Poorly describe a war, other anons guess what war it is

when your nations leader passes away and the throne gets handed to the next kin that was a complete lowsy impulsive asshole that he went and started the biggest war ever that only lasted for four years because of some country next to yours got their leader killed by a bunch of snow niggers.

>then your country gets another leader that's actually pretty decent in speech check skills and high bartering skills but poor decision making skills along with bad history of being bullied that he turns the entire country into an edgy as fuck nation along with hating on a specific group of people because he doesn't know how to tone down his racism which leads to another fucking big war that fucks over your country twice as bad

>then you get another leader that is bad but not bad as the last two were but bad enough to secretly get your country to have a monopoly on the currency on rest of the countries around you and literally uses that money to come up scheming plans to sacrifice your own country just to get back and destroy all the remaining countries around you without starting another war this time and there is no end insight but hey at least you can get good kebabs for sale though

Okay try and guess

>Be me
>Be sitting on hill
>Be mentally unstable
>Hold the line with the other regiments
>Hear somewhere that there may be a charge
>Get really bored
>Get really angry that nothing is happening
>Literally run ahead and bring my entire army with me
>Bought this entire army for this war and I'm gonna use it
>Get fucked immediately
>Try to fall back
>Enemy follows in our retreat and breaks out line
>My group left a giant ass hole that split the line in to because of this charge
>Get convicted for fucking up really bad
>Plead insanity

>a school dropout invents a new way to remove lice

Absolute Madman stops a whole navy from invading his country with a small flotilla of badass ships.



I'm going on a whim here and say america creates the atom bomb and use it on japan



Spanigh-English War, not sure of the year. It was when that privateer fucked The Spanish Armada like three times and got away with it.

The Battle of Pharsalus?

Nopers, much later than that.

>Poorly describe a war, other anons guess what war it is
the one the kikes started

>gotta go fast

Trick question,
All of them.

>I ain't paying for that shit.

>be on a boat
>boat beach's
>get off boat
>guys in front die instantly
>My team wins.


bunch of dudes in boas,t hundreds of them planning to rush a enemy base from the front a choke point pretty much. the enemy's are sitting in the base just gunning them down as they run off the boats.

>The north cools down and the south heats up.


>slaves happen on high seas
>pimp-in-chief gets pissed
>create an elite team of faggots to apprehend lost seaman
>goat rapists get absolutely haram'd

Murderous sociopath A thinks it's a great idea to trust murderous sociopath B to keep their word and is utterly surprised when B breaks his promises at the first opportunity.


>Be Black
>Be French
>Get Angry
>Outnumber whites 1 to 5
>Chimp out and kill all whites with machetes
>Become a poor island nation

I got one
>be a pretty badass guy
>have army
>make my way through the south destroying everything
>steal the enemy's food supplies
>release their workers
>keep doing the same shit over the next few months
>make my to the water.

Haitian revolution?

>the hivemind

when your wife's sister is a heretic so you sail to the capital of the world's largest empire and take the throne without a single battle

Yeso, you got it.
Here's your rare pepe as a reward.

Battle of Gettys(((burg)))

Ol King Billy's Revolution

hell yeah my man

when niggers means something to someone so a lot of brothers die

You call that a rare pepe?


It's the rarest frog you'll ever see user.

Sherman's march

American and French Revolution?

>some guy wants to take away my farming equipment.

General Sherman's march to the sea.

No, think more Eurasia

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

Operation Barbarossa: Trimming Stalin's Mustache

nigs get BTFO by a boat

I got one:
>warriors fighting in basements
>weapon of choice is made from frogs
>Overthrew marxist dogs and installed God-emperor

>Russians repeatedly hack your elections
>Leader who is literally russia's bitch tries to reform government but fails to do so
>People frustrated with the government riot in the streets
>Foreign powers eventually invade you and split up the rest of your country between them

>centralized power in the north
>confederation in the south
>northern aggression causes a war
>north wins
>people in the south are still butthurt to this day

War of Austrian Succession

Partitioning of Pollish Commonwealth by Russia, Prussia, and Austria?

Germany 2: Electric Boogaloo

The rains of haiti


Germany invades France.

ez mode Burger Civil War

You get a (you) too

Actually thinking about something else in Europe, give or take about half a century

Spanish occupation of Western Sahara


>Literally Hitler

Dude what?

*evil laughter*
I deceived you. It's the Austro-Prussian war

Barbary wars.

yup, he's one of my favorites Generals, dude was a fucking badass, sucks though on how he died.

>be me
>be envious of other generals who conquerored great lands
>decide to invade with an army of 40000
>too proud to accept help from neighboring country
>march army into enemy territory searching for an enemy army to fight
>find enemy army
>scouts exaggerate size
>be bad at strategy
>deploy in a box formation
>son charges out
>gets killed
>slip into depression
>other commanders take charge
>night falls
>they decide to make a run for the closest town
>lose 20000 men
>get beheaded

>be journalist
>yellow journalism attracts attention to suffering of Z people at the hands of Group X
>Place boat in Harbor of Country Z controlled by Group X
>It explodes
>Country Y flips their shit and declare war
>Discover JV death camps before Hitler perfected it
>Future Leader of Country Y prominent b/c of war

This shouldn't be too hard

>most developed nation in the world
>have to live on tiny island with active volcanos
>decide to exterminate an entire nation to save our nation's natural expansion
>muh 6 gorillion
>become dominant force in the globe
>lose it all because of some kid

Winner winner chicken dinner

>when the only casualty of the war was a cooking implement

>three cousins get into a fight over something that happened in another country.

>>fighting the americans
>>told to charge
>>officer charges with us
>>he gets shot

This sounds familiar...

It was for soup

Keked WWI

This should be easy
>be communist leader
>make truce with former government general to allow people to flee
>send out commonly idolized communist bottom bitch on a night raid to kill the general and all fleeing enemies of communism.

Nobody got it.

Ahh, Kettle War

>10 guys take a rope and tie it all together into a big complicated knot
>one guy cuts a part of the knot
>the entire rope starts to come apart and all the guys start fist fighting each other

american revolutionary war



He was a war criminal and Lincoln died for his crimes

The great meme war 2016

>be French Army
>need to show Poles you are still tight niggas
>decide to launch an offensive as a sign of solidarity with those fighting on the other side of Europe
>Advance 8 miles into enemy territory virtually unopposed
>Reinforcements for enemy comes
>Receive over 10x the casualties despite having twice as many troops and tank support
>General Orders a Retreat
>The Poles think you are fucking useless betrayers

>started with unprovoked attack on farming settlements
>attackers massively outnumber responding expeditionary force
>said force retreats after being zerg rushed and depleting ammo
>considered a national embarrassment

>be a prince on a road trip with your bro
>stop by this dudes place, his wife is known as da baddest bitch in da hood
>take her with you for da lulz
>husband mad cause he got cucked, lel whateves, what's he gonna do about it
>oh shit he assembled a coalition and they're besieging us.4real

And that's how my kingdom got destroyed and went migtow kids, but hey at least they made condoms in our honor so we've got that going for us.

Fucking jews

I'll help, every war

Yep. The Kaiser, King George, and the Czar were all cousins.

USS Panay incident leads to Japanese oil embargo?

Le Trojan War

Trojan War

Was thinking of the Imjin War . Admiral Yi with his turtle ships.

be me auscuck, refuse to pay mining fees to britcuck

>be me
>trying to conquer england because my people live for war and cant farm for shit due to not enough farmable lands in our home
>get my shit pushed in by a massive army
>retreat back to our boats
>leave literally one guy to cover our asses
>he dies just after we all made it to safety by getting speared in the balls

Damn reading about it now that seems incredibly similar except for the last part, I'll give you a (you) but different Hemisphere

>The only time in history Italy actually finished a war on the same side they started
(but only because they switched sides twice)

emu war?


>be a war
>have specific start and end date
>some people died
>land and treatys are exchanged


Here's one -
>be a roach
>lure your roach enemy out of his camp on the high ground
>occupy your enemy's former camp
>carry defeated roach around in a giant birdcage


I know hence my correct answer, all grandkids of queen victoria
good pic tho, have another