Why is this guy so brazen? And don't give me the le evil dictator meme. What the fuck happens if there is a pre-emptive strike on the Norks?
Why is this guy so brazen? And don't give me the le evil dictator meme...
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USA wont tolerate any working system other than capitalism. They are the bad guys here.
He's brazen because he has South Korea held hostage and there's nothing anybody can do without the south being turned to ash before the north can be taken out. Not to mention if you want to launch a preemptive strike on the North then China will defend them.
Remember Crimea. China would send peace keepers to save human lives against the imperialist aggression and the next month they would have a referendum in North Korea to become a special status Chinese province.
He's trying to get into "The Nuclear Club"
All he wants to do is waggle his dick around with the other nuclear powers.
He thinks nobody will do anything about it, because nobody has done anything about it.
Name one nuclear country that has been invaded, I'll wait
>you will live to see America get nuked, North Korean regime get destroyed and a wave of cute Korean refugee girls flooding Europe
Good times ahead
Haven't you just proved my point with that statement?
He wants to be comfy.
Iran doesn't have nukes but it's the reason why it wants nukes
He want's them so he can take control of S.Korea while make it much more difficult for every other country to intervene.
only thing I can figure is it's a plot to make peace/resolution look more impressive
would I have thought that a few decades ago?
whatever it takes to hold power
Rather die standing than living on your knees.
>What the fuck happens if there is a pre-emptive strike on the Norks?
Seoul and Tokyo gone.
>Kim wants peace
and he is right
>What the fuck happens if there is a pre-emptive strike on the Norks?
see the vietnam war
Everything in this post is wrong.
He's taking very calculated actions to get the US to the negotiating table. Trump is responding in kind with very calculated actions (good cop / bad cop statements with SecDef balancing out Trump's brash statements).
NK can't reduce SK to ashes, it can hit most of the northern parts of Seoul.
NK can't land a nuclear weapon with any accuracy on SK or Japan. Most likely they'd try a kamikaze strike via aircraft for nuclear weapons while reserving their missiles for biological and chemical weapons.
China wouldn't militarily oppose the US directly, as the US would literally sink every Chinese vessel larger than a raft and shoot down every Chinese aircraft within 2 days, leaving China's only remaining options as long range missiles which would prompt a nuclear response on Chinese cities.
The most likely Chinese response would instead be making a play for Taiwan and forging a strong alliance with Russia and Iran.
Because he is 24/7 high as balls.
quick rundown:
his grandfather and father extorted money from the west with treats. trump will not give him a dime. they will starve.
He isnt real. He doesnt exist. He's CGI.
NK is theatre,trotted out when they need a "believable" existential threat.
NK is for normies.
>extorted money from the west with treats
And now they're about to burst into treats
You're a fool and I would strike you if you were facing me.Yes he's taking calculated actions because he wants to be left alone, he doesn't want what happened to other leaders to happen to him.
NK can kill millions of south koreans, which is why nobody will do a thing about the north.China WILL ally with the north if anybody launches a strike against them first.
How can one man be so based?
he knows full well is is immpossible to beat the might of the DPRK
first post worst post
his nukes and nuke operations are his only way of saying "pls don't fuck with me, I have nukes"
he is a target for (((those guys))) you know?
He will drop out global school shooter style.
Not gonna happen.
If NK simply wanted to be left alone, they'd stop the missle and nuclear tests, quietly develop their nuclear program, and then ask China and Russia to pressure the US to the negotiating table to give up our joint military tests in the region.
China isn't bending over backward to help NK's negotiating strength while NK keeps firing missiles over Japan and conducting nuclear tests.
Anyone ever think that maybe this guy is trying to muscle in on America's war scheme? Make so many wars that your Banks keep you making war for THEIR gains and they keep charging you interest to the point that war is your key income.
he knows if he loses a war with us we'll pay to rebuild his country and he can finally help his people.
He now knows the USA can't turn the screws even tighter. The entire negotiating/diplomatic capacity of the US to directly sanction NK is already in use; any further action requires greatly upsetting China, with disastrous economic consequences for both the USA and China.
He could wipe out 10million people in Seoul with conventional weapons before anything can be done.
>if you get sanctioned you win
Based on the past few weeks I assume that him and his cabinet have been offered a way out in exchange for them baiting a devastating invasion of their country.
He just doesn't give a fuck. He's an alpha, you wouldn't understand.
Is their any working system other than capitalism? Certainly not Juche. North Korea is a shithole and Pyongyang is filled with facade buildings that do nothing are built to disguise the filth and poverty.
Because no one has done anything about North Korea since it's creation?
Seriously, they talk shit, test nukes, fire missiles, imprison foreigners because they can and generally act like they have balls made of pure steel and not a single country has taken military action against them.
No other country has the balls to start a war with North Korea and he knows it.
patriotic communism
Because he knows nobody wants to deal with the aftermath of a war with him, and if he goes soft he'll end up like Gaddafi sooner or later.
Is NK where they hide the gigantic flat earth crystal trees who weren't chopped down and turned into mesas?
>Sup Forums finally crawled so far up it's own ass they are defending North Korea because of muh (((kikes)))
He's either staring down the Rothschilds or this is all a Rothschild false flag.
Fash. Are you new here?
Checked. You've got that right.
Do the Rothschilds want to cut down his gigantic crystal trees that help suspend flat earth over the great void?
Well, when you're given no choice but to be brazen or die, what do you do?
I wonder if he is doing this to manipulate markets and currency. Act crazy and launch a missed, markets and currencies dip. Kim buys. Release tweet saying you are going to chill.. markets and currencies rebound and you sell.
Repeat as necessary
>he knows everyone thinks he is insane enough to launch a first strike
>can extort people because no one wants to be the guy who gets hit by a first strike
>No one can invade NK unless NK launches a first strike, because it is protected by China, and China might defend NK even if they launch a first strike anyway if China is ready to start WW3
maybe we'll have to shoot down a missile from the sky who knows
You probably think Saudi Arabia doesnt have nukes either
His father was a stammering beta faggot so he's trying to one-up him any way he can. If he gets himself blown the fuck up in the process it'll just be more funny.
he needs the nukes so the international community won't qaddafi him
he won't attack first because there's no reason to; he'll lose everything in retaliation
the international community (with the new possible exception of japan) won't strike first because he'll kill millions in seoul in response
It's all China, you fags.
These Nork idiots do what they're told by their paymasters in China.
If you want them to do what you want, pay them more.
Or kill them, that works too.
putting pressure on China to heavily militarize their border with NK and eventually advance over that border to shift Kims focus away from his nuclear program can possibly deescalate our current situation
either that or we continue to wait until the US or one of our territories is hit and we are forced to retaliate and advance over the 38th parallel
Lol, No. Old Kimmy just want recognition from the US as a legitimate Nuclear State. If he can get a handshake with the President Trump everything would settle down since at that point the world would recognize NK regime and not try to take it down.
There's too much at stake for the US to capitulate in that way.
I could believe something this retarded
Divinity does not answer to your requirements. You have been warned
He wont touch seoul if the nips attack. Then he will do this instead.
Hitting the takahama reactor with a 100kt warhead will spread radionuclides over half of japan killing 60% of their population.
I would prefer that NK became a Chinese province. Then the RUSSIANS would stop supplying it with nuke and missile technology, although it also means the Chinese would reverse engineer what they found there.
And what does Crimea have to do with this? Crimea was a simple case of Russia reclaiming historic Russian territory. See I do respect Russia's legitimate interests, but I also know their trickery when I see it.
yikes, duly noted
Presumably we have an adequate missile defense that can stop that.
But we don't know for sure, if the Norks have some high tech Russian missile that we don't know about. They're full of surprises.
China doesn't have a THAAD preventing nuclear strikes on beijing. The Chinks do not dare to invade NK even if they had the whole world backing them.
TLDR NK will never be annexed by China.
Nothing will happen until China makes it happen.
Well they failed to shoot down the last missile that went toward Japan. Not to mention Takahama could allways be struck by a Short distance sub launched missile from NK.
It's a technicality, but NK -> Beijing is medium range, so the high altitude feature of THAAD is probably not important for that.
I don't know what if any anti-missile capability China has, and that's the point.
Is THAAD really good? For short range do we have something as good as the Russian S400 system?
hes bored
If its true that the Norks are a suppressed people, the military complex would help keep them under control.
As long as the dictator bangs the military drum, the people will believe that their lifestyles are justified. Not enough food because all extra resources must go to the defense of the state etc
Just like the S. Korea dances to the Jew Paymaster.
Yeah that's a good point -- I think the missile was low, so the high altitude THAAD wasn't the right tool.
As a SK television guy said (wish our TV was so informative) a fast low flying missile is hard to catch.
Capitalism is the best system we've got. It's not perfect, but it works.
Communism is shit.
North Korean government literally believes that they have a divine right to a re-unified peninsula under their government. He wants to build a nuclear deterrent big enough to prevent the USA or other allies from intervening when they decide to invade South Korea.The longer we wait the worse this shit is gonna get.
THAAD is brilliant against any ICBM that does not have a maneuverable re-entry vehicle. If the NK has a MRV they will bypass THAAD every time.
United States by the Netherlands, and we were successful.
and what happens after that?
NK ceases all nuclear advancements and missile developments? They become a capitalist economy and open their border to free trade and enterprise? Kim steps down as supreme leader and hold democratic elections? Sunshine, lolipops and rainbows become their main exports and there is no more humanitarian suffering from disease, malnurishment and regime abuse?
the only way is to completley overrun the country and destroy NK by force. Only then can we re-unite Korea as a whole and slowly integrate North Koreans into the modern era.
The cultural shock will be the most difficult for these people to adjust to. That, and the fact that North Koreans have been brainwashed from birth to believe that Supreme Leader is the protector and provider of their lives and that they must fight and die for him. These people cannot be saved.
This. The point of no return has passed. The right play for the US is to let NK annex the south and try to turn great korea on China.
>believing this jewish propoganda
kanker lijer. Leer nadenken
there are no good guys and bad guys. Only winners and losers.
Some countries are saying it's about a decade too late to take action so nows about the time
What? Are you crazy? Why would want them to get all the modern technology from SK?
we should really just destroy them. No super power genuinely cares about Kim. And we can let China come in and get a cut of their minerals if they want to, so it benefits them as well.
They never attempted to shoot it down. China promised to not intervene if NK attacked first. If the missile had killed a bunch of Japanese now the U.S. would have the occasion to bomb N.K., invade it and gain control of a reunified Korea. A useful military tool against China. The real enemy here.
Why the curve? Just go in a straight line, it'll take less time
Imagine the pain the ass a great north korea would pose on China. If the NK build their nuclear stockpile and proclaim ' either one korea or none korea' No one will oppose them. No one wants too take a nuke too defend SK. So might aswell plan far ahead how to turn NK against China.
I think you lost me. Why do you want to turn NK against China?
If you nuke him , the fallout hits SK.
He's just having a laugh because he's untouchable.
Arch helps the rocket pick up speed. Also having it to go straight as a cruise missile is hard with a heavy nuclear payload.
End * thread/
This post makes the most sense.
Because that would really damage China. NK is the only country ballsy enough to challenge the chinease in the south china sea over fishing rights and stuff.
Its impossible to prevent a north korean annexiation of south korea on the long term. When they have 500 nuclear warheads and a bunch of missiles. They will take SK.
US by spics, Germany by mudslimes, niggers, and mudslime niggers
Regardless of their efforts, they failed to stop it. No one knew it was going to miss japan before it was too late to shoot it down.
>Why is this guy so brazen?
Because he is protected and there is no force on the planet that can defeat him.
>What the fuck happens if there is a pre-emptive strike on the Norks?
goodbye japan goodbye world economy
We are building a fighting force of extra ordinary magnitude
Japan and false puppet state is dead already