Is horseshoe theory real Sup Forums?

Is horseshoe theory real Sup Forums?


fuckin hate these rebel idiots


No. The Jew is the dibiding factor. The right side hates Jews and is more on the religious side. The left side hates god, white men and loves trannycock.

Pic related is a chart that explains it all

Left wing identity politics are not nationalist though, they are largely for political minorities in order to wreck the majority to further internationalism.

BLM is not pushing for the US to be an ethnostate for blacks, but rather agitating for left wing interests against the white majority.

atheism and socialism is right wing? Who is this faggot

Patently fucking idiotic. A circle jerk, instead of addressing and refuting arguments. "Wrong by extremely tenuous association."

has gavin reached maximum autism

what kind of fucking sketch is that

>Alt Left

>knowing anything about the JQ

>not being guilty of anything

>the donut
>not the Chad quoit

no. no matter how hard the kikes try to use it when they are uncovered and need to shut down their little project when the goyim know.

Socialism can be socially conservative and fiscally left wing at the same

See: the USSR

>Alt-Left and Alt-Right are closer than the DNC and the GOP
>Liberals and the Alt-Lite are opposites

>white identity poli is bad because muh shitskin wife and half breed kids
>oy vey the jq is bad I might upset those who employ me
Yeah you aren't hard to figure out gaping anus mcinnes

stfu stupid

>Haha! Look what I did! I drew these two different groups in the same colour, therefore they are identical! Now hold on, I need to drink myself silly and blow my asshole out with watery beer shits and buttplugs.

>the federal reserve printing bitcoin

Fucking stupid

They are tribalist which is different than strengthening the nation state, but they are both authoritarian in nature.


Jew or no jew, you can't blame the game or players, blame the spectators that pay them millions in Netflix and Cable subscriptions.

>The government should completely control our lives
why did you post an equally stupid image

Yes McCuck. Faggots and heteros are almost the same because the hole is situated in almost the same area.

This is why shoving dildos up your ass is not a gay thing to do.


>green is undefined

That's the alt-cuck version of the Cuckservative: "Leftists keep them darkies in welfare plantation camps" btw. Alt-cuck being a slightly more edgy version of Cuckservatives.

why do people need a simplistic 2d graph to understand politics ? Is it because they are retards?

look like any modern european socialist country, which quite obviously do not "completely control our lives"

You realize the vast majority of people needs comparisons to children's literature to form an opinion on politics right?

aside from the women of course, they are made to work in modern society

I guess the real question is should we consider them people?

see I think it actually has a lot of truth to it.

there is a clear bias though, because the only groups that don't have any colors (colors seem to be bad) are the GOP and the NEOCONS

im sure there are liberal types who don't like 'socialism' or identity politics.

the socialism point is arguable, because socialism is so loosely defined as pretty much any government institution that is made to help people, in which case, it's arguable that all liberals have a socialist streak (though i think this is lazy labeling, as even most conservatives are fine with some forms of 'socialism', like the VA)

its not arguable that all liberals are inundated with identity politics, i know a few that hate that shit just as much

This is retarded. It makes so many assumptions. All it does it make a quick peak at what groups appear to stand for without taking in to account the motives for why. It also lumps together the JQ with being anti-israel which is retarded. Leftists dislike Israel because of their politics regarding Palestinians and the fact that they are an ethno-state. It has nothing to do with the JQ.

As people become more actively political, they care more about the social role of government, they are less obedient to mythology, they care about their people collectively, and they think jews are over-represented in positions of power.

Really makes you think. He should label the center "center of power for bureaucrats"

Fundamentals of the current system in US

>jewish elite
>neoliberal capitalism
>"race blind" consumerist atomization


It looks like a fucking school assignment
What a faggot

Political ideology isn't a horseshoe its 3 dimensional. People can come to the same conclusion for different reasons

I'll give some examples

Liberals- Womens right to choose
Fascist- Eugenics

Liberals- No company should be able to hold this much power
Libertarian- Monopolies infringe on the free market and there needs to be some type of barrier.

Gay marriage
Liberals- The state should give equal treatment to gays to get married.
Libertarian- Gays should be able to get married the state shoudlnt' be involved

etc etc

Ouroboros Based Gavin where he's fucking his own ass.

>Jq is antisemitism
Really activates my almonds

Horseshoe theory is for centrists who don't want to acknowledge that standing still when the world is falling apart is fucking retarded and suicidal

>This group says one thing, and the other group says the exact opposite? Hurr durr I see no difference, fence sitters are so enlightened

What really cooks your noodle is when you look at his circle, and see how left and right come together against ZOG, the Giant Douche and the Shit Sandwich.

What a perfect time to drive a wedge, eh. The old divide and conquer. America is a prison. Paul Ryan and Hillary Clinton cowrote The Purge.

Perpetual Middle Eastern war for Israel

Funding ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria and Iraq, who take slaves and sex slaves. Who indiscriminately murder men, women and children. The enemy in our perpetual war, who soldiers give their lives fighting.

A Mars colony would be cheaper than American servitude for Israel.

There are two problems with classification:
a) the purpose is to simplify things but sometimes it leads to oversimplification. Judging modern politics with a one axis representation, a representation that was created during the French revolution around support or disapproval for the monarchy is obviously retarded. So why not create more axis?

b) well this is problem number two, the choice of the axis will depends a lot on who makes it. Which is why for instance, in the Nolan chart, the two axis measure different kind of liberty, to make it seems like libertarianism is anything else than a fringe movement. It's also why centrist came up with that stupid horseshoe theory.

I really kinda dislike Gavin; put I think I can help.

He's not looking at a political spectrum. He looking at an ACTUAL spectrum.

Also, it's not a donut.
It's a portal.

Perspective. Influences. Context.

It annoys me how oversimplified and people still dont' fucking understand how it works. No one gets the concept that left and right refers to state intervention in economics. When people say fascism is right wing its an incredibly retarded thing to say.

Liberals would agree with a lot of fascists ideology on government intervention in the market. Where they disagree is where the government gets involved in their personal lives.

Gavin's theory about "the way it works" is more like a snapshot of "the state of the game"

>Sup Forums
>one ideology

>Person who has eaten cereals that used his own piss instead of milk should be taken seriously
How about no

back 2 reddit mate

Alt-Right = Nazi = Socialist Dictatorship

Alt-Left = Commie = Socialist Dictatorship

Wow so hard to understand. I'll take my nobel peace prize.

Woah......This is so POWERFUL....

Of course, us on the far right. I want whites to all die, I want tradition replaced by harmful progressiveness, I want open borders and unified one world government. I'm the same as left.

Socialism USED to be more clearly defined, but it's been watered down so much that any government spending is suddenly some ~radical socialist policy~ and not just...y'know...a government spending money.

Real socialism is essentially just "kick the bosses out and run the factory yourselves". But the only way the modern left would recognize that as socialist is if you dressed it up in an ushanka and a Che Guevara t-shirt.

Like dude, we all bleed red blood, race isn't real. So open your borders, it doesn't matter if it's white, black or brown. We're all intelligent. Yes, whites are becoming more and more minority, but what does it even matter? #civicnationalism

fucking spot on

anyone else toy with that idea befire going full fash?

The horseshoe theory comes from the fact that both the far right and the far left are against liberal capitalism. The difference is that socialists want a revolution along class lines and fascists want a revolution along racial lines.

Collectivism versus monarchism and fascism do not meet towards the end. People who spout this garbage have zero idea of the beliefs they follow.

>socialists want everyone to get free shit and fascists want their country to be free of the people who keeps themselves and their community(largely racial) oppressed under the weight of socialists who want free shit


He actually tweeted out JQ. Amazing. Hopefully some noggins get jogged.

state-libertarianism is the final form of a natsoc state.

He's talked about it before multiple times and every time he has ended up calling you either an idiot or a fed, while kissing #BasedIsrael ass

Why is he still cucking for a guy he no longer works for. Gavin spilled his JQ redpills months ago

Welfare is a liberal construct. Socialists do not want people who won't work to get something for nothing (unless they have a really good reason like being injured for example). However we do want everyone to have the opportunity to find fulfilling work even if the market wont provide it. Basically liberals want to give to the unemployed and socialists want to get rid of the cause of unemployment.

i thought the donut looked familiar

No it's retarded.

As I said, two axis is not a good representation either. Look at pic, neocons are close to nationalists, it doesn't make any sense. And when you use that representation for elections in western societies, most candidates end up in the blue quadrant.

Beside the urge to distant yourself from the "evil ideologies" there are two reasons to create a representation of the political spectrum: represent the actual modern political spectrum of one area or represent the realm of possibility. The Nolan Chart is part of the latter group, the left-right dichotomy is a really really bad member of the first group. The horseshoe theory is just retarded centrist autism.

You could make an horseshoe theory from any political position:
-nationalists could say that modern left and modern right agrees on globalism. The left because muh human race, the right because muh globalized trade.
-extreme left has always called center-left social-traitors working hand in hand with the capital
-ecologists could say that modern left and modern right both don't care about baby seals
Etc. using this kind of shit is just saying "I'm not like other ideologies", which is true but that doesn't mean you're better.

>if I shove my head up my ass I'm a donut

>horshoe theory

That's already American fascism.