>multiple gang rapes and beatings on the beach at Rimini, Emilia-Romagna
>among the victims are a Polish couple on vacation and a Peruvian transexual prostitute
>the 4 perpetrators have finally been caught thanks to the help of the prostitute who identified them
>one is a 20 year old Congolese man who came to Italy as a political refugee
>two are Moroccan brothers of 16 and 15 years, born in Italy
>the last one is a 16 year old Nigerian, also born in Italy
>all the 3 teenagers will soon be set free due to the leniency of Italian laws towards underage offenders
Wow, such a vibrant, multicultural and progressive society. Good job Italy!

Other urls found in this thread:

Can't the victims sue though?

>Peruvian transexual prostitute

>suing poor people
what's the point when the burden of collection is on the plaintiff?

>mfw turkey became safer than gayrope

Really activates your penera bread.

They did, that's the result.


Are you telling me that italians will let the niggers go free after this?
I thought italians were better than this.

I thought the UK was better than Rotherdam, but look where we are.

Forgot to link sauce, my bad. It's in pasta language.

What? Reveal yourself, nufag.

Polish government wants to bring them in to Poland so they will be judged by the Polish judiciary. They will not have a good time in Polish prison, I can tell you that

>all the 3 teenagers will soon be set free due to the leniency of Italian laws towards underage offenders
[citation needed]
If they don't give them an exemplary sentence they are giving the right wing a fuckton of votes. This country is always campaigning, many judges have political interests and they know they can't afford to tip the balance to the right. We'll see.

>Turkey safer than Portugal

The same Turkey where tourists get bombed and shot?

O I am laffin

Is it just me or does that dude look a lot like Eric clanton?

My brother is a transexxual prosisute actually. He does not work in Italy, he work in the UK.
he always gets beaten by muslims. usually they fuck his ass then beat him. i have sniffed his ass when he comes home and it smells like cum, and also, like muslim torture, because he was kidnapped and muslims put microscop in his ass. fucking gay faggot i wish he would die.

Maybe someone can find the names of the other criminals from his fb page since the police probably won't release the names of "underage" criminal.

Italians are NOT white.

Whatever Suleiman, historically you got eviscerated and disemboweled on a level unseen with any other empire. We almost got away with giving Smyrna, a huge chunks of your west coast, to the Greeks. Today, no one likes you, and you're a mediocre power and influence in the region.

If I were a roach, gloating at any other country's misfortune? On the contrary, I would be flag-hiding 24/7.

Not to blame victims, but it's kinda their fault

To add to this you guys should check out the hate he is getting on fb. Only men are commenting about it. No woman.

Are you alright ?

>among the victims are a Polish couple on vacation and a Peruvian transexual prostitute

>Peruvian transexual prostitute

pics or it didn't happen to have a penis

There are women, but mostly middle aged or older


You're a funny cunt satan, I'll give you that

>>among the victims are a Polish couple on vacation and a Peruvian transexual prostitute
>a Peruvian transexual prostitute

what the actual fuck? why are these filthy indios in Europe? i dont feel bad for this one tho, only for Polish...

you seem angry

>only for Polish...
it was their honeymoon, and niggers attacked them on literally last day.
now woman is ruined forever and a man is a wreck

Sure you wont have darwin'ism in school anymore. Only thing fillig up your shitty fucking school is your shitty fucking koran. I hope you all die from an earthquake maybe mother nature will help us out here

Funny coming from the most consistently butthurt and bitter flag on the board. The Arab country guys that make it on here some pretty chill and bro-tier on average.

So tell me, how would you feel about chimp ass jigaboos raping your women, because the globalists seek to ethnically dilute your country and culture?

I read they weren't even a couple yet, which is it?
Could it be a cover up to protect their identities?

>be Polish living in Italy
>wonder why gf keeps wanting to go down to the beach
>night after night she continues to demand to go for walks down there despite continually being harassed by migrants
>wake up in the hospital

So what? It's still part of Italy you fucking cuck. Or is it ok that parts of your country become inhospitable due to niggers?

Are there even any countries that actively discriminate against multiculturalism?

>link on Sup Forums, no thanks famm

just post the pic lmao

well polish media said that was their honeymoon, they were newlyweds

This is so ridiculous. I grew up in Italy and if I ever got caught with weed or something when i was 16-17 i would've gotten so much shit but niggers get a get out of jail free card

I'm really happy to see that Italians are angry and call that guy a nigger, unlike Germans and Swedecucks who'd defend the rapist.

well, the assailants are 16, these people can't be recovered, we have children doign the same in here and the (((media))) says "they shouldnt go to jail because they wont be able to adapt to adult life later on" . Its the same in here, age shouldn't be considered when judging a crime imo, just shoot these monkeys

It's a video interview faggot, you can tell it's a trans by the voice.

Even the raping is multicultural this must be seen as a positive.

Emilia Romagna is the roccaforte of commies, probably the only left wing region in Italy along with Lombardy

The globalists already raped our country, with your kind of peoples help. do you have any idea what kind of system Turkey had before joining fucking nato? You cucks are the reason we are swallowed by wahabi islam. this is just called karma.

Raping woman and men, fucking goats and spreading sharia law has nothing to do with globalism but with pure retardation.

I'd liquidate my assets and go on a solo mission. Total eradication. My own little jihad.

Yep i totally agree. Abd the worst thing is that they get free.


Last week a polish wife was gangraped by a group of 4 Africans on the Italian beach of Rimini while the husband was brutally beaten and forced to watch.

Almost immediately a manhunt has started all over thr region, police and investigation on one side, right wing squads and people looking for personal justice on the other.

The polish government has asked to extradite all the involved, if caught (alive) by the police. The polish vice minister of defense has publicly stated that if extradition will be granted the 4 "animals" will be tortured and killed under polish law.

In the meantime police sent to protect asylum centers and mosques in Italy, in order to prevent acts of revenge, have refused to follow orders, commenting that what happened on the beach was "an act of savage violence" and that they won't risk their life after what happened.

Four Italians have been arrested while heading to local asylum centers while carrying weapons, one of them was found with multiple weapons and molotovs in his car.

A member of the right wing party Northern League have commented the incident by wishing to the women of the opponent party PD (democratic party) to be the next victims. He was later suspended from the party for inciting violence.

Fast forward to today, polish prime Minister have remarked that they will do anything in their power to extradite the 4 involved in order to punish them according to the polish law.

Two of the four men have turned themselves in because they feared right wing squads might have found them before the police. A third men has been identified and police is looking for the last member.

The two men are Maroccan "minors" but might be extradited to Poland anyway, according to the Italian judge.

I want to personally add that Italy is currently in a serious situation, Italian people are boiling with rage and hate in every angle of this country (except the commie cities of Milan and Bologna), the government is crumbling and the left is completely fragmented, right wings parties are winning all over Italy, right wing squads and pseudo militias are real, politicians are openly racist and often also fascists. Fascism is rising, hate is rising, fear is rising. We are one step from collapse, if they choose to hit italy with a terror attack that's gonna be the last drop of water, Italy is about to explode and it WILL explode soon.

you don't even know difference btw turk/kurd/arab it seems, so..

Lets pray and hope. I hope they will drown in pigblood and it will all be live streamed to give a clear message to those fuckig disgusting pieces of shit.

Does it matter? No it doesnt since you all do the same fucked up shit. Stop raping, stop killing, integrate in our culture and all will be fine. You choose to be a faggot.

what do you think that happens to the brain of that polish qt:? she got 16 yr old BBC especialy from congo where average is 20 cm. she wont be able to cum now unless getting black dick

Italy is Africa now.

and your transvestites get raped there

>posts incomplete story
They have all been captured, the last one was the 16 year old Nigerian. You, I and everyone else know that the minors will be set free in a matter of weeks.

>Peruvian transexual prostitute
Is this the lowest possible form of human?

what culture, kekistani? look, we built the first nat soc country (check for ataturk/hitler connection if you wish to know more) but you guys preferred our country to be islamist shit. so you made coups, took over educational system and supported islamists. you were best friends with erdogan just a couple of years back. you don't know what you are talking about so stop embarrassing yourself and read more if you want to have a serious discussion.

We have a wired concept of comedy only britcucks get some of our black humour. Don't be shock he probably doesn't even have a brother kek

>A fucking trap had to be the man pointing fingers xD

You can't really do a lot legally against minors

Fuck off commie scum, keep the self hate for yourself and swallow a bullet, Italy is the only country who is actively resisting this invasion, especially from the identity and culturally point of view

It doesnt matter in the end does it? Of course the whole eu political system is socialist max. helping out the wrong people of the history side just for money or more political power. Doenst make it right. Also yea islamists spread like a desease so i don't know if what you sat is true, doesnt make much sense.

wtf? are leftists mentally ill?

I so hope its true what you say.
Io prego per l'italia.





how the fuck is poland so low


for us, for my lifetime, probably doesn't matter. But you people need to understand why islam spreads like cancer; because your politicians feed it with sugar. and now it's your turn. you need to understand why it spreads in order to fight it. Then maybe my grandchildren can live in wahabi-islam free world.

Now THIS is progressive. Translation:
>Guerlin don't mind all these racist comments, Italy is an unwelcoming countttry, bigots(?), racist and violent, don't give up and try your best to improve your is(?) life conditions, as you are a refugee and you deserve it and leave alone these Italians who are only jealous of you. A hug


You'd think that italians (seen as more racist) would be a bit harsher on these menas but they're the same as us, lmao.

he's right. it's common knowledge among non islamists in turkey that islamists have been backed by (((usa))) since 50s. guess who did that before 50s? fucking beady eyed an*lo rats. clean up your shitty excuse of a country before pointing fingers amerinigger

Why is Spain so cucked ? They hAve the same problems as other Eastern and southern euro countries.

You can. The age of criminal responsibility is normally about 10,11 or 12. After that, you're subject to the full force of the law.

They just never have the stomach to punish these animals like they deserve.

Yeah I am sure Italy is going to let it's youth go to some third world shithole like Poland to get run through their kangaroo courts

>mafia corrupts government
>make laws lenient against minors
>use minors to commit crimes/murders

This is why we cant have nice things Italy

Literally NO MENTION of rapefugees early release in those article, Literally NO MENTION of their minority status as lenient, and literally all newspapers in Italy are raging over this.

The fact that they were born in Italy 16 years ago doesn't remotely qualify as Italy YES memes material. By hiding your flag I am also prevented to reply accordingly, but I'll guess anyway.

Remove your fakeflag, you fucking leaf, and kys

You forgot to say that it's written in broken Italian, written either by a retard or another foreigner

>The two men are Maroccan "minors" but might be extradited to Poland anyway, according to the Italian judge

They should have waited for Right Wing Death Squads to be honest.
It would be a much faster end of their lifes.

Yes the problem are many. Qatar giving billions of dollar to the us education system. Politicians taking them with open hands making no real legislations. Apologizig all crime. But it all starts with the education. And you my friend have a dark future ahead. Darwin is the most basic concept on how our world is scientificly build, your kids wont have that at school. Sorry for insulting you so hard. Seems like we fight the same battle.

Faggot my countey is one of the cleanest i just worry ok? Not my fault we have sug idiotic politicians all over the world wantig to be the good guys. Be glad hillary didnt win she would have made shit worse

Sue for what? To rape them back?

>By hiding your flag I am also prevented to reply accordingly, but I'll guess anyway.
Why? Is shitting on his country going to change what happened in yours?

0/10 trolling Paco

It doesen't really matter where they get sentenced, the entire EU justice system is faggy with no death penalty and overall humanitarism.

Thirldd world criminals laugh at us all.

> France is 29% after Charlie Hebdo, Bataclan, Nice, mantes-la-jolie, and Rouen
> Italy is 69%

(((PEW))) research center cleary skewing statistics (data manipulation, skewed sampling, selective sampling) to hide the fact that all reasonable people in Europe hate muslims with a passion

Kill them once they are back on the street.
Pretty sure the mafia will deal with that, they earn a shitton with tourism.

>kike bank flag

wew lad, I wouldn't call that "country" clean

Question, pol wants me to hate turks, I only met one Turkish Cypriot girl and I had sex with her, I'm inclined to believe that turks can be cool but it seems islam fucks them up at times.. I'm in NYC and we have secular muslims that party and Arab Pakistani terrible ones, my question is why can Turkey just drop the shit and be the one cool Muslim group, I mean we have Albanians but you know, so tell me why the girls are pretty the men dont dress funny and have beards, wtf is going on over there?

agreed. not a problem as long as you remember many Turks are not islamists, we're just prisoners in our own country. wish you luck in your fight

Then leave the EU. It's so kike-y, it should be called Good Goyim Inc.

>Italy consistently angry
I guess all old people are /comfy/ sitting in cesspools of corruption and whatnot, whereas young people go abroad to earn more money (what they don't know it's even worse in the West, but at least the pay is better). I have absolutely no idea why young people like EU. Do they think it's still economical union or what?

Daily reminder that the influx of illegals in europe has started thanks to FRANCE who deposed gheddafi by making us and others bombard the shit out of him, who has led to our days situation in europe with the lack of a stable lybic government that boosted human trafficking affairs in all africa and asia to europe.

>what is Tuscany

>Peruvian transexual prostitute
I sure hope they used xir prefered pronouns while beating xer.

they watch tvn and tomasz lis