Danny D the first redpilled male pornstar?

What does Sup Forums think of Danny D, the Englishman with the biggest white cock in modern porn?

He consistently makes racially-insensitive comments in his porn scenes.

Some examples I took of.

With Jewish pornstars Casey Calvert and Abella Danger, he made comments along the lines of "How do you like this big Aryan cock deep inside your Jewish pussy?"

With Spanish pornstar Susy Gala, he said, "I shall unleash the fury of Sir Francis Drake on this Spanish pussy."

With many black pornstars he's said, "bounce that black ass on that white dick."

Is Danny D...dare I say it, /ourguy/?

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Danny goes on Sup Forums fucking obviously hes /ourlad/

he also irl bane posts in porn scenes

in his interview for fleshbots, when asked about what famous person he'd like to fuck, he said it would be an honor to fuck the Queen of England and then being knighted

i remember there was a viking scene where he was fucking a dark-haired woman and was saying, "you like this blond viking dick in you don't you? i shall conquer all your people"

bit of a weird fuck if i may add

the guy is hilarious, desu
first time i saw him in a clip, i thought he was using some kind of prosthetic
he is a three-legged monster, desu

since you have a Spanish flag, i must ask, are you offended that he constantly makes sir francis drake comments while fucking spanish pornstars?

The guy made a bane porn and a lot of bleached black girls of course he is our guy

He's a also a literal faggot

He's ugly as sin too

But yeah, he was born for porn

well, i have never heard any of that, nor i particularly care
i always find funny when people make politically incorrect jokes
politics are taken way too seriously

If you know the names of male pron stars you're a homo.
>except maybe Ron Germy

He is a literal faggot who takes it up the ass on camera

How can you be truly redpilled and fuck in straight porn? The final redpilled is completely avoiding the femalejew

ironic for a pole to be complaining about a guy being ugly

>"I shall unleash the fury of Sir Francis Drake on this Spanish pussy."

hell yeah

What is the essential Danny kino?

Is gay porn the final red pill?

Funny for American too. Anglos also made the ranking of ugliest men


You know a lot of quotes by the guy user...

why the fuck do you have that saved

yes because women are retarded and men are intelligent

there is a reason why ancient greece was the most advanced civilization

He's Jewish.


his homo stagename is Matt Hughes


the greeks took it up the ass as well but they were still very redpilled. ancient greece was the most advanced ancient civilization. they acknowledge women were inferior and were forbidden to have intellectual conversations.

what is wrong with that? it's the 21st century. white nationalism has evolved. it's ok to take it up the ass especially given that prostate orgasms are 1000 times more intense than regular orgasms

>gay pornstars
>/our guys/
Just when I was starting to think there were too many Christian threads on pol, you degenerate motherfuckers show up

its really big. but I think its not as big as mandingo though.

the problem is that everyone knows white guys can have massive cocks, but the perception is that there are more BBCs than BWCs

are you serious bro? christianity is an abrahamic religion that destroyed the pagan indigenous cultures of europe

you are a degenerate. go fuck yourself and leave this thread please

i agree. that's why i specifically said he has the biggest WHITE cock in modern porn.

Mandingo might be bigger but he's black. are there any commonly-cast white male pornstars that are bigger than Danny these days?

Hes also gay which is lame. Or bi or w.e. His dick is big but again I think the ones like mandingo are bigger.

im bi, but im just saying its lame cause hes bi, cause its true. he seems like a fag

>looks up porn under the male pornstars

i hate to break it to you, but you're probably gay and don't even know it.

>Matt Hughes does straight porn

Fucking DROPPED and folder deleted
(except for the Blake Mason 6man orgy)

both of you need to carefully read this post

also im sure you're both insecure closet FAGS who swallow the blue pill thinking you can have real intellectual conversations with women

>selecting your porn based off big the penis is

Holy shit is that way

Post that scene with bane masks


Take your faith in hebrew mythology and gtfo. Sup Forums values truth above faith.

Is it bad that I recognized that dude and thought "isn't that the dude with the huge dick?" He bang Nicolette Shea. And I found myself just... jealous. I wish I was that endowed.


Kys degenerate

>Nicolette Shea
Her appeal is inexplicable, boob jobs are normally a boner-killer but something about her does it for me

No you don't, since you can't go balls-deep and more often then not girls will hit you up, take a pic of you just barely inside of them, then pack up and leave after getting their proof of purchase. If you want to feel endowed just put a prosthetic in your jeans and walk around in public with your smartphone or a GoPro recording so you can jack off to girls' reactions later.

>Fuck niggers
>Out goy

Ayyy lmao!!!

>vulgar pornstar degenerate

Pick one and only one.

Because she's got the whole deal. Big boobs, big ass, big hair, big lips, but skinny everything else. Striking the exact perfect bimbo measurements for MUH DICK. She's like a cartoon bimbo come to life and she really, really gets into it.

I'm gonna depressed as fuck the day she does BLACKED. Too many pornstars I can't watch now... Not Nicolette, don't take her away Jews!

>i recognize that penis
