What the fuck??

What the fuck??

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It's just a few ARYANS mate. Nobody cares about them here. If they find you have German heritage in your blood test your basically a goner.

how about a link there fella.
assuming this is some white genocide business considering britain is under muslim occupation


Lots of people in the comments are telling stories about how a NHS doc killed their relative and some shiet like that

Fucking hell..

>import doctors and pharmacists from 3rd world
>people die from infections, botched operations, mixed up prescriptions

How this happen? D:

Muh (((free))) healthcare.

What in the flying fuck?

The NHS, just like the rest of Britain, is fucked. Yet people will still defend it because "muh free healthcare" even though people don't realise their taxes would half if we got rid of it. Oh well who cares we're going to be a caliphate soon I advise all whites in Britain to move to America or new Zealand like I'm planning to do

We need to let in more Syrian doctors and nurses to fix this!

You do know that healthcare is not free in Europe? You have to pay
I have to pay 400 every month and it's not even premium
How is that free?

Outpatient care is a fucking shitshow in hospitals around the world. Old people with heart conditions recently out of the operating room, left on a bed with a bell and one nurse per wing to check up on everyone who wants to take a shit or drink some water. One of them has a heart attack and a nurse checks in on them half an hour later and theres bothing left to do but inform the family and send the corpse to the coroner.

US has a hardon for statistics so we're the only nation that forces hospitals to keep track of these. Every other country around the world gets a lot of "sudden complications" and "unknown disorder unrelated to original diagnosis" and other such bullshit that really means "died on a bed in aftercare wing".

It's all a joke.
I live in a very rich western country and our Healthcare is a joke. Doctors are monsters and nurses are incompetent as shit.
I've known cases where they leave young people die even though it was easily avoidable.

Thank God our public health isn't this bad yet.

We need to mass migrate people to NZ. Once it's controlled then annex Australia from the cucks and launch the reclamation of the white empire

>be britcuck
>get sick
>go to the doctor

>be american
>get sick
>can't afford to go to the doctor

The mighty leaf wins again.

All the garbage white nurses, doctors and surgeons just sighed in relief.




Fake capitalist news.

Give it a couple of years when your Abduls are running amok and taking up all of your resources, and to top it off the old and half-dead just refuse to die so decide to waste a couple mil of public money just to live a few more years of life that can only be compared to a toddlers.

Our president (and liberals without any thoughts) want to our health care system more like NHS. Are we fucked?

Of course. Our health system doesn't work under heavy strain, and when you're all getting mortared to hell and back, it will inevitably fail.

i would say the NHS is quite shit, it's ok for a&e if you break your leg or get a big gash but if you have serious medical problems either accept your inevitable death or go private

The UK needs a fucking revolution. Now!! Go full 1776, bongs, dammit!! Clean up your fucking mess!!!

They're being organ harvested.
NHS loves doing it.
And no, it's not "well I'm dead they can have my organs". If your dead they can only take the eyes. The rest they extract while your alive.

Is that true?
Holy hell
Cleanse the UK with nuclear Hell fire

>invented the english language
>still can't spell

You type like you're 60 years old.

Ivan Illich tried to warn us decades ago but nobody listened. We can add this to the growing list of things he was completely right about.

Once Europe is overrun by Muslims and North America is overrun by Hispanics and Africans, I was thinking New Zealand may be a great safe harbour for ethnic Europeans towards the end of the 21st century. It's a small island though obviously, so may get overpopulated fast. Not that that would be a bad thing in comparison to living in the ashes of the old world. It would be a high population, ethnically homogenous island nation. Sort of like a white Japan.

UK isn't the only ones. American healthcare BIG on it too.
Look on YouTube for Dr.Paul Byrne organ harvesting. He does a great few interviews discussing this and how doctors guilt relatives into signing their comatosed wife, husband or child to the harvester.

62 actually. But very close!

NHS is cucked. I'm from the UK, currently living in The Netherlands. The healthcare here is way better

19,000? That's statistically low. The USA kills about 400,000 people in the medical system accidentally a year.

What the fuck
I am sure its all a big shadow industry and there are lots of people making millions with it
Sick to think about it

The low ball number for US healthcare deaths is 250,000 a year.

Which is better.

b-but at least we're not americans, r-right guys??

That's why you get quotas in "free" universal health care. Cancer is expensive to treat and has a medium-high mortality rate anyways, so why spend resources trying to cure them? Cheaper to provide opioids for pain until they die. TB is curable at lower cost.


Thu, Feb 3, 2011

Experts last night said they feared the tide of foreign-trained medics could put patients’ lives at risk because some may have poor English language skills.

The warning comes after a survey by the General Medical Council found only 37 per cent of the 240,000-strong medical register declared themselves as white British.

really activates the almonds...............

>be canadian
>be sick
>wait 12 weeks for appointment
>get diagnosed
>wait 8 weeks for next appointment

A newspaper whose readership would likely make millions of pounds from privatisation disparages universal healthcare.

Good Proles.

The double price for nearly identical outcomes doesn't sell me on US for profit care.

thats bullshit tho unless you live in one of the nigger cities. i live in a comfy small town, no issues.

>Live in a small town
>2 doctors for ~1500 people
>same day appointments

Feels good man.


Dibs on minas tirith

Lucky on you two for picking goodhometowns, but the majority have to wait.

The decline in healthcare quality has absolutely nothing to do with the genetic makeup of the staff. You racist cunts just love blaming anyone not white. Fucking pathetic scum, the lot of you.

The elite already claimed nz mate.

>language skills are racist
Have a (You) Apu.

Oh well if only those 350 mill goes to NHS everyweek

Probably Because most of them declared THEMSELVES as white english/welsh/scottish. And there are far more people than 240,000 that work in the NHS. NHS England alone employs 1.2 million people.

It's not 19,000 total. It's 19,000 that they covered up.

And this is why i have private healthcare... and keep myself in order. Fucking sucks that i gotta pay for other people's healthcare cos they cant stop shoving mars bars in their gobs

Was it the NHS that was also using all of the aborted babies as an energy source for the hospitals by burning their bodies?

>Fill your country with 3rd world mud shits
>shocked when country turns to 3rd world mud shit


Socialist HC is a right
>18k people died
That wasn't real socialism derrrr we will do it right in USA

You disgusting fucks.

Enjoy your "free" shit m8...

Shit always ends up like this.

>Those 'doctors' who have training from a third world country diploma mill, where everyone can get in are equal to people who have paid up to hundreds of thousands of dollars to be placed in a top ranked university and have been selected from the best students in their own country.

Furthermore, being a doctor requires native English speaking. A slight mispronunciation can lead to someone taking the wrong drug and dying. Anything else is completely irresponsible.

What I'm saying is, it's not just that we hate you because of your race, there's thousands of other reasons, Akbar.

fucking hell. The redpills are dropping all at once. I pray to god i never get mortally sick

Hey user, how much does private healthcare cost?

>we hate you because of your race
Enjoy your reeducation when the mounties get ahold of you.

>A slight mispronunciation can lead to someone taking the wrong drug and dying
Then pay more attention when people are talking. Would you demand all Scousers be banned from being doctors? Nobody can understand a fucking thing they're on about. Of course not. This is just a race thing, it's all it ever is with you low class white scum. People come from poor countries and make something good of themselves, then they give their life to your healthcare and you dare to complain simply because you can't be bothered listening properly when they speak. Racist bitch.

Yeah it's just a coincidence that literally everything that gets infested with savages turns to shit.

>be leaf in 5 to 10 years
>get sick
>go to doctors
>forced to see migrant doctor
>migrant has a degree from a non colonialist uni because white mans' science is racist
>die in name of tolerance

costs me £50 a month but if i need anything i get them a discounted price, its much like private dental care (which i also have thanks to the company i work at). my Employer used to offer healthcare and dental care for specific positions in the company

It's not just pronounciation you stupid cunt. Someone trained in India isn't going to have the same medical standards, and isn't going to be able to write and read to the same level. Fuck off stupid child and crying about race. Pathetic. There are more important things going on here.

Whoa it's almost as if importing indian doctors to support a failing socialist system doesn't work

You seem upset.

Honestly, you'd think having a gander across the pond at our inner city landfills would've been enough of a hint to connect the dots. But at some point mid ghetto bonfire, Monty Python felt inspired to import similar enrichments of their own. Only theirs seems to be of the third world, fanatical kind, that may or may not break into your home and decapitate you while you sleep within decade or two's time.

Better start stocking up on tea-spoons and butter knives.

shut the fuck up you sperging fuckwit shitface
newfags like you deserve to be doxxed and bullied to death

Look at this shit. You people sit around complaining about anyone not white when it was WHITE PEOPLE that betrayed other white people. Pathetic people, the lot of you. Forever passing blame.

>Someone trained in India isn't going to have the same medical standards and isn't going to be able to write and read to the same level
You do realise that people are tested before they get to work as a doctor, right? Idiot.

I heard if you're a really good goy you can keep a baseball bat.

NHS is bad for your health, the big city hospitals in particular are total hellholes, I wouldn’t trust them to lance a fucking boil without killing someone in the process

he's not wrong fin
keep shitting on the silent majority and something will happen. we are in a caliphate.

Taxes will never be seriously cut. They'll always find something else to spend it on, probably welfare.

A “fake doctor” was able to treat more than 3,000 patients thanks to “extraordinary” lapses in checks on locum medics working in the NHS, an investigation reveals.

The man from a former Soviet republic first practised here for more than two years despite the fact he was not qualified to do so.

When the Georgian, who had some medical training, but was not allowed to work unsupervised, was struck off by the General Medical Council (GMC), he stole the identity of a real medic, and obtained work at another NHS trust.

Every time I go to the Dr's or hospital, its always some foreigner treating me.
How do I know/trust them that they are real?

Well, seeing as you live in a country that speaks broken English as it's native language, I don't know. I'm assuming it's easier to understand a Scouser from a fresh off the boat Indian, so your argument is a false equivalence. Also, doctors in Western countries are very likely to be upperclass, so they should have a easy to understand posh accent and to bring in a lower class accent is a lot more easy than trying to mask an Indian accent which will be impossible.

> People come from poor countries and make something good of themselves, then they give their life to your healthcare

That's a less than clever way of saying 'they came to your country to take jobs that should have been filed by competent natives, for the sole reason of having a higher standard of living'. Ever wonder why they don't go back to their own country and help the hoards of sick people? They don't even run aid missions there, that's all done by white doctors.

>you dare to complain simply because you can't be bothered listening properly when they speak.

Don't confuse lack of effort for an inability to understand them. Clearly people wouldn't be dying if that it was just effort, and you're essentially alluding to a conspiracy where everyone in the NHS could very well understand these idiots but chooses not to.

>Racist bitch
Oh no, my feelings. Please don't. I've never been called that term before by some faggot over the Internet.

But it's perfectly reasonable to spend millions scouting these 3rd worlders and taking skilled doctors away from countries that could benefit from their skills more? I'll never understand how so many in the UK are so brainwashed into thinking the NHS is the greatest health service. It's failing miserably and the sooner it's replaced the better.

Portuguese nurses are the best of the foreign nurses and they are still cancer. NHS has been headhunting in Europe taking people straight out of whatever shitty Euro university they qualified from.

Diploma and degrees earned in foreign nations does not count in Canada. They need to pass exams and follow courses that cost up to 50,000$ to be able to practice the thing they studied for.

That's why you see a shit load of doctors and engineers being taxi drivers in Canada.

I know senpai, don't know how to help you other than wish you luck and hope that your government stops being culturally suicidal.

Welcome to Sup Forums! But do come back and call out their bullshit. It's the right and fun thing to do!

>if you can pass this test you can be a doctor

You're a fucking idiot. In the US at least it's like 2-3 years of residency before you can actually practice. They should be filtered out at that phase but you probably spend all your time sucking their cocks.

Right. White people betrayed other white people by letting a bunch of Muslims and Africans into the country. You're exactly right.

The test is absolute trash. The results speak for themselves. They should be re-trained or told to fuck off.

Someone didn't take their pills this morning. You sensitive little bitch.

It's like this everywhere in the world

But it's free, and they can get their parent's money faster, so nobody complains much

>That's a less than clever way of saying 'they came to your country to take jobs that should have been filed by competent natives
Then maybe white people should try a bit harder and get off their obese arses to get a damn job, instead of whining when someone else gets the job. Not the brown man's fault that white people are lazy.

>Clearly people wouldn't be dying if that it was just effort
Yeah, because nobody ever dies in a hospital. Ever.

If people want to move from a broken country to this country and become something valuable, like a doctor, then what's the issue?

Nothing to do with letting people in. It was to do with not bothering to punish the few people who did bad things. You can blame brown people all you like but when white people are basically making what they did okay then it's white people at ultimate fault.

You're the sensitive people. Terrified everytime a brown person gets a good job.

For now. Then once it's pointed out it's racist and colonists weedman and other tolerant people will removed that law.

>your people are due to be replaced by your traitorous leaders
>lol what's happening


why is the UK so insistent on accepting nigs and nogs who are "trained" when their own place of birth needs it more than us.
i know a couple medfags who have graduated, and end up working some shitty wagecuck job because they've been rejected by the NHS
t. wh*te medfag halfway through uni course

The main issue is that by importing third world doctors you're getting third world care.

They are not valuable, they are doing harm, they are doing a bad job. They are worthless.
>Yeah, because nobody ever dies in a hospital. Ever.
Can't even read the article. Absolutely pathetic lad.

>be american
>get sick
>can't afford doctor but they do it anyway
>go into debt
>talk with hospital and they reduce it to a manageable level for monthly repayment
>be good goy
it ain't pretty but it works.
hospitals will almost always reduce the bill if you talk it over with them. It's better for both parties. A huge bill will make it more likely for them to receive significantly less than if they negotiated for a monthly payment, and it's actually reasonable for the person paying instead of being better off dead.

Britain has no hospitals, just death factories.

>If people want to move from a broken country to this country and become something valuable, like a doctor, then what's the issue?

How many should we let in?


>On the NHS
>Get diagnosed with cancer
>You are going to die unless we give you this surgery
>Oh dear can it be done this afternoon? This sounds very serious
>Haha no user this isn't the US, this is a socialist shithole, because you're in the process of dying we will aim to have you in surgery within the next month, thankfully we've given you 6 weeks to live, just hope there aren't any more strikes or malpractice scandals!

God, just imagine being 90 years old in this country, the year is 2087, you're a white male, the NHS is still in its seemingly never ending death spiral, you are in hospital for surgery but have no family, you never found a woman and settled down with children, all your friends and siblings are long dead. These days you wittle away the hours on the internet, the only place you've ever really felt at home, but it is so heavily regulated that everything that felt familiar is now also gone. You are in a cold room on a hard hospital bed, the state supplied care worker who visits you for 2 hours a week to keep you company has just walked out and your next bit of human contact will be when the nurse comes to change your bedpan. Of course everyone who works here is different to you, none of them are white, none of them would consider themselves British and they probably resent your sense of identity, or they would if you weren't so old, scared and timid. The nice Pakistani doctor (whose parents are cousins) will be performing your surgery in the morning, and the last thing you ever see before you close your eyes for the last time and die on the operating table is a monobrow, you can't even remember the last time you saw a white child, but it doesn't matter now, they have 32 hours of surgery scheduled in this room tomorrow, and you're an old man who was going to die anyway. At least they had the decency to lie to you.

>few people
You can excuse the barbarians and their death cult all you want but that doesn't make them any less savage.
>broken country to this country and become something valuable
Their county is broken because it's full of them. They are incapable of producing value on their own.

You are a perfect example of how pathetic and worthless the scum being imported to Europe is.