How does Sup Forums reconcile with the fact that reducing muslim immigration would cause more terror?
Banning muslims won't stop terrorism
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shameless self bump
"let us in or we will kill you"
sounds like an invasion
You can't have Muslim terrorism if Islam is exterminated.
Ask Myanmar
Did you even read the article?
>migrants were not more likely to become terrorists than the locals of the country
Sure, okay... except
The locals who become 'terrorists' over time are directing the terror at the immigrants... not the locals
It's literally taking foreign invaders and backlashers and sticking them in a basket of digits and pointing at it non-objectively
Waste of a read
getposting is not an argument
>The locals who become 'terrorists' over time are directing the terror at the immigrants... not the locals
But the white nationalist terrorists in Quebec and Charlottesville were killing their own citizens, ala, the locals
>most muslims have secret terrorist sympathies
>most terrorists are muslim
>banning muslims = banning terrorists
>falling for the propaganda
I give up. You're too dumb to live. Gas yourself .
Good reason to keep them out.
The facilitators of immigration... despite my suspicion on the real events of Charlottesville
AntiFaschiste historically were the Anti-NatSoc political party in Germany comprised entirely of Communists, same deal today
>Banning muslims won't stop terrorism
No but it's a start
banning rape won't stop rape
therefore rape should be legal
>most muslims have secret terrorist sympathies
>most terrorists are muslim
Source on those? It sounds like you're pulling it out of your ass
Here's a short clip with references for you
So you want MORE terrorism?
That still doesn't make it justified, and there's no proof that the victims were facilitators of immigration nor is there proof that Fields was affected by immigration.
Doesn't matter, were not talking about the muslims in algeria or budapest, we're talking about the ones in Europe and America, both of which are no more likely to become terrorists than the locals as the study in the OP shows
...Where the hell do you think they come from???
Op, are you fucking serious, in bringing this non peer reviewed piece of shit, that's blatantly outside the sphere of expertise of an ECONOMIC publication, where the first reference is the Huffington post, and not even done in a proper scholarly format?
And here's the most ridiculous part of their analysis. They're only counting attacks from first generation arrivals as foreign. Second generation islamic fundamentalists that go train in syria and then shoot up the place? Counts as native!
And one last sleight, that you see constantly pulled. There's ZERO accounting for the severity of the attacks, only strict numbers. Basqe separatists vandalizing a government van counts exactly the same as the london train bombing, or the eagles of death metal shooting, the Charlie Hebbo spree shooting, or a van of peace taking out 50 people.
Mental gymnastics
Nah nah nah
Keeping them out won't worsen thing
Kicking them out will
You think they read a different book?
Fuck off vox shill they need to build their own countries not rebuild ours into their image
Plus the blood feud between europe and the semetic desert ethnicities is millenia old
>no proof that the victims were facilitators of immigration
You even know who Heather Heyer is? (or purported to be)
How is that a facilitator?
Yeah they keep killing French and Brits after we don't let them in or kick them out...
so much hate...
Okay fair criticisms, but what about the fact that reducing muslim immigration would cause more terrorism?
Who's they? The Antifa, Nazi terrorists, or innocent muslims?
not an argument
It lessens the possibilities.
That's enough for me.
Source? I heard she was just anti trump and anti fascist
>restricting Mudslime immigration will create more terrorism
That's going to need a citation. And if you're not giving me an archived link I'm going to dismiss you as a shill.
Besides... you didn't watch the whole video
>"...Great Britain, 2.8 Million Muslims living there. 78% wanted cartoonists of Mohammed legally prosecuted, (2.2 Million)..."
It INCREASES the possibilities, did you even read the abstract of the study?
That's awful logic you got there, but here you go!
>Okay fair criticisms, but what about the fact that reducing muslim immigration would cause more terrorism?
They didn't prove that in the first place.
The closest thing they have to anything that counts as evidence shows that,
>a lack of integrating Muslim immigrants results in more terrorism.
And it's already well established that high levels of migration hurt integration, as the newcomers will tend to create their own enclaves and not integrate.
Their argument is that it is actually the second generation (ie. "Locals") that get radicalised and commit terror. The first generation is usually greatful enough for getting out of whatever shithole they came from.
My argument is that you can't have a second generation without a first.
No Muslims means no Islamic terrorism, it's axiomatic.
The data is over 6 years old you moron, the Muslim population has grown and you don't know what there opinions are now
Muslims also are highly patriotic and its only middle eastern extremists who want sharia
>just anti trump and anti fascist
What is that?
MSM painted her as a Civil Rights Activist
Rights for who? She aligned herself with a terrorist organisation opposing those who want to stop immigration, not just in spirit but physically going to illegal protests.
It says so in the abstract, thats all the proof you need, and the only reason migrants don't integrate is because of bigotry and intolerance to minorities. Muslims are patriotic
Yup, of course they are becoming Patriotic Brits
There is no undercurrent of extremism in the UK that will sweep up the newcomers as soon as they set foot in the local mosque
>allowing muslims to build their own successful countries that will help all the muslims in that area rather than dragging a selected few to leech off our excess wealth is not an argument
You're right it's a better solution than your trash ideas.
>It's not the first generation of muslim immigrants that commit terror, but it's mostly the second generation!
Okay well fuck off then
>It says so in the abstract, thats all the proof you need,
I think you're unclear on the fundamentals of social science, like what the fuck an abstract is, and how to evaluate claims and evidence.
And your own evidence shits on your argument worse than a calais shanty slum.
Go ahead and push your narrative mainstream. See where it takes you.
It's dishonest
>Of course, our results are preliminary rather than definitive. We do not have data detailing which specific group of migrants from which country were involved in terrorist attacks, and so we rely on gross data on the number of terrorist attacks by all foreigners. This means we can estimate the risk of terror associated with a larger number of migrants, but we cannot test whether migrants from a particular country were engaged in terrorist events. This analysis would require individual-level data than currently available, for a large sample of countries and years.
He intentionally obfuscates Muslim terrorism to strengthen his argument and then claims that banning Muslim immigration must stop because we "can't make the Muslims angry." This article is shit. Move along.
God damn, thanks for poking holes in that shitty study everyone
>the number of terror attacks increased with the number of foreigners living in a host country
Wow, so I guess you have to deport the foreigners and stop the migrants. And indeed, it's not even so much the migrants that are more likely to become terrorists, it's their kids. Migrants are a ticking time bomb in that the 2nd and 3rd generations are ripe for radicalizing.
Whoever said the reason to ban muslims was terrorism related? They're a backwards, useless people with low achievement and worthless culture. Terrorism is just a by product of said worthless culture.
>first paragraph
>"[i]n Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic which have strict immigration laws and few Muslims, there have been no major terror attacks. In Germany, Belgium, France, and England, which have liberal immigration laws and large Muslim populations, terror attacks have become an almost weekly occurrence.”
yeah they sure showed me
>I think you're unclear on the fundamentals of social science, like what the fuck an abstract is, and how to evaluate claims and evidence.
So how is one supposed to evaluate claims and evidence in social science, anyways?
It's pseudoscience. They base their results intentionally on things that can't be objectively measured like "racism."
It's the new phrenology.
Are you shilling now or then?
Banning Muslims by itself wouldn't stop terrorism. Forcibly removing them will.
Elaborate on phrenology, racism can be measured though, like how much a population is willing to discriminate against an individual or group simply based on their race
Muslims are not patriotic, they care more about Islam than being american.
Just fucking gas yourself I've seen way too many proofs from studies, videos, and from personal experience that ISIS has large support in the middle east, and here with american muslims.
I'm not going to bother showing you sources because you're shilling one article instead of researching the shit yourself or are blatantly ignoring it.
Also the source for that article is the Huffington Post, a very liberal news source.
Just kill yourself faggot.
No I'm just too tired to critique the study myself, figured the intellectuals here on cuckpol could do it for me
>Just fucking gas yourself I've seen way too many proofs from studies, videos
Links to any of those supposed studies?
>I want to pretend that there would still be Islamic terror in the US if there were no Muslims. I'm a total retard.
Oldfags don't even have to read the article to know it's all lies.
Terror attacks in Euro were unthinkable before Muslims
Once in a quintenium there was a radical event that was huge news, now it's weekly and barely reported if only one or two died
You start with the understanding that most social science is politically motivated garbage. You need to understand assessment methods, and sampling. Double check what they're measuring, and does it actually match with the claims they're making?
For example, they're using the claim here that the number of immigrants is directly related to the amount of terrorisim, and that increasing immigration reduces attacks, because more welcoming societies are less islamophobic, and therefore results in less angry muslims, and less terrorist attacks.
A casual check of this shows that it's a completely garbage claim. Lots of countries are incredibly friendly to muslims, and have high muslim populations, and are chock full of terrorists.
Be SUPER critical of qualatative analasis. And remember the fundamental rule of science is that any claim needs to be testable and repeatable. If your hypothesis doesn't hold up when you let a 20 thousand Vietnamese refugees when you apply it to letting in 20 million "syrians", it shouldn't be a fucking suprise at all.