They're now a seriously dangerous nuclear state. Don't tell me Guam's earthquake wasn't suspicious.
Gavin Harris
>US has fuckton of nukes >Has a long lasting rivalry with another country >Historically forces regime changes >Rival country builds up its defense trying to match the US >Naturally does tests >This is somehow the end of the world rather than a logical stalemate situation >People unironically encourage first striking
Isaac Cox
Luis Ortiz
Pre emptive strike is the only option. Either we roll the dice now or wait long enough to die. We should have nuked them years ago when Obama was in office and they didnt have this capability. Look where waiting got us. The only other possibility is that we're trying to stay alive long enough to develope good nuke defense. The F-35 is supposed to have very advanced anti missile abilities.
Jordan Jackson
country already on edge has nuclear capabilities, and your best response is to agitate even more and destabilize
Jordan Ramirez
Do you want to be in a stalemate with North Korea?
I feel like a country that fires a missile over Japan and tests an H-bomb days later is something we should destabilize. Not a great look.
Chase Cruz
cut Chinese banks off from swift, cut their internet from the rest of the world. Engage in a massive campaign of cyberwar targeting dams, power plants, food, water, oil facilities as well as hospitals and factories (also limit the censors abilities if possible so that the Chinese people know just how bad things are because of North Korea). At the same time, start a blockade against China in order to completely fuck their economy six ways to Sunday. Then give the Chinese an ultimatum: "either you get rid of north Korea completely, or your regime ceases to be." After a week or two, if the PRC still hasn't moved against NK, then its time for war to destroy their naval assests and take their islands, both the ones they've built as well as Hainan island. Again reiterate the ultimatum, but this time with many more conditions (such as you give us all the goverment hackers so that we can prosecute them, cease all use of foreign technology both western and russian, make repayments for all the damages, etc.)
TL:DR punish the real problem: China, and the north korea problem will go away.
Robert Sanders
AYO hol up >smacks lips profusely Yo wishes >Robs store Have been granted >Eats fried chicken
Whatchu need my nigga?
Adrian Martin
The best response is to get China to take care of the problem for us, via punishing them for everything north korea does. However, our politicians have been way to chickenshit to actually deal with the cancer which created North Korea.
yep, but its a problem created by China, we need to get rid of the real problem which is the PRC.
Asher Perry
I agree with this, but pre-emptive strike by whom? And would China retaliate?
This is a really creative idea. However, remember when Germany got fucked over by the Treaty of Versailles? I guess the ultimate question is whether China is ballsy enough to take on the world.
Andrew Hill
Start evacuating Seoul.
Jordan Moore
>identify where the nukes are >bomb it all >only military personnel die
Hudson Russell
preemptive strike
Angel Lee
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, send now Your Spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations, that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war. May the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary, be our Advocate. Amen.
Hudson Brooks
yeah that is the danger. This is why we make it clear that if they get rid of north korea, then things can go back to the way they are (not really as we still want them to make a few changes such as respecting IP law, free-floating their currency, publicly announcing the total magnitude of their shadow banking system (government loans they are using to dump steel and other products at below cost), but we can still promise it to them.)
Also the sooner we do this, the less of a problem China will be in the future.
Daniel Brooks
>Do you want to be in a stalemate with North Korea? They literally did nothing wrong and we had no business sticking our nose in their Civil War. Why do we have to be in conflict with them at all?
Colton Cooper
What are you afraid of? This guy may have couple of nukes ready everytime, most of which are malfunctioning pieces of shit, if he will ever have the audacity of trying to nuke a korean, american or a japanese city his Whole country will be paved by the retailation.
He has no chances to win in a conflict, you can just sit down and laugh your ass off while he straves his own people for making toys that he will never have the balls to use..
Colton Ramirez
it constantly surprises me how stupid pol is about this subject
taking msm seriously about this one thing, thinking that a third world shithole could threaten the greatest military power ever known etc
Daniel Nguyen
>Shit-posting aside, how would each of you deal with North Korea's accelerating nuclear capabilities? Open full trade with them and subvert them by standard of living. NK isn't poor because they are a communist dictatorship. They are poor because only China trades with them and then only by barter and cheats them terribly.
Ryder Miller
Guess we'll have to wait and see how things play out. Thanks for sharing your perspective! I feel somewhat more informed about the current geopolitical climate, even though I'm somewhat apathetic towards it these days.
Probably heading off for the night, let's all hope for more peaceful times in the near future.
Jacob Gutierrez
North Korea is not going away without an internal coup (which would also be fucking dangerous if that happened) or the government calms down and is willing to unify with either South Korea or China (aint happening for the next 100 years)
Room 39 gives them all the money and import they need to get the stuff they want done.
Stalemate is the only thing which will not fuck everything over in the region and cause massive escalation.
Luke Gutierrez
Yeah but what about South Korea/other countries in Asia? Their lives are risked by allowing this escalation. I'm not saying the U.S. should do something. But someone should.
Adrian Jenkins
What are you guys doing in asia anyway? Pakis has nukes as well, so? You always want to play world police and then bitch around when SHTF. The syrian refugee crisis is because of america and nobody else. And then you tell us taking in 4000 refugees is too much? You are a wrestling-tier degenerate nation in decay.
Hunter Miller
I'd either make sure everyone left them the fuck alone forever or go in boots on the ground YESTEDAY.
Dylan Hill
NK needs to show the world that they would take a good part of it with them should anyone invade. That is why they do all the retarded shit recently. They have no interest in dropping a bomb anywhere, because they know it is all over if they ever drop a bomb on SK, JP or US soil.
Basically they are scared of Trumps tweets and need tho show that they should not be fucked with.
Michael Howard
They're not, NK isn't going to waste a nuke on them. The irony is that those weapons are much more valuable in a silo for the rest of time, to be used as a bargaining tool than to settle a local grudge.
Joshua Cox
The problem is if China calls the bluff. I don't think the world/US economy could take that kind of hit.
Kevin Gonzalez
>e military action is inevitable wtf are you talking about it's successfully prevented. solidly, after their recent missile test
from this moment on, NK would only be reinforcing its nuke deterrent, and it will reliably keep US troops away. Your best hope is internal crisis that US or UN or whatever will be able to come in and secure the nukes
Ayden Wood
Sebastian Jenkins
I apologize for shitposting.
Christopher White
Guess this goatfucker has never been sprayed in the eyes.
Oliver Bell
I would threaten them with so much fire and fury that China promise to come to their defence if I decide to attack. That should sort things.
Daniel Turner
why does the pipeline for no reason curve to the left at the beginning? it would be way easier to make the pipes go straight across
Wyatt Mitchell
muh metal longer when hot
Christopher Edwards
All of a sudden every american on Sup Forums is either rabid imperialist IMF cucks or this thread is shill city.
Ryan Taylor
hmmm? There is literally no bluffing in the my idea, it starts with fucking their economy by making international trade impossible. If they refuse to move on North Korea after we fuck their economy, we continue expanding the damage as well as begin military action so as to ensure that we can enforce a blockade whenever we want, as well as stepping up our demands. If they still resist, that is when we fuck their internal trade routes via dropping all their dams and large bridges. Then we go after their power plants (first nuclear as those make huge messes when you blow them up). etc. etc.
It is forcing them to confront a reality: either the PRC ceases to be, or North Korea ceases to be. The PRC is as much focused on regime survival as north korea, thus given sufficient pain they will cut north korea loose.
As to the world economy, it would indeed take a hit, but much smaller than China (Think of this, China losing all international trade becomes literally unable to maintain their economy not enough food, not enough steel, not enough fuel, not enough anything, whereas the rest of the world simply shifts which country they get their shit made in. Yes prices go up for the rest of the world, but China's economy gets fucking sent back to the stoneage.
James Butler
>but a lot of (mostly) innocent people would die as a result.
As the saying goes, when two elephants fight, the grass is the first to get trampled. Will there be any hope left for the brainwashed DPRKers?
Ayden Johnson
>how would each of you deal with North Korea's accelerating nuclear capabilities?
You don't. If you seriously think anyone needs to do anything about NK's nuclear pursuits, It's quite obvious you're brainwashed by the MSM and military propaganda. I hope you are just wanting to discuss it just for the fun of it, not because you think we really should.
NK is pursuing nukes simply to defend their sovereignty from the west (US, EU).
The west and Israel are just trying to slime their way into Russia and China's backdoor by taking out NK.
I personally believe the west is trying to aggravate NK into making a mistake with a missile test, or to provoke them to strike another country, providing the US and EU with justification to take out NK. After that, puppet government will be set up.
So, again, just leave them alone. NK's fate and way of living is up to its leaders and people, regardless if the west agrees with their way of living or not.
Julian Morgan
Bluff was the wrong term. In poker terms, I meant if China just called. I would fear PRC would just let their people die and ride the wave of nationalism. And then there are all PRC's investments in the West. I don't think the West has the guts to do it, but I agree something needs to be done and no option is ideal.
We would want Russia's backing which doesn't look likely either. India seems up to it though.
Jeremiah Clark
>NK is a threat >so we start bombing Chinese dams and bridges Are you an advisor to the President?
Owen Perez
You have to save the People there that their "Glorious Leader" has turned into slaves and his torture victims.
i would put it off for future generations and let the problem worsen, as par the course.
Easton Johnson
North Korea has never done anything to you and it never will as long as no one provokes them. Why do you have to "solve" them?
Angel Ross
because people like you need to be locked up or killed.
Connor Stewart
It is the right thing to do.
Nolan Perez
found the lib arts major faggot
Ethan Thompson
Found the Hawks who never seen war.
Owen Morris
There is likely something to the right, off camera, that was too close to the pipeline rightaway. In Alberta anyway there is a 7m and 12m zones around such oil & gas constructions, safety buffers.
That pipeline is completely enshrouded in insulation, it's temperature won't vary much.
Anthony Davis
The world doesnt need North Korea, So there will not be North Korea. Borders change often.
Liam Howard
Mason Gutierrez
I welcome death from nuclear obliteration. At least it will be warm.
Kevin Nelson
Build a army of dragons with nuke launchers on them.
Carson Cooper
>wanting to start ww3 for no fucking reason besides the gooks hurting your fee fees
Ryan Sullivan
Nuke all nuclear and missile facilities with airburst B61s from B-2 bombers (no fallout). Enough to ensure high chance of total destruction.
Massive conventional attack to destroy the conventional forces, but then withdraw.
Then warn that any attack, nuclear or otherwise, any pursuit of nuclear weapons again, will result in strategic release with the total destruction of the NK people.
Aiden Roberts
I think the DPRK government did nothing wrong and is doing what any rational state would do facing off an aggressive dominationist power (U.S.) that stationed 80,000 soliders in its immediate vicinity and labeled it part of an "Axis of Evil" along with Iraq, Iran, Syria, Cuba and Libya.
I think it would be cool if there was a pro-DPRK rebellion inside south Korea and the KPA could liberate Seoul from US domination and put all mixed-race Koreans into concentration camps.
Oliver Cook
If I was his actions would start making sense. Let me ask this: when taking down an organized crime family, do you just arrest and shoot a couple of footsoldiers, or do you go after the capo, money launders, backers behind it all? Obviously you go after the leadership and the backers, and its the exact same principle here.
>NK is a threat >so we start bombing Chinese dams and bridges Exactly I am suggesting the US merely enforce international law. Who is breaking the internationally approved sanction by trading with NK? China. Who has provided all the medium and long range missile plans? China. Who has provided them with their warhead designs? China. Who launders money for NK? China.
China is breaking law they helped write. Thus economic and military action are legally justified. If we start with the economic action then it gives China time to make the right call and cut NK loose. If they don't as in: . Then we start blowing shit up.
Oh I just thought of another good example. Say you want to get rid of Hezbollah, do you bomb south Lebanon, or do you bomb Iran? Bombing south Lebanon has never worked because Iran simply replaces their lost men and material. Bombing Iran would end the cycle by removing those backing the Hezbollah organization both financially and militarily.
Ayden Bailey
Literally the argument leftists and Jews use against white people wanting to maintain their own nations
Matthew Moore
>DPRK government did nothing wrong invaded the south, killed hundreds of thousands of south koreans.
Afterwards they assassinated a sitting president, shelled them constantly, sunk a frigate, etc. If SK had any balls whatsoever, any one of those incidents would have initiated a total war, but somehow they are okay with living next to someone who keeps trying to murder them.
Christian Ross
I need to go to bussiness trip to seul in october. What is the probability of being killed by atomic bomb?
Brody Brooks
>invaded the south, killed hundreds of thousands of south koreans. There's no fucking "south" and there's no "south koreans" just like there's no "north korea". Those are made-up distinctions created by US and the Soviet Union. There's just Koreans. "Koreans invade Korea" just doesn't have a nice enough ring to it. The real invasion was by US and UN troops who had no historical, linguistic, racial or cultural ties to this distant Oriental land they were entering. These lack of cultural ties to Korea persist to this day as the DPRK is continually perceived as alien and bizarre.
The Korean war was essentially a civil war among Koreans that the US decided to get involved in for no real reason.
>Afterwards they assassinated a sitting president, shelled them constantly, sunk a frigate, etc. So much misrepresentation. Who did they assassinate? Park Chung Hee was a military dictator killed by his own KCIA director. The south had to continually repress pro-unification uprisings like the Jeju massacre (1948), the April Revolution (1960), the Gwangju student massacre (1980). The US stationed thousands of nuclear weapons inside Korean territory for decades after the Korean war. The DPRK has every right to defend itself against the Jewish-run neocon mafia state in Washington D:C.
Josiah Rivera
as much as it seems like China has other options (Russia for instance) Realistically they only have the sea. Some 98% of their trade (both international and intranational) travels by sea, because to their north is siberia, to their south are the himilayas, and to their west is the gobi desert. There is no overland route for them to move sufficient material to supply an economy for 1.2 billion people. Add to this the fact that Russia is going broke, India hates their guts (to the extent we could probably get them to participate in the blockade so long as we assist with docklam and askai chin), and we are looking real pretty as to completely shutting down their international trade.
Further, by cutting off their international trade, and fucking up domestic shipping routes, as well as fucking up their water tables we get some very fun effects. First their production comes to a complete halt. Second, their food production comes to a complete halt. Third, if they do not get international trade restarted we are talking conservatively about 100 million dead in 6 months just from famine (mostly because we have removed the water supplies that are currently used for farming by flooding their larger downstream cities), plus another 100million more because of the man made disasters that are caused when we drop their dams. This leads to the most important number 4: because they cannot move men and material around their own country, they will be unable to maintain control of the local provinces and cities. This means we can embark on a destabilization campaign by offering the individual leaders of provinces, various economic and food related rewards for joining our side. At this point the China is a failed state, and we can now fuck with them at will.
Mason Phillips
And why would (((you))) want to get rid of Hezbollah?
Mason Wright
>There's no fucking "south" and there's no "south koreans" just like there's no "north korea". Those are made-up distinctions created by US and the Soviet Union. There's just Koreans. First off by your logic their are no Koreans, as that is a made up term coined by a warlord who sought to maintain control of his little country, thus their are only humans.
>The real invasion was by US and UN troops who had no historical are you so fucking dumb as to think that because you are similar to those you are invading that sending an army to a land you dont control isnt an invasion?!
>US decided to get involved in for no real reason We got involved because Russia was arming, training, and helped to plan the fucking invasion. We decided to balance the scales and the UN, voted to intercede (this means that Russia did not even veto the action.
>Who did they assassinate? Park Chung Hee Again, you are so fucking retarded, because you literally named the person that NK assassinated immediately after you asked the question.
>killed by his own KCIA director true, who had more than 100k deposited to his account 2 days before the assassination by a north korean front company. But in your mind that is a totally unrelated phenomenon.
>The DPRK has every right to defend itself against the Jewish-run neocon mafia state in Washington D:C. hahaha, why is it that eveything that isnt on your side is fucking jewish? you know that they make up a tiny faction (14 million of a 7 billion person world) and we have historically slaughtered them every few decades right? So how is it that they have come to rule the world?
Camden Ramirez
I never said I wanted to, but was merely drawing parallels, I merely suggested that if YOU wanted to get rid of Hezbollah, you'd approach it the same way I'm suggesting approaching NK.
Now why do you want to keep Hezbollah? I mean why not burn down the whole fucking middle east and start from scratch?
Joseph Powell
We just need to stop escalating with them. Stop condemning them, stop running military exercises near them, stop making any official statements whatsoever. Literally just pretend they don't exist and ignore them. They won't launch a pre-emptive attack so leave them to live in peace in their third-world shithole. Free up all trade with them and eventually they will be too reliant on trade with their neighbors to ever start a war.
Jacob Davis
>let's destroy a country simply for trying to protect themselves from us >let's attack another country that doesn't even have anything to do with it because they don't attack the first coutry
There is a country that should have it's nukes taken away and it isn't North Korea.
James Hill
why u need trade if communism so good?
Jayden Walker
There is no problem for US so there is no need for a solution If anyone has a problem, they are SK, China ja Japs, let them deal with it themselves
Lincoln Ortiz
>implying there is anything wrong with the Norks having nukes It's the fault of other cuck nations not having them, not his.
Justin Williams
Why? USA got nukes too, where's the problem? North Korea is the most peaceful country on planet, isn't involved in any war.