L'Oreal fires transgender model for racist rant

Top kek, people are starting to wake up to the reality of anti-white racism

Good. Gotta love watching the leftists eat each other alive.

Seems like every nigger on twitter is defending this tranny. We can't live with them.

What will do when the rest of the companies doing diversity PR realize it's a mugs' game?
Hopefully they'll physically remove themselves or chimpout giving us a good excuse to physically remove some of them

the beautiful thing its that it's a triple win, trannies BTFO, niggers BTFO, and women BTFO.

how are women BTFO?
if anything they did it because he'd alienate white women

Of course they are. I read your post before I opened the link. I assumed the firing was for saying something about nigs. Really strange to see anyone let alone a tranny get fired for saying something about white people. Like when does that ever happen? If I didn't know any better I'd say the whole thing is a publicity stunt. Fire the tranny because fair is fair right everyone?,cucks and groids come to his/her defense, the company acknowledges it and says "well everyone deserves a second chance", rehired. Reminding the general populace once again that whites are fair game.

most white trannys are real hateful fucks, they really hate niggers. Nogs fuck with trannys a lot so the hate is pretty understandable.

It's a nig tranny hating on white people

It is amusing.
I like how at the end of the argument she basically blamed sexism for losing her job too.
Imagine lacking this much self awareness.


Respect individuals goy

Yes I agree with this completely different anonymous

He was ugly as fuck anyway, what was L'Oréal thinking?


probably the same thing that the cisbusters producers thought when they made the movie
>this goes so well with modern trends, it will sell like hot cakes!


>If I didn't know any better I'd say the whole thing is a publicity stunt.
Please explain why you think you know better.

lel, fucking leftists

Oh no, but now they are weaker, because you know, diversity is strength n shit.

irony: the owners of l'Oreal were nazis sympathizers

makes sense...
what if hiring the nigger tranny to fire him was part of their plan to redpill people on anti racist being codeword for anti white?