What's your excuse nazis?

What's your excuse nazis?

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Fake news

The Cajun Army was saving people while flying the Confederate flag a week ago.

Actual, literal, fake news.

>leftist media turns on antifa
>antifa notices that people helping out in Texas get good PR
>Suddenly antifa decides to help
really makes me think

Antifa beats Nazis to death every time they show up to try to help.

>crying this hard
what are you, scared and weak?

>""""helping"""" flood relief efforts
they're stealing shit and looting, but they don't want to report it that way.
Count how many looting videos you find with people wearing black hoodies

This is so fucking retarded. The Cajun Navy saved family and my neighborhood. Antifa doesn't have cars let alone the truck and boats required to do anything. Fuck they don't even have money to donate. This is literally retarded.

I'm a shamed to be in the country as you cuck

>scared and weak
>of antifa

Antifa here are like ants. Without the system on their side, they are completely incapable of being a threat to anyone. So of course, they want to smash the system and clash with it wherever necessary.

It may be different in Europe, but here they cannot be a threat to anyone because of their reliance on the system and subsequent hatred of the system. they may as well rename themselves to "useful retards".

uh what universe is this happening in?

Well I have a job so I can't go take off for weeks to help in the clean up but I did donate some money


This guy with his Confederate inspired flag

This literally proves they are lying. The poorest neighborhoods have the most help. They get taken to other states and cities.

i don't have one.

The "Independent" is fake news who are desperate for the Left to not be as utterly shit as we all know they are, so the Nazis could rebuild Houston using their own pocket money and the "Independent" would say 'omg look how they are exploiting the tragedy!!!' Don't be so fucking naive.

Nazi scum

And I thought fake news was just a meme. Imagine the headline if a bunch of neonazis helped

So glad they're donating all of their AIDS blood for all the displaced blighted Houston niggers

Not this one, it's bullshit.

We will defend our communities from the vile scum of nazis, white supremacist and racists simple as that

Antifa in Texas, where they have strong laws about self defense and everyone is armed, would last about 3 minutes.

If OP believes the Independent, OP is a fool.

>Don't be so fucking naive.
... as not to ask for a link.


Excuse for what?
For not being pansies who only came to help after the water receded?
For not looting alongside you before?

Literally terrorists

Obviously it isn't ideal to raise someone else's child vs. your own, but many people do and I think it is commendable. I wouldn't want to do this, but if you often can't choose who you fall in love with. And if I were to die, I'd rather my wife finds another good husband for herself and our two young children than to be on her own and miserable.

Then again, Sup Forumstards are SJW-tier inexperienced, naive cowards who blame literally everything and everyone else - from entire races to the government to global conspiracies - on their inability to find happiness or what has been considered a noble life in the Western world for a very long time (profession, wife, family).

They idealize bygone eras without realizing they would be even less attractive and successful if competing with traditional macho males. It isn't the world's fault they are pudgy, sedentary, prematurely embittered, miserable, under-socialized losers. If you have an ounce of personality, confidence, and social skills you can exceed beyond your flaws. Unfortunately, social skills are like a muscle group, if you don't exercise them they atrophy. No one wants to be around quiet angry weird young men who can't connect beyond ranting about politics; unfortunately for them, their delusions of grandeur and rampantly erroneous self-perception mean they see themselves as mysterious, hyper-intelligent, superior wolves in a world of sheep. Too bad no one around them shares this opinion.

Comments such as "Honey, when are you going to get a girlfriend" from mothers and perplexed, disappointed fathers must be quite common in the lives of Sup Forumstards.

this desu

>lets put politics aside
>by virtue signalling our political movement

Fake news

bullshit are they dressed all in black wearing masks & helmets and carrying clubs?

Wet guns don't fire, nazi

>texas antifa still cares more about texas than communism
the thread: the movie: the game.

Did you even read the article britfag or just the headline? The story is complete fake bullshit and reads like it was written by a teenager.

it was actually seriously concerning to me that people flying the swastika weren't helping in houston, but, there are difficulties.

Not a newspaper any more hires unpaid interns to bullshit. No one cares. Back to school on Monday for you eh spotty?

"beat nazis to death"

>larping this hard on a chinese internet forum

>jake paul
don't think so.

You are the Nazis and you know it.

Looting is not helping desu...

wtf I love ISIS now

the nazis aren't there because the nazis aren't real

adolf catler


Didn't Antifa refuse to help on Friday because big Don was here

Charlie Hebdo says we all drowned

>no link


When you childishly claim that Antifa are "the real fascists", you make yourself out to be a naive fool who is incapable of understanding simple definitions to simple terms. How exactly is a group that is anti-fascist "fascist" and how exactly is that group bad in any manner?

Fake News...I think ISIS is doing as much OPS as Antifa...Mostly proganda...I would like to see a Antifa flag flown over the state to prove this BS article...

because what you do defines you more than what you say

Shot guns work if wet...

the nazis were defeated in 1945, so unless you have a time machine don't think you will battle them You guys do love beating up old cripples maybe you can find a "nazi" in his 90s= heros. Racist is a made up commie word invented by jew bolshevik mass murderer leon trotsky in 1927; your made up commie words are meaningless in the Republic. White supremacist? Thank you. We are supreme and everyone knows it. The Creator blessed us as Jacob/israel's descendants and the world is blessed through us. That's why you can live in mommy's basement and not have to have a real job and play "army". We will wait for everything to go to hell and when you can't hide in mommy's basement anymore we will come for you. We will see how you "defend your community". You mean your gated fake community? those mcmansions are worthless without utilities and are indefensible, I know I built thousands of them. Enjoy your time as a keyboard warrior.You'll be hiding that flag like the little bitch you are. I'm praying for the real thing you filthy commie scum. Traitors like you are my #1 target.

Fake news.


How come there's no pictures of it?

If the alt-right wasn't retarded they'd organize shit like this

Come and try it you Nazi piece of shit, we are waiting for you.

As posted in:
What you call yourself is far less important than what you do.

Antifa more properly stands for "Anti First Amendment" because Antifa embodies, with its actions, the literal definition of fascism: the prevention of free speech via violence.

You're fascists. Own it. You can keep publicly pretending you're not, but when even moonbat Pelosi turns on you then you know the polls they don't publish show that you're less popular than HIV.

We are opposed to fascists having the right to organize - we say "No platform for fascists". We are opposed to them being allowed to hold public meetings and demonstrations, wherby they take race hatred and violence into areas.

Did the Independent not get the memo that Antifa are now terrorists and the MSM don't need to defend them any more?

When a group who act like nazis and fascists call themselves antifa it doesn't change the fact that their actions are fascist.

The sun's bright and there are too many people there

My basement is just too comfy

and yet you are the actual fascists

Anti-fascist violence is not aggression. It is self-defense.

Good then you can continue going to jail for assault because we have a right to free speech.

Stay mad you psychotic microdicked virgin loser

>They have the confederate flag that means they're nazis just like me
Goddamn you people are stupid

>be anti establishment communist
>you're so obese that you can't be resuscitated properly

What is that? a vampire hunting kit?

Yeah except no that isn't the law at all you entitled little shitlib, and you will go to jail for it

If they are in Texas they are probably looting with niggers.

Very fake news

You don't have that right.

Good that you admitted it, that's a key step. You are now accepting your role as a criminal, and the crime you are committing is identical to the methods of the historical fascists you are committing it against. Ironicaly, the modern fascists actually get public permits and don't do the things Antifa does, in terms of breaking laws. This fact makes your cause appear even weaker.

That's why Pelosi and Ryan and the other deep state shills have dropped their support for you. Your toxic irony is no longer useful to them, and it's always been anathema to the real patriots.

>confirmed for never having fired a gun before
>check flag
>double confirmed

You have to use violence to defend yourself from white nationalist arguments? Doesn't that mean you lost the debate?

Uuugh, you faggots are so cringy. I miss the shill antics of CTR.

if your daughter aspouses nazi opinions can i beat her?

we will first listen to your well thought out arguments before asserting our dominance.

will you be prepared?


Of course

>this reasoning
Kill yourself

Yeah I mean the press won't lie about anything and is a bastion of honesty, integrity and completely unbias

any pictures of masked antifa helping?

It's a gay proletarian revolution in disguise. Commie and Nazi larpers are fucking retarded dregs of society. How do you fags plan to take on the military. Stop trying to destroy western civilization and enjoy capitalism because it isn't going anywhere.

A communist purification kit.



No, they're right, you've never fired a gun before it seems.
Though given where you are at, that doesn't surprise me. Hell you can't even have a damn butter knife.

I haven't seen any antifa but I did come across some lefty looking guys in an old army surplus stakebed truck. The majority of people helping were red necks who would be called Nazis by the left. All the cringe nerdy looking weirdo lefties are volutunteering at the storm shelters where it's safe, dry and air conditioned.

Straight out of a capeshit movie, it would be

The moment you resort to violence to win a debate, you've already lost.
Though I don't expect ingrates like you to know this.

>tfw you missed out on the several thousand dollars a week from FEMA for going there and doing "evaluations."

No, Antifa pussies gang up on people twenty to one.

>what is a PR stunt

what is your excuse for spamming this

If antifa showed up to help me I would delete them, they are a known terrorist organization.

Oh so not everyone who flies the Confederate Flag is a Nazi?

Did I hear that right?

>They can they just need license, a 3 day waiting period with a background, and it can't be longer than 3 inches

It's the spoon you have to worry about

Antifa says anyone who flies a confederate flag is a Nazi. Along with anything they don't like. Eat Meat=nazi, don't like communism=nazi, don't want a trap to ram their dick up your pooper=nazi.