/balt/pol general

Zapad Edition

what the fuck are chinese battleships doing in the baltic sea?


also: Zapad - largest Russian military excersise on the western front yet




you tell me


>military exercise
It's fucking nothing

Don't you mean /rus/pol?

>100,000 military personnel
>It's fucking nothing
for you

sorry latvia I couldnt find a better representation of your flag
either you are a yaoi
or the other choice was a karums commercial

>find nuclear warhead in the picture

oh gosh :3

It's nothing big. Honest. They're just prepping the invasion force. No need to worry. Go to sleep now.

this thread devolved into autism surprisingly quickly

>The drills represent a logical progression from previous joint exercises such as last year’s “Joint Sea 2016″ drills in the South China Sea. This time, the exercises will be held in the Baltics, which is at the center of the current tensions between Russia and NATO. There are regular reports of military exercises, air interceptions and flights by reconnaissance aircraft.”, military expert Vasiliy Kashin told BR.
there are important matters at hand but as we all know for Sup Forums "important matters" are an euphemism for dick

>Belarus is not exactly keen to host Russian forces any longer than planned since its autocratic president Alexander Lukashenko guards Belarusian sovereignty (and his own rule) quite jealously. Autocracies are reliable in this regard, they distrust other autocrats and are keen to signs of betrayal. Lukashenko is cautious to balance Russia’s security needs with his strong desire not to become the ex-president of Belarus
president of Belarus, Łukašenka is not best friends with Putin
we need to keep an eye on their relationship

This is what your flag colours stand for

Just letting you know,we utterly hate gays and niggers.

I didnt mean to be rude
it was the bet pic I could find with the color palette of your flag

>what the fuck are chinese battleships doing in the baltic sea?
You might well ask why US battleships intrude into the Persian gulf?

fuck off back to Sup Forums you autists

What is this then? It shows up as a top result by reverse searching any of these:
If you shit on my national symbols then I will return the favour.

Just curious.
Do you reckon this guy is carrying Putin's ice hockey gear, or something else?

you dont think latvia yaoi is cute?

he is the groupie that poses with Putin for photos

Am I allowed here? Poland lies near Baltic, and ZAPAD simulates nuclear attack on Warszawa

yaoi is faggy just like your nordic wannabe country

Fuck off with your degenerate chink paedophile cartoons. Your threads suck, don't ever post anything about my nation again.

>degenerate chink paedophile cartoons
do you know where we are?

Definitely not on my flag.

thanks for derailing the thread
here get some boi

I hope your family dies a slow and painful death.

so how many russian soldiers will stay in Belarus after zapad?
I guess 50 000

putin is so cool

Jesus, whats the matter with you?

fuck off back to your containment board

käis mulle närvidele
loodan rääkida midagi poliitikast aga see võttis kõike nii tõsiselt

officialy none
rumors say a lot

Oh fuck off, "serious politics" my ass.
This is a retarded meme general, and you are even worse of a political person than my dyslexic compatriot.
Go do your homework now, you have school tomorrow.

you think Russia wants to annex something in your area?

no mis ikka nende kuue varbalistega teed.
võta parem üks tuus pilt

>Derails the thread from the get-go with his bullshit
Hmm why does this happen

No, but seriously, I want answers from you balts. So what's the more likely scenario - attacking unaligned Ukraine or NATO-backed Baltics?
Relax your sphincters.

>Chinese = wannabe world powers playing with boats
>United States = Force for Good in the world, and the world's policemen. Pay your NATO bills, please, and we'll patrol your waters for you.

first lithuanian flag itt

underaged faggot

Hopefully attack baltics, they had no claim to this land


I and the polish user are the only ones who have an inch of interest
what have you done besides bitching about stupid jokes?

Wouldn't want to be in your place tbqh

Besides your anime circlejerk I see nothing of topical interest, really, it's a blight that derails every thread and cuts any discussion right at the start, that's why I haven't been on Sup Forums for many years now, impossible to have a sane conversation, it's joke

how likely was the scenario that russians would attack Ukraine?
situation can change so fast it will make your head spin

> what the fuck are chinese battleships doing in the baltic sea?
what's the problem though, I don't see you worrying about American ones

China is a rising power, West is a declining one. Get used to it, I guess

I am the OP
the IP changed for some reason
also you fucking shill, its difficult to start something when I am the only one leading the conversation and everybody else(you) tries to derail the original topic

>Americans believe they are a force of good

Wew, good thing you changed the IP, must have changed you to a butthurt derailer as well you dense idiot, fuck off back to /balt/ already, try again in a few hours, you clearly fucked this one up real good

>China is a rising power, West is a declining one. Get used to it, I guess
China's whole economy depends on the West, the demand, the corps, all of it, all the rising power thing is a meme, they need to be in synergy with the west and can't really go independent and have the same success, nor push any real big incentives, that's why they always keep their mouth shut

>you fucking shill
A shill for/against what?
This board is for politics and you have to be 18+ to post here.

Yeah, id rather not be some cucked nordic shitskin hugger. Use to like swedes alot, but now, i really hope you close your society again and fuck those muzzies out, even if it means a final solution.

>no arguments whatsoever
putin shills confirmed
the topic has been solid from the OP and these shills have been trying to derail the thread with their faggotry

Stop making country/region generals. We don't need them on Sup Forums nor do we need them here


I have been found out
Just start reporting them, mods are moving generals to /bant/ now

>shut it down
too late niggerinos
I knew Russia was flexing its muscles but not to the extent to shitpost on 4chin
how much do they pay you?

vaadake siia need kaks ahvi on tõestuseks millest juba ammu räägitakse
putini disinformaatorid
see pole algusest peale nali olnud


Haha the fuck is wrong with you, even your own people are telling you to fuck off you autist