My sides
Best President!!
god bless America
oh muh sides.
Sides extinct
is this real?
Yeah, unless he deleted it.
>it's real
Fucking legend.
bless trump
Can't believe this is real. The guy is a world class troll
>We meme'd out of existence one of the most important moments in US political history to elect the human equivalent of a Sup Forums shitpost
I'm so glad we won
Wait, what important moment did we meme out of existence?
Here come the polls.
Everytime he tweets theres always a bunch of numales tweeting out novels.
First wimminz prezdint
Is that Marky Mark's personal account?
World class bantz
Hivemind morons.
He means another huge mistake. First black prez than first womyn
>Wanting the leader of your country to be a women.
Thats not important at all.
Thats what ruined Europe
This man is absolutely savage. I'm starting to think we actually shouldn't have let him get his hands on the nuclear codes because he doesn't even need them.
check those digits praise kek
don't tell.......
the absolute state of america. You are a fucking laughing stock and you all love it for some reason
it's also ruining canada.
I can imagine Trump looking at the reply, chuckling, and then clicking the retweet button drinking diet coke on his other hand.
btfo holy shit
Yeah yeah. Just don't tweet anything bad about Muslims or you'll end up with a knock at your door 'ol chap.
Fucking legend. Did you hear him when he went off about the murderers and drug dealers Obama pardoned? Classic dude
>Nate plastic agrees with my assesment!
Oh no, we're being laughed at by countries in Europe. How ever will we recover?
Why is every godamn fucking Trump tweet dominated by 8 posts by the same twat bitching about Trump no matter the context. Even when he does something right that no one in their mind can find fault with there is someone throwing a tantrum and it is always the first dozen posts shown.
Why? How?
Britain has lots of problems, but the president posting memes on twitter is not one of them, thank god
Twitter manipulates things to only show negative responses.
That's why everyone wants our help right?
Laughing stock, if anything everyone is laughing at you for still getting/not getting brexit done
Just block them
Sides erased from existence
yeah instead they're letting mudslimes destroy your culture and country
you wish your president shitposting was a concern
>Implying this is a problem
Just don't get caught with any sticks on your property.
Trump BTFO
lol clearly you have your priorities straight
Poor bongs who think showmanship is somehow important to the functioning of a society and is an imperative quality in a leader. How are your real problems of a dying society treating you guys?
Yes, your PM is too busy being terribly naughty frolicking through those cornfields
Holy shit the raw BUTTHURT in the reply tweets.
Christ almighty
This photo makes me sad even though I think the government should end all illegal immigration. The parents and government used these kids as political pawns, and in the end they got caught between shears.
I'm not triggered. I am just curious why the most atni-trump posts are always at the very top.
careful. Thats leftist talk boy
the most retweets/likes
You can feel sad for them as long as you understand and accept something important:
They have to go back
America has lots of problems, motherfucking freedom itself is not one of them, thank god
So why are Trump supporters never retweeting or liking pro-trump responses? I know he is doing well and the online community is a festering hive for liberals but from an outsiders perspective every single one of his tweets is meet with seething hatred and repulsion.
Leftist talk would be
What I'm saying is that my government should end illegal immigration so that future generations graduate from school in their own countries.
This. I would say most of us don't hate these people and most of us beneath the shitposting feel truly sorry for the children and families who are hurt by deportations and such.
Still... They have to go back. Plain and simple
Easy D with another god tier shitpost
>So why are Trump supporters never retweeting or liking pro-trump responses?
They do, they are just outnumbered I guess
Yes, illegal immigrants must go back, no "amnesty." But it's worth mentioning that they were put in this situation by their parents and the US government which turned a blind eye for several years of their lives.
Wtf I love Bernie and Elizabeth Warren now
I made a call across the pond to ask why you blokes don't have guns. The city of London Police had no real answer aside from "we don't trust our citizens to own them and only we should have guns".
Incidentally listening to the Gremlins theme, which makes this even funnier
>government is now confiscating sticks
The leaders of the black community are illiterate retards who believe in invisible genies.
Bin that knife.... save a life
Ohhh more polls.
On twatter people tend to troll the other side more than support their own. If you check out popular lefties they get flamed too.
>is this London, England?
>no, just London the city
>oh, okay....
based gay latino
I fucking hate how Twitter prioritizes (((checkmarked))) users first and then shows their minimum 10 replies afterwards.
He cannot help himself.
Hail shitposter in chief!
I will admit he did get a damn good right hook in
>Calling from the colonies
>Oi? Which colony is that?
>americans are pretty dumb I wonder who poste-
this keeps getting better and better
Notice how youre paying attention to America but we're not paying attention to you
you wont be raked good sir
>America but we're not paying attention to you
>all those (you)s from triggered americucks
I disagree
Let the Democrats be complacent, as they were in 2016.
Mexicans wave their flag here while vacuuming up welfare dollars that come from my paycheck. Not only do I not feel sorry for them but I actually want them and their children to die
Your god has abandoned you.
Oh christ yes. Hillary must be so fuckin rattled. An entire book cucked with one tweet.
>trump should be working round the clock
Nobody can make sane rational decisions as one of the leaders of the entire world without time for recreation and sleep which is what his tweeting is for him
Why do people (on both sides) assume that a president (on the side they're opposing) should be working non-stop when they're awake
Trump playing 4D chess again.
>posts meme about hillary's book
>media and left has a collective meltdown
>"omfg why is he still talking about the election"
>obvious counterpoint comes back why is hillary still talking about the election
>hillarys book comes out and she looks pathetic
>all he had to do was share someone else's meme
Always my president.
Put a spurdo mustache in the first panel and this is 100% certified genuine triple SSS certified meme concentrate.
i read that tweet a few hours ago. Im subbed to trumpism4.0. I just found out he retweeted it from this thread. Ahahahahah
I love him
MSNBC had a poll out last month and the dems were at 32 percent. Wtf is this guy talking about?