Hourly reminder that Capitalism is Jewish slavery

Hourly reminder that Capitalism is Jewish slavery

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yeah my dad always says he got rich through hard work but he read an add in the newspaper then walked into a factory and they gave him, an unqualified 15-year old, a real mans wage. He thinks people who can't find work are mentally ill. He also cheats on his tax.

If hard work means you should get more money, then fruit picker should be paid like doctors. Just like in North Korea.

Commies fail to realize that investing your own resources into starting a business and doing whatever it takes to make a go of it, including up to working 100 hours per week knowing that you got of 50% chance of losing it all in two years. According to them that is not hard work.

doctors are hard workers though dumb fuck

Hourly reminder that Communism is Jewish slavery


Threadly reminder that any ideology that concerned itself First and foremost with wealth distribution is absolute garbage.

That's why I do cashies m8 aint paying taxes for dole bludgers and when 2/3 of big companies in aus that dont pay a cent

I know. Just like fruit pickers. So pay them the same. That's how it works in communist countries. The government gets you through university for free and then you have to treat patients for free and will have the same social standing as a laborer.

Greed is what brings prosperity, not hard work. If you could have the same quality of life as a doctor doing a mindless warehouse job, 90% of people would rather do the warehouse job.

i dont see how this is an anyway bad

>person A has ambitions to build something great
>person B lacks ambition, and strives to work for the bare minimum
>person A achieves his goals
>person B complains that he didnt get a bigger cut than what he deserves

all problem i see is that person B lacked the initiative to have done what person A did and is now butthurt about it

>average 20 hours a week over 2 years
>luck out and be the 50% of successful businesses
>hard work

yes Goys! Ethnonationalism is the way forward

Bump, good thread

I like the story however there's too much governmental interference currently. There is a line between true capitalism and government regulated half capitalism, kinda like the ooga booga mixed nignog children vs non race mixing

>That's how it works in communist countries.
no it isn't. Doctors always get "paid" more in "Socialist countries"

>I don't trust the Jew-run government
>The solution is to give more power to the Jew-run government

No, the correct amounts of individual greed incentivise prosperity. A system built only on greed creates the cultural anus that is modern Wiemarica.
>Stopping the importation of cheap labor helps the porkies
>Nationalization of industry and media helps the porkies
>Even a commie still can't manage to say anything but muh jew flag to me
Fucking lol

immigration isn't socialism

let me expand on this

say a NEET, decides to form a business as a flyer distributor
he gets paid $1 for every 100 flyers he gives out

so he decides to gather up 10 other NEETs to work for him
they get $0.5 per 100 flyers, he takes the rest

at the end of the year hes rolling in cash without doing anything but managing the other NEETs
now the NEETs complain that hes rich and they are still poor

what stopped any of the other NEETs from doing exactly the same thing?

For us English speakers cash work under the table is not unethical, look at the tax returns from big corporations.

>>Stopping the importation of cheap labor helps the porkies
>>Nationalization of industry and media helps the porkies
>>Even a commie still can't manage to say anything but muh jew flag to me
>Fucking lol
being an "ethnonationalist" these days means supporting the Republican party, which donates heavily to Israel

The guy on the left I can guarantee works harder than the guy on the right. Its a lot harder to hold power and make effective decisions than you think. Especially when you work 80+ hours a week and are under constant call.

>20 hours/year
I see you've never started run your own business.


Says the country that supports itself with annual gifts of free monies from the US.

socialism is for faggots

This isn't an argument about nationalism, but about economics.

If you look at the whole world as a whole, bringing cheap laborers will create more goods and make everyone on average more rich. Sure, some locals will have it tough because they won't have a monopoly over jobs.

Cheap labor mens you create the same amount of goods for a lower cost, meaning you can spend the rest of the money on creating even more goods.

How did neet get the capital investment for registering a LLC, insurance, advertising, how much of that .05 profit is he declaring on his quarterly taxes if he is paying employees as 1099.
>Neet making .05 only makes .03 after taxes

>jew denial
every time

Actually your beloved communism is jewish slavery, Karl Marx was a jew, majority of the bolshevik party members were jewish and the main purpose of communism is to deceive the people into thinking that the workers will be in power when in reality all the country's wealth will be in the hands of the reigning communist party or in simple terms in the Jew's hand.

All you anti-capitalist retards confuse capitalism with corporatism, capitalism is simply defined as a free-market system where goods and services can be exchanged with limited government influence. Just because there are people that work harder than you and have more character and self-discipline and manage to secure wealth that doesn't mean that life is unfair.

Since you're a loser who will never amount to anything you're envious of people who are far more successful than you so that is why you want a communist system where people who are more intelligent and competent to be in the same pathetic level as you.

Everything that is currently wrong with our society feminism, political correctness, diversity, multi-cult, moral relativism, identity political etc these are all communist ideologies and they are all specifically designed to weaken social cohesion and allow for autocratic rulers to seize total control.

Stop being a pathetic cuck and go get a job

start here: indeed.com

What is the value of the farmers labor that feeds the doctor? Shouldn't it be more because the farmer's labor feeds not just himself but also the doctor, the man who gound the grain into flour, and the man who baked the bread

>Fly to the moon on a spoon
>Get to the moon
>There's no poon
Why can't crazy fantasies be real?

Ever read 1984, for being a jew id have thought you read the few chapters given by Emmanuel Goldstein's The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism

> jew talking about degeneracy and the cause of social decline
Listen up goys we gotta subject matter exoert here

Supply and Demand still exists, not all socialists are anti-market.
We need more doctors than farmers, especially with so much automation, so doctors should always be paid more

actually taking the numbers i pulled out of my ass seriously

my point still stands, nothing stops the other NEETs from doing exactly what he did
if they were unhappy about the pay they received they wouldnt have worked for him in the first place.
thats just logic

>white people still discuss which economical ideology is better for them
>they're disappearing with both option

>national SOCIALIST defending capitalism
>capitalism caused the downfall of Germany
really makes you think

Jews with this mindset are not national capitalists therefore a globalists threat. Using socialism as a bait for a brand authoritarian global capitalism

You know, if you weren't such a beta cuck
you could make your own business, and make
your own money, become your own jew, right?
You won't ever know how it feels to be swimming in your own earnings, because your only talent in life is creating shitty threads on Sup Forums.

White people are not disappearing anytime soon. It's a myth. Crossbreeding whites with anyone else will result in lighter skin over time.

>capitalism caused the downfall of germany

Revisionist history.

Nothing to do with the topic. I was arguing why cheap labor is brings more value to society.

There is a symbiotic relationship between laborers and companies. If a company pays their worker too little, then the worker won't be able to buy the goods they sell. So the more money they make, the more they are paid and the more goods there are in the world

>he thinks that capitalism isnt just private ownership of the means of production
>he thinks we live in corporatism

free market allowed jews to take over.

HAHAHA what the fuck? No, that's being a republican, or even a neo con.This kind of strawman bullshit does not merit a serious response, try again.
>Support itself
Nope, we do not. It's corruption money and chump change, we don't need it and you shouldn't be giving it to us.
Also the fact that something is a certain way doesn't mean that it correspondeds with my ideals just because I was born here.
>If you look at the whole world as a whole
I don't, that is a legitimately evil thing to do in my opinion. This is how you kill nations and commit genocide, and it's antithetical to the tribalist reality of the human experience.

I was arguing purely on economics. Not about nationalism and globalism. Perhaps it's better to be less efficient, but have a more stable society, perhaps not. Right now western society is heading for the first option so it remains to be seen...

>Natsoc but supports Unrestricted Jewish capitalism
Unrestricted Jewish capitalism places no value on the individual citizen, he is a pawn to be exploited for profit, so much so that in USA the Jews even demand shekels from Cancer sufferers for basic treatment. They own all the banks and companies not through hard-work but rather through immoral financial behaviour against the interests of the people which their corrupt system enables
Im not a commie either

but if you want to be realistic
(notice my flag, manual labor is cheap here)
right now i can jump on my local 'craigslist' type site, find a shitty diy job, lets say erecting palisade fencing
the job pays $200 for the days work

so i go to my local 'niggers standing around waiting for work' spot
pick up 3 niggers who agreed to each do a days work for $10

at the end of they day the 3 niggers are happy they have money to eat and drink
i pocket $170 for simply organizing a group to do the work they wanted to do anyway

i dont see a problem here
why couldnt they have done exactly the same?

>most ethnonationalist friendly candidate runs for Republican party

If you can't survive on minimum wage, you should just be fed to the pigs.

>Crossbreeding whites with anyone else will result in lighter skin over time.


Allowing monopolies in and free market will allow any group to take control of that market.

Look at Google and Amazon today. Antitrust is the answer to solve this problem, not extermination (which just gives the monopolies to someone else)

Lol no.

>muh antibiotics

Capitalism was created before Judaism

Hmm what, you god damn idiot. If anything it means people are tired of conservatives and would rather have ethno nationalism. Do you see a Nazi party in America? What were they supposed to do, not vote? vote for Hillary or libertarians?

>Hourly reminder that Capitalism is Jewish slavery
Translated from sissy kike based (((socialism))) this reads as

And for us ancaps, under the table work is absolutely ethical because taxation is theft.

But then you have to replace the hundreds of dollars of equipment they stole and do the work by your yourself. Net loss if you do the real math

>I don't, that is a legitimately evil thing to do in my opinion. This is how you kill nations and commit genocide, and it's antithetical to the tribalist reality of

As if genocide is a bad thing. There is no objective "good" and "bad", unless you believe in god.If not, you should be a nihilist and only care about hedonism here and now.

Personally, i don't give a fuck what happens after I die. Eventually the whole world would be destroyed in solar flares and everything you worked for, your tribe too, will disappear. So no point worrying about it

you realize the lefties in the west hate Israel?
enjoy your free money.

fucking commie shill, who is going to fall for this bullshit? Let's kill all jews then embrace marxism so the rest of us die too. Kys you stoopid cunt

Western society today is most at threat due to lack of sense of new sovereignty. Individualism cannot be rewarded in this system as over importation of cheap labor lessons the value of individual contributors already in the system.
The consumer market lessons as the distribution of national wealth shifts more towards the biggest earners.

Without incentive to climb those that could be innovators become dependant on minimalist life styles, or in the case of pseudo Socialism, dependant on the welfare state.

From a capitalist perspective over time you destroy the number of potential consumers be importing cheap labor.

This is 100% true. Lefties hate us more than anybody else

Markets are necessary due to the efficiency of the pricing mechanism but companies should be heavily regulated to prevent abuse.

What type of system does this describe?

for starters, over here niggs come with their own tools, stolen or otherwise
doesnt really matter to me

i started with nothing, and left with $170
iv done this type of shit countless times when iv been abit light in the pocket

again what stops them from doing exactly the same?
i have yet to get an aswer

They hate Israel for the wrong reasons. None of them realize that they're using the US to fight their wars and only hate them because of Palestine.

The Labor Theory of Value is race realism for poor people.

Any ideology that relies on social darwinism, genocide, and a duality lens probably isn't a good one.

Labeling something as 'scientific' or 'dialectic' doesn't lend it legitimacy.

I am sure that you're too pozzed to recognize Saturnian imagery but know that every global conflict since the turn of last century has been an orchestrated event.

A capitalist system that actually enforced antitrust on monopolies solves a lot of problems.

>not understanding risk vs reward

I guess in a communistic America it wouldn't matter since there would be no reason for anyone to start a business due to lack of incentive and the big businesses would develope a monopoly and make stacks of cash due to no competition or new innovations and having the means to hold the gub'ment at ransom due to America being too large for one entity to have total control of

We would be as corrupt as Mexico and have 0 economic development and people who already make stacks of money will continue to but now there's no chance of a innovative business to stake a claim but it's okay because now everyone is equal(except for the few that can threaten society's needs)

You still don't understand the economic argument. You can't have big earners without the rest of the population getting richer. Richness is simply a measure of how much shit there is. If a person owns a lot of factories and gets extremely rich, it's because he produced more goods. So it means there is more stuff to go around.

If you can produce these goods for a cheaper price, there would be more leftover money to invest in even more goods. And no, people don;'t just hoard their money. That's not how capitalism work. They invest their money in companies that produce more goods, making society even richer.

And what the fuck's so different about national socialism?

Natsocs constantly try and reassure capitalists that you're allowed to keep your private property and your businesses in natsoc, it's just that the government is going to be telling you what to do for everything.

How is this system smarter than capitalism? Why should I trust some bureaucrat who's never come within a hundred miles of me?

Minutely reminder 1/2

You misspelled ((communism))

wtf I love Israel now

>Unrestricted Jewish capitalism places no value on the individual citizen,
The individual citizen is free to set his own value, and free to raise that value through education and establishing a reputation of successful endeavors
>he is a pawn to be exploited for profit,
He is free to determine where and what he does for a living
>so much so that in USA the Jews even demand shekels from Cancer sufferers for basic treatment.
Doctors are not forced to work for the state at gun point
>They own all the banks and companies not through hard-work but rather through immoral financial behaviour against the interests of the people which their corrupt system enables
You are free to lend and invest in any bank you choose, or no bank at all. Likewise, you are free to seek employment and purchase products from any company you choose
>Im not a commie either
it's hard to tell based on your arguments, but you knew that, so you included this statement

Don't even bother, neetcocks and communists aren't that different. Both of them are angry at the fact that they're failures of human beings and the rest is just determined by how much they hate other races.

Just an empty word. ALL countries are capitalist. North Korea is capitalist. It does have capital doesn't it? The difference is who controls it.

Minutely reminder 2/2

I'm not a lefty, I hate them back.
Well I'm not a nihilist, I do care about the future of the collectives that I identify with, and we were talking about political theory i.e. survival tactics for cultures, nations, states and ultimately races. If you believe in globalism, which I define here as thinking that viewing the world as a single unit is legitimate, you are a part of the process that destroys any and all nations and I'm not surprised that you believe in capitalism. Also correlates well with your nihilism.

I think it's for both reasons. Most lefties are anti-war

Know to not be a Communist scum, nor a bootlicking Fascist. Our only ally is liberty.

Exactly. Israel is not the 48% of the 1%.

the workers set aside that money themselves. Bosses are mostly useless

Just not for Palestinians
>Liberty for me, but not for thee!

Good post. Consider that the Labor Theory argument looses a lot of it's momentum when no real physical or even clerical labor is being done.

Richness is not about the amount of shit. It's about the buying power. Wealth is about how far your money can go and thus the value attached to the work done to earn that wealth. By importing cheap labor you diminish the buying power of native labor force. Because the new imported labor diminishes the growth that the native labor would have seen. So yes, more shit comes in but you spread it too thinly among the class the cheap labor comes into.

There is no such thing as "Palestinians" only LARPing Arabs.

And ironically enough, Israel is the only place in the Middle East that gives those scum full human rights

Then you're a human cow. Someone up there is farming your herd for their own benefit.

I'm the most racist person out there. I believe niggers are violent low IQ scum. But I still don't care if my "collectivism" survives. Just like believing that dogs are inferior to humans won't make me bitch about dogs all day and want a "dog-free" society. And if humans around me were dumb enough to give dogs around me the same rights as humans, I'd find it funny and use it for my own benefit.

Collectivism is dumb and illogical. it's a brainwashing mechanism to make you fight for people at the top

If it wasn't for my tax money you'd be dead already Schlomo

The damage control is fucking unreal

most lefties still believe that bush invaded iraq for "oil"

depends what kind of doctor you are. GP's now days just hand out antibiotics like candy and tell you to come back if it gets worse. I had some Indian cunt just straight up prescribe them to me without even taking my temp. I walked and and told him I'm not paying. He tried to get money out of me but I managed to get away with it since one of my mates is a lawyer and sent him some letter

Why don't they just give part of afganistan to them?

We all know it's about those religious ties to Jerusalem that has a lot of people getting dick hard for the region that has no other real value.

The USA didn't help us until after a few wars. Besides the fact that the "aid" you give us in less than 1% of our GDP.

Maybe this would've been correct, if we were surrounded by enemies that aren't goat-fucking retards

Yea my city becoming an unlivable non-White ghetto is the fault of rich elites, WHO WANT THOSE IMMIGRANTS HERE. But even still I don't want them in my community, I've seen them destroy a nice White city in under 10 years.

Using this logic Russia should be allowed to take over most of Eastern Europe that belonged to imperial Russia.

Your buying power, or whatever you call it, comes from how much value you produce. You can't just get rich without stuff being created, because people need to buy that stuff from you for you to have money. If they buy stuff from you, it means you produce value.

Of course bringing cheap labor means some people would suffer....at first. Just like a monopoly would suffer if you introduced competition. But over time, these things correct and society become better off as a whole because of market efficiency.

No, purity and unity is. Freedom is garbage when your culture falls apart and your races are being displaced - a sorry excuse to allow any entity to take over your nation. An opening for any group to control your media and corp through monopolies and dirty deals in the name of economic freedom, to infiltrate your academy in the name of free speech and to dirty up the ethnic origins of your nations in the name of equal rights, freedom for all. And still a large portion of the most free nation in the world cannot talk against any of those stuff without risking losing their jobs and friends.
Excuse me if I don't respect liberty that much. I am a fascist if I need to be, I'll be whatever I have to be to assure the survival of Europe, North America and Israel permanently.