fags time to ruin another poll
DGA - Democratic Governor Association whats to know what you think of Trump
fags time to ruin another poll
DGA - Democratic Governor Association whats to know what you think of Trump
aw the questions were boring
They don't hide their hate for the man do they?
Every question:
>Trumps Dangerous Agenda
Put your zip code in as somewhere from Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida, North Carolina, etc.
Convince them that it could be worth backing off this DACA issue, if people in the swing states wnat it to end.
Additionally, maybe put it in as a solid blue area for added demoralization? Just a thought
This is just a push poll meant for democratic partisans, I didn't get any questions on actual issues
>Were you aware that Democratic governors are fighting back against Trump's dangerous agenda
>Yes, I was aware that Democratic governors are leading the resistance!
>No, but I am now!
Jesus, could they suck their own dicks any harder?
yup that's juden
Christ, they look like an AntiFa regiment
If you really want to do the most damage - focus on zip codes in midwestern states with a) Republican incumbent governors and b) upcoming gubernatorial races. Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Illinois are good options.
I finished this survey and now my computer is acting really slow. Fuck you, shill
Done. And fucking lol they lead you right to donating to AdBlue. Another Shill for Hill group?
Shit like this just proves that they're still in their echo chambers.
>90% women
>men are children
>Nasty Woman
A whole division of useful idiots.
I love Trump.
He is the WMD we sent to Wash DC.
And the first of many.
In illinois 60615 is cook county, if you seem lukewarm in their dem stronghold it could be scary.
Its not even a survey really. The way its worded its like they are saying idgaf you WILL not like trump. It should have an agree/disagree with "questions" like that
Do they even bother to tabulate any results from this thing? The questions are all so skewed its just about pointless even by push poll standards.
I did it but it's not a very interesting survey...
Could ask you fellas the same thing
These aren't real surveys. They're marketing. I get them from the RNC all the time. The questions are supposed to prime you for the donation pitch at the end.