Why is white supremacy so unpopular with cool and influential people?
Why is white supremacy so unpopular with cool and influential people?
Because they Are Jewish Supremacists, also known as Communists.
Because (((they))) don't like it
Because they are Jewish supremacist
So anyone can just "call" for anything now? Fine. I call for Mark Ruffalo to jam his head up his own ass and keep going until he's just a flesh knot. Get it to the presses quick guys.
This faggit cuck is a liberal cock pleaser. OP, you ha ve to go back
Mark Ruffalo should step down from his role as the Incredible Hulk to make room for a strong, independent person of colour. #HulkSoWhite
relax, he's only marching against Anglo supremacy, he's german by blood
>attractive, successful people hate trump
>fat, balding 40 year olds love him
Really makes you think
>Cool and influential people
Literally kike puppets.
Is this a troll attempt? If so, it's shit.
>a kike wants to strip whites of power
Wow colored me shock
I dont know either, and feel completely puzzled. There was no murrican president who loves (((cool and influential people))) more than donald, there is literally no reason for them to hate him.
Should I know who Mark Ruffalo is?
This guys a kike isn't he?
Should I feel bad I don't know what Mark Ruffalo has ever done?
wtf is wrong with the diaspora jews?
In his most famous role he's replaced by a CGI character, so no.
Gee, it's almost like they are under contracts and under threat of being blacklisted if they don't participate.
The capitalist system of exploitation works fully well without imagining that it's a cabal of Jews pulling the strings.
literally who
It's so easy to name "white supremacy" as the evil villain.
>hey this guy thinks he's superior, wow what an asshole
in reality, it's not the perception of superiority, it's the normalization of whiteness. It's the existence of whiteness that scares people like Mark Ruffalo to pander on and on about white supremacy. It's the existence of the white race that scares neo-marxist jews to try to normalize anti-white hatred and the disassembling of symbols of whiteness. The Jew cowardly calls it "supremacy" and fighting "racism" but the reality is that they are trying to outwit and exterminate their natural competitors.
I suspect, in the past, whoever the Jews originated from, the Jewish descendents were responsible for the collapsing and destruction of previous mass civilization. Look at today, how they try to swamp the white lands with foreign hordes, using drugs, empathy, sociopathic sophistry and orwellian statism to enforce their culture-killing viruses. It's like a meta virus of Jewish poison that cannot help but spread its nasty tribalism and supremacism that repeatedly causes their expulsion through their continuous destruction of culture they find counter to their own "strategic interests".
What I find most amusing is that without Jewish tricks, such as the 1 hundred gorillian nazi movies, their subversive neo-marxism, they would get along with the world and could actually help create and sustain a good world. A world where all have been genocided until we're one muddy race and the pure races rule is only one small catastrophe away from a totalizing human extinction event. If the Jews stopped their anti-white rhetoric, and we worked together for the better of the world, we could create some wonderful things and possibly reclaim and relearn from some of the ancient and long-lost histories of mankind.
Are you trying to sell us the socialist system?
Please don't. I'm russian and it's an offense.
Why isn't Mark Ruffalo helping the stranded buffalos?
>Hurr durr you have to be Jewish to be against White supremacy
>implying the jewish don't brainwash the rich goyim
Mark Ruffalo is not an intelligent person.
>Mark Ruffalo
Pick one
Yes Mark Juggalo is very cool and influential and Trump will now resign.
Because uncool and unpopular people pay them.
How do you know the slide threads aren't just an emergent property? Do they only happen at certain times that are hypothesized ahead of time?
Oh no, now I have to torrent infinity war, what a bummer.
For fucks sake. I liked him as an actor so much now i can't enjoy any of his films because i know he such a fucking idiot.
yeah yeah and he called for us to give up guns too
>that pic
literally keynesian capitalism, not austrian.
Keep screaming in the void and soiling your diapers liberals. It’s 8 years, chew on that fat