ITT we come up with nicknames for Eric Clanton. I'll start, post your best

ITT we come up with nicknames for Eric Clanton. I'll start, post your best.

>Eric "bike locks and black cocks" Clanton
>Eric "anally enriched" Clanton
>Eric "skinny fag in prison drag" Clanton

Other urls found in this thread:

>Eric "Bike Kike" Clanton

>Professor Prolapse

>Eric "Haha U Lock Now" Clanton


Eric "who the fuck are you talking about and why would I give s fuck" Clanton?


>Eric"im a commie so every nigger will have an equal share of my asshole"Clanton

Cock Around The Clock Clanton

Eric "cock lock" Clanton

Epitome of Higher Academia:

Just imagine that intellectual, totally not queer voice in prison...


saved so I can mail it to Clanton when he's in prison

Eric 'the Anal Digeridoo' Clanton

Lol you're welcome to it, I shoud've made a better one. This one I made really quick and it's kinda shitty :(


Very good

Eric "black cock for black bloc" Clanton
also whens his next court date

>Eric "From Bike Locks to Locked Up" Clanton

These are fucking great guys keep them coming

Eric the Rat




Eric "From Antifa to Shaniqua" Clanton

Eric "U-Lock Me Up" Clanton

Love it

Eric "The Bike-Lock Man of Alcatraz"

Eric takes the penis of Derek

How many fucking lowlife the likes of this guy as teachers teaching our youth?

oh wow this guy is a fucking joke. this makes me legitimately mad. idiot faggots like this water down the value of a college degree. he should have never graduated. he is a fool.

When both the Left and Right hate you, then you know you've really fucked up

Eric "sweet cheeks" Clanton
Eric "the sperm bank" Clanton
The head cracker of Berkley
Eric "the fluffer" Clanton

Eric "U-lock wonderful tonight" Clanton

Eric ''aryan brotherhood please halp'' Clanton


Eric "my ass is hemorrhaging profusely" Clanton
The Berkley bastard

Eric "The Prison Bicycle" Clanton

"Finna be plantin muh dick in" clanton

This will be clanton soon


his name is just "dat bitch" now

Eric "outie sphincter" Clanton

I hope they use him as a form of currency in prison.

>the sperm bank

Eric "the defenestration of prag" Clanton

Keep them coming guys these are gold.

Best so far

Bike locks and black cocks

Anally enriched

Skinny fag in prison drag

Professor prolapse

Cock around the clock

Cock lock

The anal digeridoo

Black cocks for black Bloc

U lock me up

U lock wonderful tonight

My ass is hemorrhaging profusely

The Berkeley bicycle

Outie sphincter

The sperm bank

Sweet cheeks

The head cracker

The fluffer

Eric the "Cum Dumpster" Clanton

>"That privileges a particular mode of discourse..."
stopped watching. though if i was a student there, id burst out and say you're the one"teaching" me? fuck outta here.

Eric "I'll trade you this anus for those cigarettes" Clanton

Eric "the other white meat" Clanton


The Berkley bike bitch


Professor of Black Dicks.

why are antifa faggots so obsessed with prison sex? have you ever looked at one of their boards, thats all they fucking talk about. If you want black dick that bad, it isnt like it is difficult to get

Eric "the meat locker" Clanton
Eric "the tool shed" Clanton
Eric "the flesh light" Clanton

hi my name is Eric, what is the name of your black cock?
Prisoner 6734590152:
his name is ass locker

Eric "dig that ditch you honkey bitch" Clanton

Eric "sticky buns" Clanton for the win!

Many, user, many. Not just the college kids, the little school kids, too. Like that Yvette Felarca cunt. Or that teacher in Oklahoma who was teaching the kids that "to be white is to be racist". With (((e-Jew-cators))) like these our kids really don't have a chance.

You guys are making my night

Someone posted the winner before in another thread so I'll repost it since it's not here
Eric "U-Lock wonderful tonight" Clanton


>You guys are making my night
>said Eric removing bike lock from his ass

Eric 'rape victim' Clanton
Eric 'ass pole' Clanton
Eric 'sucks cock' Clanton

Eric "Used to swing bike locks, now I suck black cocks" Clanton

wew the savagery. Eric will never recover
Eric the thousand cock stare CLanton

Eric has a lisp? He'll probably enjoy prison.

i dunno if I'm a fucking retard but wtf did he mean by that shit.

Thank you for noticing my autism.


Stretch ass-strong
I take it in the rear cause I'm a queer Clanton
Eric "hot pockets" Clanton
Eric "that ain't miracle whip" Clanton
Bike Boi
Cuck'd Clanton

Did he get sentenced yet?

Eric "improvised brass knuckles, now I'm doing belt buckles" Clanton
Eric "bashed the fash now I take it in the ass" Clanton

Eric "Double Anal" Clanton
Blacked and Blacked again
Eric "He can't be raped by a black man because has more privilaged " Clanton
Eric "suck start a gun before trial" Clanton

this is picture of JesusJuice



Eric "bike lock dosey now my boypucci is oozy" Clanton
Eric "the semen derrick" Clanton
Eric "my communist past made my ass prolapse" Clanton
Eric "Marx is my nigger" Clanton

Any truth to the claim that Eric Clanton has begun ratting on fellow commies from the Berekely rally?

That fucking thread sucks.
>not knowing nickname threads are the highest form of satire

Subtle. I like it.

He's not going to prison, the Antifa's puppet handlers will give him plenty of time and money as needed to avoid getting jailed. At most he will receive some monetary charge, which will be paid for out of his group's pockets, and then he'll be released from his crimes.
He'll get to go back to indoctrinating freshmen into the cult because of his tenure protecting him, hell he's probably just relaxing about his home enjoying the paid vacation he's received because of all the work we've put into bring him to justice.

Eric "bike locks are whack, open up that asscrack" Clanton