Black femanon here

Black femanon here

Why is do white folk got no real culture?

Other urls found in this thread:

>why is do white folks
>bad grammar
Checks out

That is a common misconception because people are very used to white culture in the west so it effectively becomes invisible as it is the norm. But I can assure you white people have just as much culture as a tribe in the Amazon.

> Black femanon
Stop telling fairy tails you god damn larper.

#BlackCulture aborting your kid and chaining your dog up outside

nigger whore

>just as much culture as a tribe in the amazon
are you joking? Whites have a higher culture than most other races combined. Eating shit and chanting WE WUZ isn't a culture britbong

We used to. It was replaced by unlimited consumerism and hedonism by (((you know who))).



mind control


nope, no culture found here

does not having AIDS and being a productive member of society count as culture?

maybe here?

>not having a plate in your lip
>not raping virgins to cure aids
>not eating mosquito pies
Why do you reject your own culture?

That's not white culture. Its just somebody trying to sell stupid people more shit.

nah, couldnt find any culture

There, this is PERFECT culture

>Let me post a picture of two things that are very rarely done and then act as if it's the norm.

This, sadly.

>mfw I have seen both of these

real culture is dumping pounds of tabasco sauce on your food because your sense of taste has been destroyed by the pack of menthols you've smoked daily since age 12 then laughing at whitey who can appreciate the natural flavors of meat

Do black people know about the Jews?

The phone in your pocket, computer you're using, and house your sitting in are all products of white culture. Please stop appropriating them. Live in a mud hut to show the world how great your culture is.


Why are niggers so low.


>the black intellectual asking the important questions

Black femanon here. Why don't white people become strong again, kill off all minority men and keep minority women as sex slaves the way nature intended it to be? That way I can live out my fantasy of being a sex pet to a white chad thundercock. Especially dressed in a risque french maid outfit and have him pound my big black ass while I'm trying to wash the dishes. The funny thing is I can say all these things freely here because the haters will say I'm a white guy role playing as a coping device to keep their petty racist low energy BBC is best cock mentalities from shattering into a million pieces.

What are you doing here?

Go back to the kitchen, the nood is not going to bix itself.

>1 post by this ID.

you can tell it's not really a black person (or at least not a speaker of any variant of black english), because the auxiliary sequence "is do" is ungrammatical in black english.

Typical American, thinks that the world only exists between the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean.

You are right, white americans have no culture, neither do black americans. The issue here is "american".
Come to europe for white culture, go to Africa for black culture.

>1 post by this ID

apparently race play is quite widespread so your statements are not all that unlikely to be true

> science
> Enlightenment
> Classical music
> Opera
> Art

Interpretation service here for niggers.

>LARPing as a sheboon on a Turkish knitting forum
That is what you're doing with your life. Let that sink for a moment.

>Why is do white folk got no real culture?

Africans still live in mud huts sweaty

Can someone tell me what culture blacks have that white people don't? Are these people arguing that race is a culture? Don't American whites and blacks share the same culture, what are these people's arguments here?

>Why is do

Wow, that is fucking magnificent.

Shit tier larping as nigress

> posts evidence of white culture
> asks why white people have no culture


If your blacks africans culture is that?

where's cans I's get's a good's monkey plate's and sides of stuffed rhino scrotums?

Also why every nig gottas leaves Africas for our white culture nations?

Tits or gtfo
Either way, you're probably larping.

"Why do white Americans got no real culture?"
fixed, and the answer is capitalism and consumerism

I came here just for the tits
Where the fuck they at

On another subject I want to say this. Many White people feel as though they dont have a unique culture. The reason for this is that White culture is world culture. I dont mean that our culture is made up of other cultures, I mean that our culture has been adopted by everyone in the world. This makes us feel as though our culture isnt special or unique. Say for example that every business man in the world wore a kimono, that every skyscraper was in the shape of a pagoda, that every door was a sliding one, and that everyone ate every meal with chopsticks. This would probably make a Japanese man feel as though he had no unique traditional culture.

so many things go into the filter nowadays...


>going for a walk with your dadd-

>jk he's gone

it's working though. he's getting his replies.

Slay em QUEEN. I got more 100% BLACK OC here. Also Black femanon.

You whites got need to make annual pilgrimages back to Europe or something and learn not to be so goddamn cultureless and racist.

>keeping your kids under control
there's something niggers will never be able to do

That coming from a group who's known for being violent, talking like an autistic 8 year old, having shitty and obnoxious music and being shit in General. we, White people invented almsot everything in your daily life and not all, and we built civilizations on other continents and of the african countries, we gave them a path of their own and they failed at it.

s a g e
a n d
r u n
>but seriously your culture is fucking mud huts.

A couple weekends ago a nigger drowned at a water park we were at because

1.) He couldn't swim. Why do niggers not teach their children to swim? Do you realize that like 80 percent of this planet is fucking water? On that note, why the FUCK would you take a kid that can't swim to A GOD DAMN WATER PARK?

2. The kid drowned because he went down the slide and there was no lifeguard watching. 18 years old. Drowned. Because he couldn't swim and his nigger parents weren't watching him.

You people literally are a fucking disease.

>niggers knowing shit about culture



lol americans can't spell

Get out of my country nigger

I actually prefer white culture to black culture, black culture is the most disgusting and degenerate culture on the planet, the reason why whites and other races in the US despise blacks is not because of their skin color, it is because of their amoral, wicked and disgusting culture.

In black culture adultery, thievery, dishonesty, debauchery, fornication, narcissism, rabid materialism, hatred, malice, professional victimhood, irresponsibility are the key cultural norms.

Just because whites don't make horrible music as you, dance like a bunch of wild animals, speak a disgusting perversion of the English language, glorify evil, and have a culture of sexual degeneracy that doesn't mean that they have no culture, the whole purpose of culture is to create social cohesion it is a means by which people can live in harmony through productive moral codes and traditions, you just think that culture is soul food, twerking, and the thug life which actually destroy a society from within.

I'm not white and I despise black culture because it is destroying our society.


For the 6th gorillianth time, peanut fucking butter was not a nigger invention. It was developed by a white Canadian pharmacist for patients with dietary issues. Dr. Kellogg, a white US nutritionist, later popularized it and patented a process for making it.

George Washinton Carver was just a black botanist who taught poor Southern farmers about crop rotation and cultivation in poor areas.

>Why is do white folk got no real culture?
>Trying this hard
>You're not black,
>You're not a woman

What's the most confusing day in Black culture?


>Black femanon here
>55 replies and 18 images omitted

This is overt b8. What the fuck Sup Forums

Our culture is advancement, survival, and charity.

this desu

it's either a fake or maybe a asian



>1 post by this ID
this thread should not have this many replies.

Shut up nigger.


ayo we wuz kangz nigga


come visit the oktoberfest :D german culture

"Y'all wypipo have no culture"
>What's Classical, Romanesque, Baroque, Gothic, Neo-classical, Art deco, mid century modern, googie and many other architectural styles?

>what's classical, ancient greek, roman, byzantine, medieval, anglosaxon, romanesque, gothic, renaissance, baroque, romanticism and other forms of art?

>what's gregorian chants, impresionist, renaissance, classical, pop music?

>what's the nearly 4 millennium of writers, poets, philosophers?

>what's french and italian cuisine (regarded as one the best of the world) and other cuisines like British, spanish, german, greek, polish?

>what's suits, pants, ties, shirts, t shirts, and pretty much every fashion item you can think of?

>what's literally every technological wonder that exists?

Admit it, whites created civilization

the real panel is actually dumber and more offensive

Are you topless in a barren field in front of your mudhut? No? then you're LIVING in white Culture you bitch!

its bait...

btw whats black culture ?? chicken wathermelon and twerking ?? XD dont say hip hop cause every black artist says eminem is the bes tlyrical rapper out there and rap is all about lyrik and rap is the main part of hip hop soooooo...

the peanut butter jar was also invented by a white man

So you have seen White Trash in public? I Agree that they embarrass the rest of us....

Is the real panel that one where the nigglet tell the teacher she wants to be an astronaut or some shit and the teacher says "good, i hope you do it" and the nigglet gets pissed because whitey encourages her instead of being rayciss

Nigger, you are using English with Latin letters. Go back to clicking while you hunt for rats in Zimbabwe.

TIL Bolivia has internet. Neat.

Chicken, watermelon, twerking, selling crack and shooting each other. You forgot some important cultural activities.


You win five internets.


>Black femanon here
>Why is do niggers got no real fathers?
Look! I can meme too fucking nigger.

because white women are just as stupid as sheboons. They just look better.

Nope, no culture


Stop shouting at ghosts Sup Forums you're being LARPED.

>The most racist of all think diversity mean white women
Ho, the irony.


>burgerposting at its finest
