What do you have to say, pol?


Will you finally realize you're all just fucking racist?

>5% to 10%
>after accounting for the facts surrounding the case

So bullshitting the statistics so it suits your argument. Got it

You forgot the part where they tended to be repeat offenders.

>what are ties to the community and showing remorse for your actions that will impact a sentencing hearing

White people behave better in prison.

white people are more likely to plead guilty and get a reduced sentence.

Women receive lighter sentences than men for the same crimes

If they get charged at all

Here's what matters in sentencing, criminal history.
Blacks have lengthier and more serious criminal histories which draw longer sentences.

Shit bait. All fields.

women are seen as fragile
whites are seen as fragile

sentences for white males should be increased

"A 2012 University of Michigan Law School study found that African Americans are given longer federal sentences even when factoring prior criminal records, and that African American jail sentences tend to be roughly 10% longer than white jail sentences for the same crimes.[35]The study found thatFederal Prosecutorsof African American and Hispanicdefendantsare almost twice as likely to push formandatory minimum sentences, leading to longer sentences and disparities in incarceration rates forfederal offenses.[36]"

Repeat offenders get longer sentences.

Also, whitey knows when he should take a plea deal. Tyrone, after seeing the CCTV footage showing him robbing the liquor store, is much more likely to decide to go trial because he's convinced that his public defender is part of some conspiracy to keep a nigga down.

The justice system would love to hurt whites men and balance this out. It's nothing to do with how the races are seen, its how the races act.

Sentences for white males should remain the same.

So basically you admit to judging someone off their color like in the tribal era?
Fucking racist

Probably accounted for in the number of blacks who don't accept plea deals and take cases to court. That shit is always punished.

Which specific cases did they compare?

Let me just take a wild guess, our plebian eyes don't get to see them, we just gotta take their word for it?

>What do you have to say, pol?

Wouldn't affect their initial sentence

This. They never seem to learn from their experiences.

if you commit exactly the same time you should do exactly the same time

a true fascist understands the importance of law and order

No, I mean blacks on average have no fucking tiea to their community (not married, they don't parent, they don't have jobs) and they tend to not show or even express remorse at sentencing hearings.

No evidence that whites plead guilty more leading to shorter sentences
And also they've almost certainly taken that into account for facts surrounding the case


Leaving out the fact that crime committed by blacks rose significantly during that time.

Just cause their conmunity commits more crimes doesn't mean that the individual person should be treated harsher

>they've almost certainly taken that into account for facts surrounding the case
I study criminal justice, I assure you they've danced around and sugar coated it because no one wants to appear racist.

Are you trying to imply theyve sugar coated it by lowering the percentages and judges are more racist than they are in this study

I'm stating that people that study criminal justice know blacks are fucking awful for the most part, but you can't publish that and still have a job.

>This is how nice pol is

My point is still true, if this is sugar coated then the judges must be pretty strong against justice and hence American values

>Similar crimes

In the same way that smoking weed and selling weed are similar?

You have to go back

This is likely due to the fact that they are generally prosecuted in Urban centers where crime is such a severe problem that the local justice system is taking extreme measures to ensure these people are locked up as long as possible.

Why don't you just look up the study yourself if you doubt it so much Fuck off, bigot


sperging out again, jahans?

>My point is still true
It literally isn't. They're sugarcoating how awful blacks are. They don't mention anything like I mentioned here: . There's also the nasty tidbit that black judges tend to give longer sentences to black convicts than white judges give to white convicts.

>I'm a kissless virgin neet in my mum's basement so anyone posting facts that disagree with my bigoted opinion is a sperg

It's current criminal justice practice. Incarceration plays lip service to rehabilitation and some people think it's about deterrence, but in actuality it's about incapacitation. If criminals are locked up, they can't commit crimes(at least not on victims that anyone gives a fuck about).

Yes blacks are more likely to be criminals but this should not mean a 10% rise in sentences

OK a number of factors:
1. blacks are far more likely to commit the same crimes multiple times. Recidivism is ridiculously common among blacks and as such they receive longer sentences for the same crimes.

2. blacks are far less likely to be able to afford proper legal representation and as such are less likely to receive a lenient sentence

3. blacks are far more likely to have a longer criminal background than whites, adolescent blacks are 3-4 times as likely to be charged with and convicted of a crime as whites, and people with criminal backgrounds are again, far more likely to receive longer sentences than those without them

>Implying a neet knows anything about the Justice system and why it's actually used as a deterrent

>Forgetting the research said that the history of the criminal is taken into account
Also poor black commit the same crimes as poor white people who also can't afford lawyers, you don't see rich white people shop lifting or smoking weed

Either you're an idiot or you're ignoring my point. In both federal and most state courts, there are relatively strict sentencing guidelines. Included in those guidelines are some subjectivity, which include factors like the convicts ties to the community (do they work, are they married, do they volunteer in some capacity, are they in their child's life) and showing remorse. Blacks tend to not have either of those, thus impacting sentencing decisions and thus resulting in some disparity. Also, as I mentioned, black judges give longer sentences to black inmates. The prevailing theory in regards to that is that a black judges will more likely be aware of the victim's concerns and needs(given that most crime is intraracial).

>why it's actually used as a deterrent
Well there's the Classical school of thought that we are inherently hedonistic creatures and thus the threat of punishment for certain actions would deter people from committing crime. The problem though is that type of deterrence, general deterrence, really only works for people unlikely to commit that crime in the first place.

Do you really think this will lead to a 10% increase in sentences, also source on blacks being more likely to not show Remorse or have ties to communities?

>also source on blacks being more likely to not show Remorse or have ties to communities?
Being from the inner city there's a subculture of appearing tough. Most blacks are arrested from urban centers and are very much part of this subculture. Showing remorse is showing weakness. There's been kind of a push to recognize this, that the sullen and standoffness of young, black offenders is actually an attempt at maintaining dignity but it's slow going. As far as lack of ties in the community... Motherfucker just look at the rate of single parent homes and unemployment.