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Great thread, you fucking faggot.

We did it.

thank god




I hope you kill yourself you fucking rat


wtf, I love America now?

source? Need the lols



these arrogant spics next, pls

>deport THIS faggot
>gets deported
>butttttt whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

If a kid is here because of DACA,
And his skin is the color of caca,
Then don't make a fuss,
Get him onto a bus,
And ship him off with the other macaca.


What the fuck are you blaming me for? His sign clearly reads "DEPORT THIS"

What the fuck did you think was going to happen?

gake and fay. degas

I don't get why anyone should feel like it's USA's responsibility to take care of such people. Blame their parents for screwing up their life.

>collect names and addresses
>report to ICE



Technically, James Woods did this.

Credit where credit is due.

pol has no shame

Oh man
>I would love to apply to help dreamers and illeg- I mean undocumented students
>I really do care about them getting what they deserve

trust me, it's worth the read

>deport this

>No, the work permit is the very essence of what DACA provided these people. Come out of the shadows and you'll be protected and allowed to work, etc. With DACA gone, the government literally has a database of over 800k immigrants they can start to fast track to deportation.
So did Obama actually help Trump all along?



And what Emma Stone has to do with politics?


>1 post by this ID.
don't fall for it lads

She brainwashes her followers into her blind virtue signalling, validating retarded liberal logic

>my fav celeb likes this
>i must like it too

This is how normies unironically work

We're entering a new golden age.