Mfw blue collar retards think they deserve any respect

>mfw blue collar retards think they deserve any respect

I've more respect for the blue collar family man the degenerate corporate blogger or gay banker.


Because the cuck who types numbers into a spreadsheet is far more important than the man who works all day making cars so the cuck can drive to said spreadsheet job

So the majority of PoC don't deserve respect? That's racialist, yo.

It's okay if you don't understand abstract concepts such as spreadsheets, user.

We all have a role to play :^)

>Not, understanding the importance of math in the modern age.
Wow, you're just a lost cause aren't you.

Bait taken and blue collar reporting in. Funny isn't it? How pencil necked nu-college libtards with zero chance of ever making an honest living, only ever show blatant disrespect to us hamfisted bumpkins either online or when outnumbering us 100 to one

literally where

but user he works REALLY hard and he's even in a union.... he deserves a very high wage for his noble services

I can't take blue collar work due to 18 hour days in the Texas heat while being surrounded by non-whites and druggies on the worksite for shit pay.

I know you are being sarcastic but on a serious note, If we didn't have the minimum wage, all of the blue collar jobs could be done by 15 year olds.

It's an excelent way to be introduced to the general idea of working for a living, also learning on the job is great.

There are, however, a few bluecollar jobs that do deserve respect, anyone who practices an old artform properly gets mine atleast.

Here's a few:
>Barbers who know how to do a proper hot-towel shave, and a classic haircut.
>Woodworkers who can make a nice chair or desk or something.
>Glassblower (I actually know a really cool guy who does this, it's hard work).
>Farmer, if their produce is organic and localy grown (it's basicly an artform at that point).
>Distiller of fine spirits or wine.
>Beer brewer.

My big problem with the blue collars are the fucks who come to your house 2 hours late to fix your sink and the fucker still wants his regular fee. Most of them have poor manners and act so fucking superior.

>can't even fix his own sink

lol brb I am on my way to fuck your wife RIGHT NOW

...or you could just fix it yourself for a mere fraction of the cost. Plumbing is pretty damn easy. Same with electrical work as long as you aren't retarded and understand some basic wiring. Pretty much everything you need to repair in your own home, you can do yourself with a little trial and error.

t. Union energy utility worker

I do fix it myself, It was a fucking hypothetical.

Well shit, calm down. Wasn't a personal insult for fucks sake. It just appeared like you had something happen to you related to the comment.

Oh, no, I just couldn't come up with anything that happened recently.

because of shit skins and H1-B

Good luck having a functioning society without blue collar workers who is the foundation of it. Just look at the state of US infrastructure and in general as the politicians betrayed their industrial base for example? It's like a third world country in some areas, very sad.

Literally where

>Literally where
Look up US corp of engineers reports on US infrastructure.


Kanukistan education everyone, can't even geographically locate a neighboring country. Heck, we even have an ongoing border dispute, and the retarded leaf still don't know


Anyone doing useful work is worthy of respect

This user gets it : now, blue collars are in offices. And more and more former blue collars are able to easely move from one company to its competitors because their workforce is needed.

>not understanding that tradesmen and skilled laborers apply math and physics to everything they do.

You know how I know you've never held a real job?