but it can be relaxing. You'd feel the same way watching someone get hacked to pieces as you would about getting a cup of coffee. At higher doses, all your inhibitions start to get stripped away, you feel some euphoria, and you do whatever you want to do. If you feel like calling someone an asshole, you'll just blurt it out. Mix it with alcohol and you might feel like fucking an azalea or going into a restaurant and helping the chef. You'll wake up in the drunk tank or in jail, with 50 new enemies, and no idea how you got there. The stuff is dangerous and it's a drug that begs to be abused.

Take 0.25 mg daily to help control my anxiety to a manageable level. Withdrawls are hell though, may cut down to 0.125 in the near future. No detrimental effects yet that I can tell

Previously had a strong dependence because of particularly shitty stress where I would get full body tremors 5 to 6 times a day, I was prescribed and my doctor said it was safe.

I don't think blacking out and forgetting 3/4 my night is safe. Especially when I'm writing suicide notes to people that are close to me, and waking up to them crying in front of my house.

I graduated college while going through some seriously bad problems because of them though, they let me just exist without stress.

That shit is fucked but has it's place and time, be careful taking them. Please.

Medical cannabis is so much better than the white pill Jew. I was addicted to those fucking pills because Dr. Shekelberg never treated my injury, just wrote prescriptions.

Finally I got a med cannabis referral, did a bunch of research and found types of strains that helped with my issues. Pain is gone, partially because cannabis helped with my social anxiety a ton so I could go to the gym without hesitation. It also helps change your perspective and stop negative thought patterns which were adding to my crippled state.

tldr; fuck pills, and don't listen to anons that say muh weed is the devil. Do your own research and be your own man

My brother in law is living with me. he just filled his prescription of it a few days ago. He was fucked up - i could tell before I went to bed. at 6am in the morning he was beating on my door. I yelled at him what the fuck are you doing. He asked me where he was. I told him he was beating on my goddamn door. I had heard noises all night but thought it was just a hundred year old house making noises like they do. Turns out he stripped naked and wandered around senseless for hours. had to open it and lead his buck naked ass back to his room while he was babbling nonsense.

shit should be illegal, it's degenerate..

Klonipin is awesome recreationally, if you really need it, it just makes you feel normal.

Weed does nothing except give me anxiety, weirdly

I should also say that during weekends I took around 2-5mg because of increased stress due to social problems.

Oh, and I've got permanent brain damage where I have incredibly hard times recollecting words and other obscure things.

I only used for a year.

5/5 bretty good

What strains of weed do you recommend for somebody who's currently on microdose of kpins for anxiety?

Weed is degenerate too, faggot. It turns otherwise productive people into overeating lazy fucks.

At least benzos help you get more done

if you smoke weed to prevent anxiety for a long time (years) it will eventually stop working. after a few years it will actually start to increase anxiety, to the point where smoking can induce panic-attack esque symptoms.

source: my life

Took too many once.

Slept for 17 hours. probably could have died.

Would not recommend.

It takes a fuckton to OD on benzos alone

You were probably nowhere near a lethal dose or else you would have slept for at least 2 days

And please take note of the people who are talking about amnesia. Some people will have partial amnesia even at low doses. And you can still perform pretty complex behaviors, like write long nasty e-mails that you'll have no memory of writing, or call people on the phone and harangue them. If you're an angry drunk, you'll likely be an angry benzo user. The stuff dissolves inhibitions to the point that you might take out your old enemies list and start firing away.

No thanks. Drugs make me a hostage in my own body, and it's not hard to make the body do stupid like like jump over a cliff, so can't afford to be taken hostage. I must be in control at all times.

>literal blue pill

This is so fucking true, how do I find a replacement for weed? My self-medication has stopped working and I feel like shit

I take it
its comfy

Bet drug I ever had, I asked my doc to stop giving it to me because I couldn't control myself on it. After one pill, I would take more because the sense of peace is amazing and it obliterates my inhibitions. Like I am normally extremely quiet and polite but I would blurt shit out loud in undergrad classes and argue with professors. I forgot entire days of shit as if it never even happened. All my anxieties melted away on this drug, I became addicted within weeks. Benzos are the scariest drugs there are IMO, withdrawal is not nice.

Yeah it's nothing unusual so many people get so addicted on it.

This. I was taking them but I don't remember much of those years. Also mixing with alcohol is a very bad idea. Switched to Xanax. Much faster action. Still drinking and nothing bad yet apart from a bit of distorted speech.

Was prescribed that stuff, nearly OD'd on it and liquor. It's addictive, gets you high and you get sleepy. Withdrawals suck, twitchy, nervous. I decided to quit taking that shit.

Oh and if you take Benzo's with Liquor it stops your heart. Just a heads up, please don't mix the two together...

You must've been taking a lot. I never suffered withdrawal even though I stopped taking them suddenly. Also, in all my photos from the time my face was very sleepy. Wish someone told me about that before.

benzos are the best drugs ever. I love the warm inhibition free world you inhabit when you pop them.

too bad the last time I withdrew from them I ended up with seizures....

until the next time you w/d and you do have physical symptoms.....

I was given Xanax, yeah, so I'm talking about experiences with it, but I used Klonipin in the past, and I did some of the same things I did on Xanax. IXanax, for me, was instant addiction because a) it is shorter acting and stronger and b) I liked to drink, and the idiot shrink knew I was a drinker. I just said, "I'm anxious a lot", and I got a scrip for 120. Spent the first day walking around a mall outside of Washington D.C asking every store owner if they had a Jethro Tull t-shirt and/or a Baltimore Ravens hat. When I went into the book store and asked for a Jethro Tull t-shirt (I was drooling white nicotine lozenge paste all over my face) the Arlington cops came and drove me back to D.C. I found out about this from my landlord.

>trusting the medicinal jew

Benzo wds are over played. The fact that they're used commonly gets them a bad rep. Soccer moms on Xanax bitch about how bad wds are.

I titrated off 8 mg Clonazepam and 4 mg alprazolam in a week. It sucked yes, but compared to opiates it's absolutely no big deal.

Yeah it is? and what does that have to do with what I said illiterate nigger?

>Shit makes you totally retarded and you will do extremely stupid stuff.


Took it and Xanax several times in high school and a few times in college. Just made me relaxed. Mixed it with alcohol on the first day of night school... Got absolutely wasted and kicked out. It has a half life so it stays in your system for 24 hours. Dont mix with alcohol.

And benzos help you black out and act like a subhuman nigger. shit should be illegal. gas fucking xanax and klonopin faggots.

That's your experience with them. I had rebound anxiety so bad that I could barely move for a month or else my skin would crawl and I'd start heaving. I wasn't even aware there was a withdrawal from them (shrink never said a word about it) and the shrink just cut me off cold turkey, so I got a good surprise.

i quit smoking 2 weeks ago because of this issue. Had insomnia, trouble eating, sweaty, major withdrawal. But I smoked a hit last night and it felt a lot better than when i smoked every day. Weed should be treated like alcohol, using it every day will grind you down but it can be fun to unwind once a week

I take .5 three a day for OCD and bipolar. It's chill. I don't get intrusive thoughts or constantly check my phone as a compulsion. It is great

get good op, pussy

Yea the black outs are bad, I went to a bar, next thing I knew I woke up in the middle of a cemetery in the middle of the night raining. I came to and fucking saw ghosts and shit. I stumbled to a house where the police took me home.

It is very easy to become physically dependent on it. From what I've read, it can happen in as short as 2 weeks of daily use. I wouldn't take it unless there's an extreme reason to actually use it. If you're experiencing anxiety, insomnia and other things then you should get to the root of the problem. Lots of drugs simply mask the symptoms.

Anti-depressants work you retards. Chemicals aren't jews, jews just sell them

Do they still teach Noli Me Tangere in the schools there? If they still do, what grade equivalent usually reads it?

>Don't even think of drinking alcohol with that
if you plan ahead, this isn't even a big deal
its actually a fucking amazing combo

just take the benzo first, let it kick in, then drink lightly and slowly
benzo + alcohol + weed is fucking amazing

you definitely have to be careful with it because you really are playing with fire, and i've done some insane shit on it (driving super super fucked up and recklessly) but if you have a plan ahead of time and stick to it...honestly amazing

>being a wage slave serf


Everything has a half life you fucking leaf.

at least google what the klonopin is so you don't look like a dummy

Grade 10 or 9. Not sure.

>take these pills goy

You got to self control. At first I also got pretty relaxed from taking just 0.5 mg of xanax but then that stopped working. Still the max I take is 2 mg when I need to go out and that works. When I was in univ I was taking 2 mg every 2 hours. At the beginning I fell asleep in classes but found a way to stay awake. That last year was the best I had in univ. Don't abuse alcohol. Drink slowly. Just a couple of shots and nothing more. You will notice it in your speech. At that point just stop drinking.

Worried about not remembering? Write what you did in a diary at night. It's great to be able to revisit old memories.

It's all good advice, but I left that shit behind years ago. I learned to meditate, I quit the drinking, and I don't get anxiety anymore. Or at least, if I do get anxiety, it's for a good reason and it's a natural response.

took a few, one second I was waiting for them to kick in and the next second I was waking up in a drug rehab center a day and a half later. Don't remember a single thing in between. never again

OK, thanks, user.

Dated a girl who took them so frequently her tongue and lips were the same color as the capsules...boy was she terrible at socializing.

I was just prescribed this. What should I expect?

Nice political discussion.

hahaa.. no theyre not dude. I didnt eat for 10 days, vomited every half hour, and lost 30 lbs.

Benzo withdrawals should have killed me.

>Benzo withdrawals are hell on earth
This, I don't care how good you think benzos are, the withdrawals will literally kill you. Benzo withdrawals are worse than heroin and meth. It just isn't worth it.

BUMP because I don't think people understand how bad the withdrawals are.

>have you ever had your speech interrupted by the echo of your voice?

that is normal in w/d

Even if you take it for like a week or two and get off it, you will find yourself unable to sleep. Your sleep will be hell because you will find yourself unable to stay asleep for more than 20 minutes at a time. You will have intense debilitating panic attacks, feeling like you're about to die. Uncontrollable crying, intense sweating, heart rate, breathing rate, the worst anxiety you've ever felt, intense headaches. Basically feeling like your trapped in a dark pit with no hope.

Fuck meant tachycardia and tachypnea


this, and i love it

t. 22 year old

>It don't make you feel good anyhow there is no high and you won't feel funny. Your brain just stops reminding you of your problems or possible troubles
yeah, and that's awesome. you get to an age where you don't want to feel "high", you just don't want to feel the constant burden for a few hours. Although, I took some last night (I only take 0.125 mg at a time) and tried to start getting some shit organized and it kinda stressed me b/c that wasn't fuckin happening.

>At least benzos help you get more done
for real? i can't get shit done on it. I just stop caring too much.

I think most people here would like it for the relief it gives. i had no idea about the w/d though. I've never taken it regularly and always minuscule doses.

You will get dumber and dumber. When you quit taking it,you won't feel normal again for 6 months. Totally not worth it.

How so

All of your cognitive abilities just slowly go to shit. You don't notice it at first, but you start making really stupid mistakes. It comes back, but it takes awhile.

If you use them properly and don't drink (like a white person) you won't black out. But whatever floats your boat mayne

Thats why people take it, user. Clears your mind


I take it cause I have shitty OCD and will constantly over think to the point of having breakdowns. This stuff basically wipes all that shit clean and goes "meh who gives a shit man enjoy life"

At least this is my experience

Inferior in all ways to etizolam. Don't abuse benzos they shut off your pre-frontal cortex and you act like an ape. How is this politics?