Well Sup Forums...?
Good goy
Most of Sup Forums doesn't care about happy merchant vs ali bin-explode-alot fighting, they're unhappy Israel is manipulating countries, pushing 3rd world immigration, USS Liberty etc.
Nice b8 tho m8
several of those countries are not middle eastern at all
Hmm, the birthplace of Christianity is 0% occupied by Christians.
>Dat flag.
>Shilling for GREATEST ALLY
Yep, it checks out.
This isn't even an argument. I don't even know what this faggot is trying to say. The Jewish problem extends far beyond Israeli borders so that the sun never sets on the kike empire
>Their land
You mean Palestine
God Bless Israel
Bingo. Even then we are more unhappy about the fake "jews" of hollywood media conglomerates and wallstreet servants of old money, bildaberg bullshit, etc. I can go on.. and such that conveniently branded themselves as such to be beyond reproach from criticism. Good fences make good neighbors.