EXPOSED: Google’s Entire Protocol To Censor Alternative Media

EXPOSED: Google’s Entire Protocol To Censor Alternative Media

The Daily Stormer and Stormfront are only the tip of the iceberg. Gov’t Slaves has published a list of 400 websites that Google is actively (or will soon be) repressing, including Sup Forums, Drudge Report, Breitbart News, Info Wars, and Russia Today.

Other urls found in this thread:

Prolly B8
However Google better tread lightly on who they fuck with. They'll find out if they start doing fascist like shit to popular sites like drudge will bring the government down on them. FCC could shut them down.

It's happening to leftwing media as well. fell by 67 percent fell by 63 percent fell by 62 percent fell by 47 percent fell by 42 percent fell by 37 percent fell by 36 percent fell by 30 percent fell by 25 percent fell by 21 percent fell by 19 percent

But leftists are fucking retards and think the megacorporation is their friend.

>Google has created a list of 400 sites that I should always closely follow and financially support
t-thanks google

You can find a lot of the censored JewTube videos in one place on le Reddit

Why would FCC shut them down for controlling what goes on their own servers?

fuck infowars

fuck brietbart

leave it to americans to make a sport out of deception like this



> google wants to ban misogyny


And liberals get stung by the corporate scorpion.

what do you mean by percent? percent of what?

I would guess previous web rank in search result or web traffic from google

looks just like my ex desu

Google would not exist without the government, its not "their own servers".

>previous web rank
previous means what exactly?
this is fucking bullshit, be specific or gtfo with this meaningless bullshit spam
it means fucking nothing

At what point will Google's censoring be considered monopolistic behavior? Google is a Jewish monopoly that must be exterminated.

You’re aiding the attempt to deny people a platform based on their political views. This could come back to bite you if your own views ever fall out of favor. Have you ever lived in a totalitarian state, where the powerful determine the parameters of the public discourse and cut off all voice from the powerless? Do you really want to live in one now? You might find, once you get there, that it isn’t as wonderful as you thought it would be.

>leftwing media

that's so true, especially with the left. It seems like every other day they all pile on one of their own and punish them for some outrage or another. They eat their own.

>repressing Sup Forums
>no more redditfags coming here


They have no fucking clue the hell that is coming their way. They think only "right" wing people will suffer, if anything the idealists will suffer even more when naive romanticism meets the reality of the Marxist Leninist Utopia.

Here's the entire list which OP should have posted but he didn't because he's a fag:

lol so here we go

google is no longer a search engine, but a "search" engine

Information about fishing tackle and cut-throat razors is far-right propaganda goys.

>plebs still don't know that raising your pinkie when drinking is has been since the XVIe century
poor people are disgusting uncultured swines

Good. The more the media is "controlled" the more people stop trusting it.



I know this isn't Sup Forums but how can a supposed adult (on the internet) not know what web ranking is?
(Excluding the fact that you could have simply looked it up instead of making that post)

This is 1984 tier shit. How legit is this?

end of days soon lads, get comfy

na just end of goolag.


>throwing rocks at the beehive again

when will these people learn?

Imagine if we could lie at large scale about websites and media companies and then buy their shares dirty cheap and then reveal it was all just lies. Huh.

>repressing Sup Forums
So we'll finally get less newfags? Less phoneposters?
Will we at some point go back to pre-2007 levels of users, or has that ship sailed?

they can censor as many websites as they want, that won't stop racists migrating elsewhere

so normal, sane white men who see the writing on the wall? le (((racism))), now all your crime statistics and knowledge of history are moot XD

Before the so-called "First Draft Coalition".

>corporate feudalism is a Marxist Leninist Utopia.

Google taking control confirm

>So we'll finally get less newfags?

Sounds great, until you see what happens with no newfags (all the small chans that just basically died, and the circle jerk of schizophrenics that cripple chan has become).

but that list is not, if I read correctly, the list published by google, it is the list that govtslaves recommends.

i see what you did there shlomo

Why do people still use Google. Switch browsers and search engines. That is where most of the money actually comes from.

>tip of the (((iceberg)))

>alternative media

I don't give a shit that less people are reading fake news.

google is allowed to.

we will just have to stop using their services, if concrete evidence comes out, or if they start censoring things I like (Sup Forums, etc)

it pisses me off that google got in trouble for putting their own products above others on their own fucking search engine. Google lost too! surely that isn't capitalism? that's just sick.

>1:Highest. Ex. Snopes


>“Authoritarianism in service of any cause leads to a slave society despite the best intentions of those who helped usher it in.”…