Should the LGBT community be allowed to vote?
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yes you fucking retard.
>waa I can't win, we can't allow my enemies to vote
Thats not a trap btw
No, mentally ill people should not vote.
Also they should stop have their community invaded by normies trying to escape the "white male guilt" by pretending to be trans.
Sure except for MtF trannies. 19th amendment was a mistake. They lose their vote.
why do they look batshit insane
Terrible with a knife, but effective over time.
>mentally ill people allowed to voice an opinon that shapes the future for non mentally ill people
Yeah, what could go wrong?
No but really why are you asking this obvious bait question
I'm 90% sure that's a normal woman.
If a man has sex with another man, He should he killed.
Lesbians aren't punished (all women have lesbian tendencies) but women get half a vote
Transsexuals can vote but should he shunned from society if they are if base character and their feminity or masculinity is a fetish and forced.
Yeah, they can vote. That woman chopping things reminds me of Applemilk.
they can vote from the ovens i guess
OP posted a regular western whore not a regular western male
her name is emily rudd
t. trans woman
Source on girl please?
thats a girl you fags
Only those who actually pay into the government more then they recieve out of it should be allowed to vote. That includes people who work for the government.
You wouldn't turn your paycheque over to your children and let them decide how to spend the money and there is no good reason for citizens to allow "children" to decide how the money is spent. Nor would turn your paycheque over to the bank and let them decide how to spend your money.
Read "The Constitution of Athens", by Aristotle of course. Its all in there. Exactly how to organize the best government ever conceived. It is the model for all western governments. The further away we have strayed from this model, the worse our governance has been.
The founders of every major western democracy studied this book, especially the Americans.
Read the section on the importance of Juries in particular, this is an area that has been steadily eroded in last 80 years. As well as position of Oligarchs in the system (forming a "Senate"), who have basically seized control of all three branches of government at this point in time.
He understood it all so clearly, so long ago, smartest man who ever walked the Earth.
Yes. But they go into a special ballot box that never gets counted.
It is the process that matters.
Why does he make constant eye contact with the camera?
dunno but id rather have a qt trap than a real woman
Faggots are retarded, they'll work perverted sex into everything and we'll all die of AIDS.
Women are useless filth and must be purged from the human race
Nice digits.
i agree 100%
If you pay taxes you should have a right to vote, that's how i sees it.
Let us make San Francisco a city state for queers and then leave us alone.
They should be institutionalised.
> LGBT voting ban
> the state accuses 40% of the country of being bi
> dictatorship
fuck right off
there's no way this is a trap
Denying them basic citizen's rights will only make them more insufferable. Toss everyone the same bone so they can shut the fuck up.
Why do people still find it amazing that young men who are still fairly adrogenous with a ton of make up on youtube video can look just like a women.
The bigger point is knock your socks off with whatever kinky shit your into, just dont ask me to pretend like its real.
>basic citizen's rights
stop this meme.
>Toss everyone the same bone so they can shut the fuck up.
and how did allowing them to marry go? afaik they're bitching more than ever. you don't give these people an inch.
And the marriage thing was due to the Supreme Court not a representation of what people wanted.
Trump will probably get 2 more justices replacing leftist activist judges, and eventually it will get over turned.
>letting people with no desire to continue the human race and use their organs the way they were suppose to be used vote for leadership for our nation
Fags should be put in a rocket ship and sent out into outer space.
not a trap lol...i think actual fags are trying to muddy the waters by passing real girls off as traps. traps are fucking abominations.
not a trap
hang all fake tranny posters, worse than real trannies
wont need to vote.
Uncle Kimmy's got his Thermonuclear devices ready.
He'll nuke us soon
Yes. They should also be encouraged to seek mental treatment but that's another issue.
>If a man has sex with another man, He should he killed.
And that wouldn't happen at all in the Muslim world.
What a contradiction
You mean he wont do shit.
And even if he tried, he would probably succeed in nuking a random part of the ocean or his own people.
who is he?
See? Some are VERY convincing. And they'll try to date you, and really make you fall in love. And then when it comes time her willy will flop out at you and you have to marry it.
Who is she?
Never be fooled by fake tranny posters. They are probably degenerate ugly tranny fags or jews (or both) trying to fool you into thinking 99.9% of trannies aren't literal garbage. Here is your typical tranny freakshow
Sounds like you have had a lot of experience, faggot.
Except that's Emily Rudd you faggot
No, if you can't decide what gender you are from day to day, then you have no business
getting involved in politics.
what a grotesque display
who this?
Fuck off, Jew
>those women who assume the similitude (manners) of men
fuck that, tomboys are a miracle of the universe
>fuck that, tomboys are a miracle of the universe
I'm not saying it doesn't happen here. But here, you suck the cock, you get the block
this is a BULL DYKE. tomboys are girls that do boyish shit like hunting etc because their dads probably didnt have sons
fucking nigger i tried to post that earlier but was already in catalog
The Prophet was talking about Transexual women not tomboys.
Muhammad taught Aisha how to use spears and a bow and her sister was a Holy Warrior in Muhammad's army.
Islam doesn't have anything against strong women as long as they are modest and serve the Islamic Cause. It's the whiney whores like Qandeel Baloch and western feminists that call fornication 'empowerment' that concern Islam.
every two months someone posts a picture picture of emily rudd and implies she is a trap. it's almost a tradition at this point
Of course not. Sodomites are abominations. Only hWhite men of good character should be allowed to vote
drew carrie really let himself go after who's line
it's >5% of the population they have 0 influence.
Need a little work on your > < symbols there frinedo
There's literally nothing wrong with being attracted to the same sex.
Trannies, on the other hand, are disgusting abominations that should be locked up for life.
'Murica does it again!
>There's literally nothing wrong with being attracted to the same sex.
stupid sand nigger, he used it wrong. even after having it pointed out you still dont see it.
sand nigger does it again
I don't know how people form so absurdly bad image of transpeople. I work, pay taxes, am in the reserve ready to die for my kin and country and my treatment doesn't cost that much because hormones is all I need. Am I a bad person?
don't be afraid of a fucking 1% minority...
> Am I a bad person?
I don't even think you're a person
They can vote pic related
That's too bad. Look at me shed a tear for a bully with christian powerfantasies. Take your desert religions away from my beautiful north
Ps. I bet you'rent in the army. Wimp
Would you allow a schizo to vote? What about a retarded potato? So why would you allow a homosexual to vote? He's mentally ill and needs help, not normalization.
Why are you talking about religion? Truly trannys are mentally deranged, can't even follow a conversation.
For one why do you hate or devalue trans who act as the majority of the society too. I do understand hating the schizoid snowflakes. But universal hate of an illness can't be but religious or zealotry in most of the cases
Trans-trenders should be forced to undergo (((the surgery))). Inflate that 45% figure a bit
If it's an illness then why are you spending money on injecting foreign hormones in your body rather than getting therapy?
Fucking faggots, man.
No, for the same reason why women should not be allowed to vote.
You just disgust me and need stomped, its nothing personnel or something to get worked up over. Why do you care if others hate you and find you disgusting?
Faggots detected
If it's an illness why do they need fucking parades and to force this shit on everyone. They don't. Gas them.
No. Who can vote needs to be restricted as it is.
oh sweetie we do way more than vote ;)
yeah, like get aids and die or commit suicide at high rates
and teach your children :p