This thread is for all Gay/Bi white nationalists.
No mentally ill trannies allowed!
>daily reminder that Ernst Röhm, leader of the SA and proud homosexual was so "close" to Hitler he called him "Adi" (his nickname, used by no one else)
>daily reminder that homosexuality is the last stand of implicit white identity
>daily reminder only ackbars and other sub humans kill gays
>daily reminder god made homosexuality appear in every species
>daily reminder monogamy is still best even if you're gay
>daily reminder that Milo is a degenerate Jew coal burner
>daily reminder The Spartans, one of the greatest warrior cultures of all time was 100% gay
>daily reminder it's illogical to hate gays
>daily reminder that most gays are just normal people and the only ones you notice are the faggy hedonistic attention whores
>daily reminder there is literally nothing wrong with gays in society if they are presentable and keep their sexual relations private
>daily reminder if you haven't read The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams you have been fooled by the Juden and can't call yourself redpilled
>inb4 gays can't be white nationalists because they don't reproduce
oh you mean like how Hitler reproduced?
This thread is for white nationalist gay/bi Aryans and people who wan't to discuss related topics. This thread is not for butthurt stormweanies who have a limited understanding of national socialism.