I've been seeing and hearing a lot about Flat Earth theory

I've been seeing and hearing a lot about Flat Earth theory.
If the Earth is flat, then what would be the purpose of the elites of keeping this a secret from the rest of the world?
Is it for power? Is there a religious reason to get us away from God?
If Earth is flat, then what is the point of going on about a globe Earth?

Other urls found in this thread:


Elites can't keep this a secret from the rest of the world because of the availability of international travel.

>waiting for actual evidence which supports the flat earth theory

Flat earth is the dumbest shit i've heard in a while

it's all elaborate trolling.

Then how did the movement gain traction?

Outer space is a meme for the goyim to focus outwards, instead of focusing inward and strengthening their bonds with the earth.

EinSTEIN was a jewish fraud. Relativity doesnt exist. You are living in the electric universe.

Judging by its inorganic rise and complete lack of sound theory - I'd say it started off as CIA disinfo.

Poe's law

We are on the inside. Space is not what they tell us it is. NASA has never sent anything into "space" for real. Nobody has. Why spend so much effort faking the space program? To make us think we are insignificant. Really, we could be the entirety of creation.

This is horrifyingly scary

But from what I've seen the flat earth theory still has the flat earth travelling through space.

Most of us are just fucking around, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were people on here who actually believed in the flat earth.




The time cube was inside the earth the entire time

This is a slide thread.


We just had this thread an hour ago gtfo


What is this supposed to be showing me besides two photos of the same globe earth seen from different distances?



I can't even tell what this picture for ants actually is let alone what nonsense I'm supposed to be misinterpreting it as. Can you reply with answers in word format rather than pictures?

whoa it's like the game of thrones intro

My religion is now the great minds of Science. Please raise my taxes for this very useful program daddy government. Also raise it a bit more for global warming.

In the same way that seriously we can't allow Trump to have the nuke codes and that Bannon brought bad optics to the Trump administration.
No seriously most of it is just straight up trolling.
Don't bother with it too much some people here are autistic.

Anyone want to explain why lower density rises up and higher density sinks down if gravity doesn't exist?

the sky is actually a giant wall

See Truman Show..it's literally the best example

Autism is a feature, not a bug. Its why we have advanced pattern recognition and laugh at all the jewish tricks most goyfags cant seem to figure out.

instagibbed, bitch.

Literally an argument for gravity not existing you idiot.

>I've been seeing and hearing a lot about Flat Earth theory.

The Earth isn't flat, you retard...

The muslims just got the internet and they are trying a "Soft Conversion" on the rest of the world.

Do not give attention to these fucking autistic trolls.
They're the same pointless fuckers who spam baits on pol for the lulz wrecking the level of discussions we could have.

Except you can't explain why higher density goes down. What determines "up" and "down"?

B-but muh ball...

Where in nature have you seen anything like this? Forget the fact that gravity makes everything spherical.

But how do the pictures you've been posting demonstrate that?

The solid dome theory was started by atheists to mock christians during the "enlightenment". But some idiot preachers ran with it.
Long read, but comprehensive.

If you don't think the earth is flat, then your stupid.



The video fails to explain why density works up and down the way it does.

brainlet detected

Earth is not flat, but black wholes are 'flat' by the mathematical definition of the term, in realtion to space-time. Earth is not dense enough to be 'flat'.

Based leaf.

If the holographic principle is a real thing, literally everything might be flat.

Trolls, Protestant conspiracy theoriist, and idiots who'll believe any conspiracy theory they read on the Internet.

Rob Skiba, a minor figure in the protestant conspiracy scene, is a huge believer in the flat Earth. He's the one who got the Rapper B.o.B believing in the flat Earth.

Skiba's YouTube Channel. youtube.com/channel/UCoiIt_v1D-6z75LmrdIU2aw/videos

Flat Earth theory has been put into mainstream lately to dilute other "conspiracies"
>The Jews are pushing the erosion of white culture? You're a flat earther too huh?

Is this supposed to be that the world is just a dome and there is no outer space?
Are other planets domes too?

It isn't. Watch a sunrise.

>Are other planets domes too?
If that's the case than apparently every celestial dome is angled to be perpendicular to our own.

Almost forgot I was on pol

Earth is indeed flat.
Most people still think it's completely ridiculous, because that's how brainwashing works.
Your loss, you're the one afraid of the truth, clinging to a fairy tale. Weak people.

Flat earth cant explain eclipses


You don't wait m8, you go looking. The science, the real science, not theories has more proof for it being a flat earth.
Consider NASA is a Freemason run agency, all astronauts are Freemasons, insignia's and masonic. then put 2 and 2 together.

So then all planets are flat too?

It doesn't have the flat Earth moving through space, so I don't know where you go that from.

>light in the sky could be a ball
>therefore we live on a ball
congrats on posting literally without brain

Why can't it? It can explain it more than the retarded idea that somehow magically the sun is far enough from the Earth that it's the same size as the moon haha.
What are the odds of that for us insignificant worthless godless dirty dust babies in the nothingness of space?

Only niggers and trailer trash believe the flat earth meme, because, like mental midgets, they will believe most memes. Aristotle figured it out 2000 years ago, the fucking brainlets here are just meme warriors, not thinkers.

someone post that gif with the revolving internal sphere with sun in the middle

>be white
>be literally dumber than some niggers

>first plane invented in 1903
>b-but muh aristotle meme

topkek, what an ape, kys mong

youtube.com/watch?v=3EorbfotdiA&t=2614s His point on everything being in the single point correlate with this theory very well. WE LIVE INSIDE

>be Slovenian "literally who"
>Slovenian education through Jewtube conspiracy vids
>equates star charts with fucking planes
>b-but muh flat earth
>believes the meme
>doesn't understand shadow delineation
Crawl back into the sheep pen you shit colored wind up toy and don't come out until you've successfully used a sun dial.

I've seen flat earthers who purport that the movement of the flat earth through space is literally what causes what we perceive to be gravity, like, the flat earth is propelled upwards.

I've not had to deal with physics since I left school but I'm pretty sure in that case it means we'd have to be constantly accelerating.

It's also explained through some sort of electromagnetism, right? When I was watching flat earth videos I'm sure I was more exposed to the momentum=gravity theory. If the de facto explanation is electromagnetism well then I guess I've been misled.

>be brainlet
>prove earth shape by observing heavenly bodies
kys, you dumb nigger



Whether it's hollow or flat, or "pear-shaped" is irrelevant.... WE NEED TO BE ALLOWED TO QUESTION EVERYTHING!

It's true though:

>can't prove anything at all
>everything observable is round
>power of deductive reasoning
I can see that the power of deductive reasoning is completely lost on you. Mentally stunted at birth?

Mate, that is the flat Earth society they are there to discredit people doing real science and research. Avoid flat earth society like the plague.
I think the flat earth society actually says the earth is constantly moving upwards so that creates the force.
I'd say it's more Density and electromagnetic energy, like static. When you think about it, why would everything just float anyway without the pretend space vacuum and spinning?

Explain the see through moon phenomenon to me please.

>be nigger
>play basket like this

>literally being this retarded

>kindergarten drawing
>what is a 23k circumference
>what is F = G*((m sub 1*m sub 2)/r^2
Do they not have gravity in Slovenia?
Also, this explains why Slovenia is "literally who".
Literally the thinking of a child Cvetko.

>muh mathematical model
>muh gravity
AHAHAHAHHAA, fucking kys, dummie

A body that small wouldn't achieve hydrostatic equilibrium. It wouldn't be round and you also wouldn't be able to stand on it, you'd push yourself off it at the slightest application of force


>i can't show my magical effect on earth
>but trust me, it's true

>expecting Slovenian to have any education at all.
I guess your being held to the Earths surface with your shoelaces?

>i can't show my magical effect on earth
What nonsense argument is this? Everything we show to flat earthers that explains the nature of reality they selectively ignore.

nope, magical formula of gravity holds me here along with trillions of tons of water, while spinning at the speed of sound

kek, i wonder how it feels living in a brainless body

>kek, i wonder how it feels living in a brainless body
I guess you will never know, not having a brain and all.

>a mathematical model that can't be demonstrated anywhere on earth
>we show

Dude, what are tides?

Literally open your phone.

Turn on GPS.

If it works, then you have proof the world is a globe.

tides are an effect that makes more sense on azimuthal eq. projection, that isn't caused by the moon as it was taught once, and that literally don't prove even H of heliocentrism
any other question, brainlet?

>go to south pacific
>satellite can't track you anymore

>he still doesn't know gps is ground based
toppest kek, what a retard

if the world were round we'd be "in earth" but instead we say "on earth". you can't stand on a fucking globe. roundkikes really need to cut this shit out

Flat earth is real!


I know you're trolling, but still.

GPS works anywhere in the world, I don't know where you got that it doesn't work on the South Pacific.

kek, your spinning ball is trolling, mong

>I don't know where you got that it doesn't work on the South Pacific.
i didn't expect you to know, you're a dumb little meme parrot

>tides are an effect that makes more blah blah...
And effect of what? I asked for an explanation, not an empty statement. The burden of proof is on you, here. To the majority of the population with a rational mind, the facts of reality are firmly established.

You're the one who needs to prove your case. Your efforts to debunk our's are fucking weak. "Tides aren't caused by the moon" Wow, that's really all you'll give us? Just a half-baked statement? Well tides are a thing. I can go and see them in action. All the evidence that they're caused by the moon is very compelling. You just saying "that's wrong" doesn't even scratch our position, and you don't even give ANYTHING to explain your own postion.

This book infuriates indoctrinated globies:


>not sure if troll or serious
You need evidence for your claims.

haha,sure buddy
I feel bad for you if this is your main source of entertainment, but have fun I guess

That people fall for this shit is scary, alright.

Gravity doesn't;t exist. We all actually have little Velcro hooks on our feet. It is why you can't stand on your hands...

>implying i would invest actual effort against a brainwashed scientism fundamentalist

it's flat, buddy

>i STILL insist gps works in the middle of south pacific
>this is how we globecucks investigate models
kek, should't expect any better from a retarded ante

If the world is flat anyone care to enlighten me on how to get to the end of the world, and I'll promise I'll do it within the next two years