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Who cares. Just please level them already America-kun
Nothing will happen
War is stupid
I unironically would love to be slapped by those sagging tits of her's
Wtf? Why don't you do it, we're a little busy down here
With my gift of foresight, I predict another stern condemnation
and maybe talks of a possible Sanction
Trump is gonna turn them into dust by next week screencap this
Post war music pol
Post your war music
We'll drop a few bombs in an empty field near the NK boarder to show them how tough we are.
We really should start billing the rest of the world when we take care of shit like this. I don't know why we don't do that.
Also, does anyone else just get a total 'meh' feelings from this? It seems like the hype is 10x worse than the reality. Norks aren't going to do shit. They're just building these things in an attempt to elevate their standing on the world stage. They need money. They need resources. They need help. I ain't skeerd.
North Korea can't get a over Japan without it breaking. Why am I supposed to care. All they've done is give us the justification to strike them while admitting they have no capability.
who is supplying them resources to make this shit then?
Shit got thermo nuclear.... let's see if USA have the balls to nuke Best Korea.
If the USA don't nuke Best Korea, IRAN, Venezuela, Syria, Philippians, Brazil, Turky, Saudi Arabia will get the nuke
and Saudi Arabia or Turky will actually use it
You'll think of meee
yea just like the missile that went over Japan?
Hahaaha your delusional
Leaders may condemn the attacks that's about it friend
You just mad cuz Asians are replacing you.
just nuke this fucking world. fucking normies REEEEE
>A magnitude 6.3 earthquake in North Korea early Sunday was likely the result of the country's sixth nuclear test, media reports said.
oh wow, another rare meme
no wait i've already seen this one
Nothing will happen.
Asians are subhuman
>start billing
You are obviously some 16 year old retard with zero idea how geopolitics works. Why doesn't Saudi and Canada tax your fat fuck country 5x for oil usage?
You literally are retarded. You want to be the big dog on Earth? You have to deal with shit like that. Don't like that you have to? Then shut the fuck up and eat a McDouble.
Americans are seriously a cancer on this planet and need to be eradicated. Even the best whites are sub-room temperature IQ.
We up north have given our fair share of uranium to the cause. We literally had a boom bust city called Uranium City.
After we nuke them we will send the brave Canadian infantrymen in to mop the rabble up. We might even throw you guys some of our american world class air support.
Leafs love that shit.
Fix NK, Brussels-chan
O, wait....
Believing media ever. Nope
Like Canada wouldn't be the first in line to call us ebil warmongers and offer refugee status to all of our victims. You're a cowardly, backstabbing cunt of a nation and if you ever let go off queen mums apron strings we'll kill you all and turn your joke of a country into a national forest.
>With my gift of foresight
nah, nuke first strike by the usa. check them
If they have H-bomb it's awesome. Jews and their cowardly and effeminate attack-dog USA only understand the language of violence.
No faggot parades, liberate women, niggers, arabs, turks and spics in NK. Deal with it.
Not all of us are fucks. Just like 85% are.
I think I'd better shave my beard and have a shower now
you know... just in case
Live stream
>IQ doesn't matte-
Someone's jelly
I fucking hate that child rapist. I hope he gets nuked first.
Stop being Cuck. Join army so you can expel JEWmericans from Korean Peninsula. Russians have a lot to learn from the radical and ultra-masculine Nationalist-Racialist spirit of NK. Putin The Democrat is feminizing Russia too because he is a half-tool of the JEWS.
Well you are ebil warmongers who constantly set the world on fire while others have to tidy up.
The european refugee crisis is caused by none other than your degenerate country licking the arms industries ass while keeping the world cooking for them.
You are a pathetic nation user.
I like that your concern right now is making sure you're clean-shaven. Die smooth.
Honestly, how tough can NK be? When was the last war they fought? Seems like any of those from the Korean war are in their 80s or executed already.
>jews are inferior
>jews rule the world
pick one, murrican mong sherlock. Because we both know your sub-fish-IQ ass is americano, don't we.
Is it censored?
Can we get the Happening started before the kikes yank Sup Forums c'mon
t. Ahmed
Fuck off burger faggot.
This is literally fake news
I wish our anchors dressed up like this.
Then we just need some oxygen bombs. It'll make them water bombs lel
Americans are just cannon fodder, stupid enough to fight our wars for us. Americans are the downies of the caucasian race, let them think what they want to think, it keeps them stupid
freemason confirmed
>dem high shoulder BR cases
boner killer
Good on you for keeping a sense of humour in your last days on earth, mate.
I really respect that.
Almost OP one digit away from satanic digits
>when the gook mad man is literally baiting the angry orange american man to end his regime
What's the difference between this and regular nukes?
That comment from that flag. Yeah I'm going to bed because I've seen enough from this board for one day
Do you really not fucking know that you're allied with us in all of them, you rampaging faggot? Afghanistan, war on ISIS, hell you're even ass deep in Mali w/o a single Murican around to blame it on.
There is no refugee crisis outside of your desire to import shitskin even from their own civil wars. Real refugees get camps and safe zones either in their country or a safe neighbor, you don't build fucking homes for them in your country and plan to keep them long term. No one told you to go full retard but YOU put a gun to the head of the whole EU and force them to import human waste as well, you're nothing but a crybaby aggressor bitching about evil America while following us around like a worthless little brother.
t. Obesity
South Korea is considering deploying "most powerful US tactical weapons".
This is turning into a second Cuban Missile Crisis.
Nice, I was with the 101st for 4 and a half years.
isnt california in need of water?
>t...they don't have m...miniaturisation yet, guys?
who took the time to make this bait image
They won't do shit.
due to the inverse square law, not much really
>comparing the Hiroshima bomb to the Tsar Bomba
Yeah no
>rice farmers
>my only weakness
>t. USA
Death to American pigs and its allies
That's what they tested.
A small H-bomb. No doubt the mock up was shown to Kim in the press photo that was released.
Other than numbers (which they'll be mass producing now), they're full armed and operational.
please america stop north korea before they remove anime
guaranteed at least 3 child rapists in that photo
you're a fucking retard
time for swexit
I wonder who is truly in charge of dropping nukes in NK. Is Kim the only one with authority to give such an order or is it his generals that actually pull the strings?
I wonder how much knowledge of the western world they have
Pretty much this, Norks know they won't stand a chanse
Please nuke California.
>When was the last war they fought?
Against you guys. US led coalition defeated.
It being attached to an ICBM might make it harder to intercept.
They just better hope the ayy lmaos don't pay them a visit.
and nuke Silicon Valley, the entire pornography industry? are u fuckin idiot?
Stalemate, because of China. NK got obliterated at every turn by the coalition. It wasn't even a contest. But of course I wouldn't expect a dumb meme flag to know anything.
Well then the 15% of the good ones dies too...take one for the team
Soon, Leaf-chan. Soon.