Swedish archeologist proves Islam has always been part of Sweden

A glass ring found in a Viking grave belonging to a Swedish woman offers proof that Vikings were in direct contact with the ancient Islamic civilizations.

The ring, which is decorated with glass and not amethyst as previously assumed, has an inscription that reads ”to Allah” or “for Allah” in Arabic, writes ScienceNews.

According to the archeologists behind the discovery, it’s a well-established fact that Scandinavians traded their women in exchange of glass beads with people from Egypt and Mesopotamia as far back as 3,400 years ago -- so it’s not that unlikely to think that Vikings women might’ve taken the trip down there themselves and converted to Islam, says the researchers from Stockholm University.

According to Jeanette Varberg, director of Moesgaard Museum in Denmark, it’s a very exciting discovery. However, she says she’s not surprised that there were multicultural connections between ancient Scandinavia and the Middle East.

I think Islam is what makes many Swedes today jealous of immigrant groups. You have a culture, an identity, a history, something that brings you together. And what do we have? We have Midsummer's Eve and such silly things, said Mona Sahlin, the former Prime Minister of Sweden


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I as a swedish female agree with the former PM. Small swedish cock cant fulfill me like a big brown immigrant one can. Sorry swedish losers ;)

> it’s a well-established fact that Scandinavians traded their women

So what's happening now in Sweden is actually a normal Swedish tradition.


>it’s a very exciting discovery
I'm excited already :3


>archaeologists confirm Swedish men have been cucks for over 3000 years.

>archeologist digs up thousand year old viking raid plunder
>therefore Sweden wuz muzlem!!

I hate scandinavia

Allah is a word that just means god.

Their god is Saturn, the Chief Archon.

He is the Father of the Pagan Pantheon.

Vikings are also Pagans, but they had other names for these same gods.

The Son of Saturn is Jupiter. The Son of Cronos is Zeus.

The son of Odin is Thor.

The Son of Anu is Enlil

>"Vikings traded their women and likely other things for glass beads"
>"This viking woman had a glass bead ring in her grave"
>"So clearly she went down there, converted to Islam, and then went all the way back home, instead of just getting a pretty bauble as a gift from her husband when he returned from a trip"

And the cross symbol folds into the saturnian cube

This thread exists to troll and demoralize Svens, get the hell out while you can.

Their Messiah is the Son of the Demiurge.

But Jesus is not from this Lord of the OT.

Thor is Allah's son
And Jesus is Zeus
That really made me think

No, you are confusing the Demiurge with god and the Father of Jesus.

The Antichrist is the Son of the Father.

They want you to follow his son as Messiah.

They have done a good job confusing you.

Oh wait, OP is a fag who changed what the article said to fit his cuck narrative.

Or you know. It was loot from raiding and killing mudskins


>We found an arabic ring in sweden so that must mean swedes used to sell their women and convert to islam

Indeed that makes sense

Jaysus is the Jewish Messiah and has convinced wh*te people to fun the African population explosion so the Jews can fulfil their dream of reducing all other races to a mixture of easily controllable and cultureless Eurasian negroids (christians are the most staunch anti-racists in the world).

Ask any jew and they will openly tell you Jesus is NOT their messiah.

They are awaiting another.

He has to fulfill certain requirements.

He does not need to be accepted by them for his works to come to fruition.

> dat shitpost autism
We must discuss the finngoloid question.

>Den evige Finen

You are not listening.

They have their own traditions they are following. They have their own idea of who their messiah is.

They say that he will bring the Redemption.

Meaning they will be rewarded for following their Lord and they will be given Goy slaves and they will be the Rulers.


Why the fuck do Swedes LARP as Vikings? Only Danes and Norwegians were Vikings.

Memes aside, there was unironically muslims before christians in parts of Sweden due to our trade with the muslim world. Both religions are of course alien to our nation and people and shall be removed by force.

Didn't Islam get created in like the year 700

>Be viking merchant.
>Have to go to shitskin land to trade stuff.
>Get wife a nice ring from a shitskin jeweler.
>Give it to her.
Jesus, only academics are this stupid.

>Meaning they will be rewarded for following their Lord and they will be given Goy slaves and they will be the Rulers.

Yes, thanks to the work of the prime Jewish golems, Christianity and Islam.


Swedish vikings were known as Varangians and founded Kievan Rus among other things. We traded and pillaged along the Russian rivers, the black sea and even the Mediterannean. We tried to attack constantinople and got BTFO but the emperor admired out ferocity and hired us as bodyguards.


This is nothing new though. We know Viking sold slaves the captured in england to the ottomans. It is well recorded.

>Viking Pillages Islamic city and finds shiney thing for his little Valkrye after he kills a family
>Thousands of years later some fag digs up your gfs grave and says she is proof that multiculturalism is swedish as fuck

Varangian Guard were a combination of ethnicities from within Europe, not just Swedish.

True VIKANGZ were from Norway or Denmark, the Mediterranean doesn't count; let's just be honest with ourselves here.

>so it’s not that unlikely to think that Vikings women might’ve taken the trip down there themselves and converted to Islam, says the researchers from Stockholm University.

Isn't it just as likely that it was pillaged and given to the women as a gift because it was a pretty bauble, not that they necessarily understood the inscription and practiced Islam?
And doesn't that seem more lilely given that this is just one artifact out of God-knows-how-many others

I can understand journoblogger cunts reaching such a stupid conclusion but coming from an actual archaeologist, it is disturbing.

hello bby wan sum fuk?

They just stealed it you reatards!

We wuz vikingz

Hello (((Finnstein)))


Stop shitposting now. The concept of Sweden, Denmark and Norway didn't really exist back then but there were Vikings from present day Sweden. In fact a majority of them were from here.

>it's not as if he could have added it afterwards
>implying those scratches would survive with the rest of the rings condition

Yup. The vikings left and created great empires to save the white race, such as The Ukraine, and modern Sweden is all the cucks who stayed home.


Don't worry about the christlarp

>so it’s not that unlikely to think that Vikings women might’ve taken the trip down there themselves and converted to Islam
Imagine if someone said that black women would make the trip to Europe to willing become their slave. That's pretty much the equivalent of that statement

Im just so tired of people making up stories and assumptions out of nothing

Too real

>Viking raids Muslim settlements along black sea coast
>His decedents get cucked
>Decedents discover ring he stole from Muslim women after he raped her
>Cucked decedents say he was a Muslim

0/10 sage kys

second post trumps first post for me

arabs have small dicks though

It is widely known that vikings were avid traders, to suggest this ring is a product of conversion and that the words "Allah" meant anything divine to them is so far-fetched that you would have to be Swedish to come up with it.

Just goes to prove women don't know what they want when it comes to dicks.

"A glass ring found in a Viking grave belonging to a Swedish woman offers proof that Vikings were in direct contact with the ancient Islamic civilizations." We already know this. The Vikings went down to Sisley and liberated them from Islam. This was around 1,200 years ago.

"According to the archeologists behind the discovery, it’s a well-established fact that Scandinavians traded their women in exchange of glass beads with people from Egypt and Mesopotamia as far back as 3,400 years ago"
What? What are they basing this on.neither Vikings nor Muslims existed 3,400 years ago and neither did any records of that era detailing relations of this kind. Besides white people ruled in Persia 3,4000 years ago, before the niggers from Africa invaded.

" 3,400 years ago -- so it’s not that unlikely to think that Vikings women might’ve taken the trip down there themselves and converted to Islam, says the researchers from Stockholm University."
Islam is only 1,400 years old. What the fuck is this shit? Is this a joke? The rest of the site seems legitimate enough. What's going on?

>viking kills some mudslime
>lol nice ring fag Ill give it to my wife


Mods need to apply /r9k/ rules to Sup Forums and permanently ban people who make the same threads over and over.

They have their Messiah and they rejected hi that's it. There's nothing more to it.

You are a moron.

Historic revisionism. Gotta establish Islamic conversion as a normal thing in Sweden.

This is a good idea, applying the robot9000 script to Sup Forums would greatly improve the board

probably more accurate, thx

> I think Islam is what makes many Swedes today jealous of immigrant groups. You have a culture, an identity, a history, something that brings you together. And what do we have? We have Midsummer's Eve and such silly things, said Mona Sahlin, the former Prime Minister of Sweden

This shit makes my blood boil. Sweden like every other Western society has a culture. If the left didn't spend every waking moment trying to undermine it, they would see it.

Nope, culture in Western Europe is almost dead

>be viking
>raid some muslim shithole
>loot neat looking ring
>centuries later someone finds ring

Go to Mecca.
Drop a Quarter.
500 years later researchers from Stockholm University find proof Allah is God.

Swedenistan beheaded all Christians in 2027, so they decide "In God We Trust" did not end well.

Islam didn't exist until 622 fucking idiot. Even if they did trade with arabs, that doesn't mean "Islam has always been a part of Sweden." I guess that also means philosophy, common law tradition, and technological advancements have always been a part of Sub-Saharan Africa due to the slave trade.

Fucking Idiot.

I hope Sweden collapses, and the people there suffer absolute unimaginable brutality.

To serve as an example.

I understand your point as well.

and being wiser than todays swedes they rejected islam

based milk induced longevity

Islam didn't exist until roughly 500 years A.D (can't remember the exact date). Middle Eastern civilisation =/= Islamic civilisation.

This thread and that article are retarded and OP should kill himself.

>kill some muslim
>steal their shinies
>give it to your wife as a gift

1400 years later your descendants take this as proof you were cool with muslims.

Nice edit, you fucks don't even check the actual article, nothing about trading women.

"According to the archeologists behind the discovery, it’s a well-established fact that Scandinavians traded for glass with people from Egypt and Mesopotamia as far back as 3,400 years ago -- so it’s not that unlikely to think that seafaring Vikings might’ve taken the trip down there themselves and traded with the Islamic merchants in the region, says the researchers from Stockholm University."

stop baiting pekka
the ring was found in a 9th century grave

Pretty much this. It's the easiest explanation which fits.

But no, the media is jacking their dicks to the idea that society has always had a Muslim presence and we lived in some diverse harmony, despite no records in history pointing to it.

Is this maybe why some Egyptians had blond hair and all?

I hope you aren't this ugly sandcoon, pierre