"You don't have a fucking culture"


What would have been your answer?

Other urls found in this thread:


Does *it* take HRT? That voice is fucking atrocious for what appears to be a biological male.

>I traded in my lederhosen for a kilt

desu, the idea of white culture is pathetic, but the various European ethnicities have the greatest cultures on earth

I'm not american you fat fuck

>I'll keep starting the same fucking thread over and over

>Divide and conquer
Shut up you slanty eyed kike.

>Does *it* take HRT?

I guess I'd just tell him to open a history book from the rise of the roman empire to our current year to get a glimpse of what "white" culture is and how it evolved.

Thats a jew. He wishes we didnt have a culture.

Yes we do. We have Rick and Morty and atheism.

Lol at China standing in judgment. Didn't you guys have some sort of, dare I say it, cultural revolution?

Plaid shirts are white culture

He doesn't have one; or, rather, the one he has is made-up. Jewish "history" is an ancient fabrication. That's why he says what he says.

Projection is their go-to weapon.

His name is Shlomo Erectus

i agree, in part. You have to understand, white americans don't really have a european culture. Some of us were Germans that came over here, changed our family names to English family names, and abandoned our German culture for a more "American-English" culture. The Dutch, Poles, and other Europeans also did this when they came here.

So White America is a mix of Europeans trying to look English, And failing. So we have to call ourselves White Americans because there's nothing else to call us.

Neither do you.

What a fucking cukold...
I'm against violence, but I want to make exception just for him, and torture him immensely

White culture is things that only whites do in any significant degree

Liberalism itself is white culture

post non-existent culture lads

Look at how his eyes slant downwards on the outer edge, why do leftists look like this?

Test it yourself

Alcohol is white culture
No other race has contributed to the world's variety of booze as whites have
Some races can't even stomach it that well

go for it!

He looks like a stroke victim

no whites don't have a culture
nor do blacks
however, germans, dutch, swedish, irish, scottish, brits, swedes, the swiss, and the list goes on, all do have a culture
as do africans, sudanese, indians, etc
it just so happens that the white skinned people's have a cleaner, superior, more advanced culture

American white culture either spreads to the rest of the world or is associated with black influence and is immediately discredited. It's impossible to notice or tell where anything comes from, so nobody bothers caring about white American history and culture.


There are tiny european countries with more culture than all of africa put together.

Cucks deserve death, they make us look weak and pathetic



This irks me.

I think what is meant by 'white culture' is the culture of White Americans, for they are so heavily mongrelised that their heritage can actually be generalised as 'European' or 'White' and still hold water.

But yes, defining cultures by race doesn't really work.

Ministry of Islamization in Germany also said Germans have no culture. Must be true.

This. People who shame binge-drinking are anti-white. The only people who can properly handle their booze are northern Europeans, it completely scrambles other races.


Say, they wouldn't have communicated that via a printing press, or its modern descendant, would they have?

God I hate commies.

I agree white people don't have culture... Because we were to busy creating new technologies to give a shit about celebrating our history

and yet, I'd take Cowboy, Walt Disney, Rock'n Roll culture over rap & hip hop.

new technologies that saved billions of lives across the world
>White people are evil

Most of the world has adopted our culture, they even celebrate our holidays.

It is true that America don't have any Culture and is pathetic but ... Though, Jewish are the shittiest contributor to culture since their Culture is only about Usury and destroying values ...

"are you a jew?"

would have been enough to shut him down I belive.

>American education

That's why people tear down statues. Burgers you fucked up BIGLY with your education system, there's so much culture contemporary in america and these people don't even know it.
One more thing. He talks as if there was a "Black culture", which doesn't even exist.
Pure cringe

If you have to define your culture, you donĀ“t have one.

>that voice

White culture is quite a stupid term
THere is no white culture
There are national based cultures

>support of BLM
>Pussyhats and vagina costumes
brb, I'm just going to smear my skin in shit and end my lineage.

America does have culture though. The problem with identifying culture in developed countries is that you have to look beneath the modern technology etc. The left just seem to think that if you don't shit in the street and do dances to rain gods then you have forsaken your heritage.

"Just look at everything you own and consume, you self-hating fuckwit".

Basically every modern music genre, the cowboy, space-race era, symphonic program music, animation, etc.

Idk, it isn't all bad. It was especially well-made half a century ago or so. We don't judge Roman literature, for example, from its degenerate and debauch periods, so why do so for the USA?

very nice

America has tons of local cultures, but they are overlooked and demeaned by cosmopolitan metrosexuals like Plaidstein.

and the sucking circumcision thing...

This doesn't exist, it's fake

youtube.com/watch?v=bRHn17z1UR8 This beautiful song does not exist either

Look, the planet for an upcoming star wars flick, it's John Boyega's homeplanet

We don't 'have' culture, we are culture. From film to music to clothes to diet, whites define modern practice. The current political process globally is a white contrivance, along with basic modern jurisprudence. White culture is so fundamental that things not it - the occasional traditional piece of attire or mush flavoured excessively with spice to hide it's bland and often decaying nature - stands out and is declared cultural.

That's not culture. Culture is multi-oppinioned media feeds and law courts, elections and sporting events (all of which are white devised). Whites dont possess culture, White is culture. Fullstop.

>Let's take a look at african cultur-

white americans, black americans, the american entertainment machine, this jew-instigated race war, antifa, left/right are all the components of the abomination that is (((american culture)))

arent you glad we lost the emu war

White culture gets you to the moon, black culture gets you put in chains by your own people and sold to other superior cultures.

It is a pop Corn Culture, only due to how Consumers consume ... The electronic and Rock Culture, Films will not last, just look how many singer from 2010 that were at the top, are now forbidden and making 20 K ~ views on Youtube

I'd have started by asking him what he meant by "culture." Most shitlibs who say white Americans have no culture usually mean they have no artistic or musical tradition, which is just completely untrue.

And, to the Europeans in this thread saying Americans have no culture: compared to you, no, there isn't much to speak of; but we've only been around for a little over 200 years whereas you've all been around for a few thousand. During the short period we've existed, we became ZOG HQ and had all of our traditions erased by Jewish academics and media moguls. Give us a break.

... And you're fuckin envious too. Aren't you faggot. Now go home and cut your daughters clit out. Put a plate in your wife's lip and eat your dog.

Reminds me of pic related.


Self-hating white SJWs (assuming he's not a kike) are the most pathetic thing in existence

You've got to go a little further back than the second half of the 20th century to get a feel for actual American culture. It's a little unfair to judge our culture and history according to what late capitalism and Jews have done to it.

>anything modern is just consumerist

Get out Pierre.

>your answer
at this point i only want to answer with pure violence 2bh

He's standing in it. White culture. White culture was spread throughout the world in a process called " Westernization ". You can look that up.
That's why it might appear " white " people have no culture or liberals like to make it so.
Because we shared it with the whole planet.


I bet these same limp-wristed wankers spunk over Japanese culture even though you walk through Tokyo and see tower blocks and cars and mcdonalds everywhere. Modern societies are modern societies, it doesn't get rid of history.

>"You don't have a fucking culture"
>What would have been your answer?
I would say, "Stop bullying the Yanks. They can't help being the way they are. Insulting their shallow cultural achievements helps no-one."

>"White Culture"
Sorry Burgerbro this is a fiction of your imagination. Nations have distinct cultures. British culture or Russian culture for example are quite real and distinct things. Pretending that American culture represents white culture as a whole is frankly disgusting.

You're one to talk, chink. You literally have zero culture left after your "cultural" revolution.



1. First off, you're a jew
2. Second, as a parasite you should know that everything you're standing on and seeing around was build by white people. So there's your answer.

>Africans, Sudanese

Wat? What culture do they have? Building mud houses?

I bet he eats hash browns and not grits.

Why not ditch his plaid shirt and horn rim glasses.



Of course we have a culture, libshits are just ignorant and no one ever taught them anything but propaganda.

Says the dude who screams white people fashion... so fashionable

Cuts out the part of the video at the end where he asks him "Are you white?"
In the full video you can see the filthy kike panic and hesistate
Pretty funny if someone wants to upload and do an edit of that

Ballet, circus, Halloween, April fools etc

EGGGGGSAAAAAXXXXCTLY. Call him a jew which will stun him for a few sec and make him disoriented and then deliver the final blow by answering his question. Game over.

Goddammit, Chang.

>Eyeglasses - invented in Italy
>Flannel Shirt - England

"White people have no culture" is just more lunacy spouted by the left. The modern world, including everything from the combustion engine to smart phones, is White culture.

They cannot see White culture just as a fish cannot "see" the water in which it swims.

Cargo shorts

>dyed-haired SJW
>effeminate neckbearded nu-male

Why are they all like that?


>and yet, I'd take Cowboy, Walt Disney, Rock'n Roll culture over rap & hip hop.
I like you, Frenchie.
hear hear

Why are you bashing him? He just said that white culture isn't united but rather a sum of different cultures that he calls "greatest". He is 100% right.

>tfw you will never round up the useful idiots who made your uprising possible, put them against a wall and shoot them in the neck with your comrades
Why even live?

Liberals side with fascists, though. Usually.

Both of them have glasses too.

White Culture:

Black Culture:
>Rap Music
>Talking Too Loud In Public

My man!

Someone try naming 3 major modern inventions not invented by white men. I'll wait...

>I can't read.

that point 13. about religions is total non-sense, made up bullshit.

here's a red pill, humans fall into patterns. stereotypes exist because they are based off truths of patterns of behavior humans typically fall into. the sjw most likely has extreme low self-esteem and the died hair is a way of rebelling against those they feel rejected by while putting themselves on a small pedestal. the neckbeard nu-male is basically a male who has given up on taking care of himself or developing his manliness, so he turns his idleness into somewhat of a fashion choice and deems 'manliness is whatever I make it', thus crippling himself and folding into his own ego/delusional world.

they all support liberalism as a way of feeling superior to a world they feel is unjust, though this injustice is really their own short-sighted tantrum over not being the center of the world their parents told them they were.

Haha christ

>you don't have a culture
>there is a rape culture

>while importing shitskins from a literal rape culture

I had a culture until hipster faggots like that started dressing like the locals they displaced with gentrification.

please elaborate

What you retards fail to understand is that he is using the new definition of "culture" which doesn't just ignore elements like power structures, neuroplasticity, multifaceted approaches to social dynamics and so on