Reminder to leave JEWtube and come to BitChute. Also, /bc/ - BitChute thread

>What do you think of the site so far?

>How possible is making a COMPLETE switch?

>Have you contributed any content?

>Should we convince more redpilled Youtubers to come over?

Other urls found in this thread:

I visit it everyday. It's pretty good.

I'm not sure what to make of BitChute compared to others. What makes it different from some of the other YT rivals?

But yes, we need our own groups. Ideally in one place. Our own FB (Minds?), Twitter (Gab?), Youtube (BitChute?).

Where's the De-Googlify yourself copypastas and info threads?


>What makes it different from some of the other YT rivals?
mainly the technology. the 'alternative youtube' sites that came before it used internalised servers to store videos, and obviously because of budgetary constraints couldn't support much traffic. BitChute uses the torrent technology, users host the videos to each other, from what I gathered

>Where's the De-Googlify yourself copypastas?
don't think I saw them. If you menage to find them please post them here


wow, incredible branding, truly the replacement for youtube! everyone loves a nice chute that sends things down, falling way down, dirty things like laundry, great. "Bit" really speaks to me too! I mean after all, the videos are made of bits and bytes!

"gab" is bad enough with it's name and design

>BitChute uses the torrent technology, users host the videos to each other, from what I gathered

sounds good, bump

Do they delete videos from communsits like pewtube?

Where can I download their smartphone app?

Also, I can't find vsauce, GeographyNow, Veritasium and MinuteEarth there.

Still, if you ignore the fact that it has no videos, it's a pretty good video service.

Hello shillblue

Does BitChute have all the precure soundtracks on it? That's all I use YouTube for anyway.

that would sort of undermine the 'free speech' angle wouldn't it, I'm glad they don't do it

no app yet, the site is still in development, so get in early and grab front row seats
>Also, I can't find vsauce, GeographyNow, Veritasium and MinuteEarth there
it's not a youtube mirror, you still have to upload vids for them to appear

upload them and it will, takes seconds

So how do i make money uploading naruto clips to bitchute?



Post a good video from ther

how do they deal with copyright bullshit?

>british tax payers fund the BBC's news site written in niggertongue
>refutation of apeshit crazy BLM demands
>'exposing' the idiocy of Kraut and Tea

some well made stuff I liked so far
most of the site is stuff like that, but I hope there will be different types of content in the future

Not sure. So far copyright hasn't really been abused, apart from a few youtube mirrors and documentaries uploaded in their entirety. I mean it is *torrent technology*, so perhaps respecting copyright isn't their main concern

I searched around for a while but couldn't find them. Fuck. I should have saved them. It had lots of stuff: alternative email services, browsers, search engines, etc.

I've never gotten bitchute to work on mobile browsers. Its comment section is also a mess.

bookmarked, thanks mate!

have a checked

I won't leave, I enjoy earning free money

Sounds a bit like BitShit or PoopChute

You forgot to mention
if the content is still exclusively Juden Rohr


I am not even Jewish, I'm Church of England

>church of england
>of england

Ask Sup Forums
They're against the Google botnet aswell

Bitchute has a horrible tos, created a puritan Sup Forums user that does not actually stand for freedom of speech/expression.

Minds is the best tos out of all youtube alternatives I've seen, but I have have some unverified stories about them. I wish we could get bitchute, with a better tos like minds, then a far better branding/marketing conscious creator/team.

I think what bitchute created was revolutionary, where they could legitimately compete vs youtube without sinking a massive loss by mitigating the overhead cost, then they need to introduce a free market advertisement system which places the creator first and is at will for the ad purchaser.

We're getting close to a solution that will slay youtube and dethrone them, but it hasn't surfaced yet. Everyone left and right want to jump ship, it's just that a truly worthy platform is yet to pop its head out that is worth championing.

They're in shit shape, aren't they m80?
t. fellow anglican looking into other churches

Please don't make me go over there. It smells like anger.

Never heard of the Church of England? What's so funny about this?

Bitchute may not have been the answer, but it pushed things forward. They added a setiment of rock to the slayer of youtube by creation of the p2p video content site. Someone much larger, hopefully understanding of what the general populous desires is to feel in control. Then in the us half of the voting population was on the right and here is youtube wanting to tell half of the us voting population they aren't wanted. Bitchute is also too puritan for mass adoption to occur on top of funding/branding.
And for those interested, bitchute stated they eventually will help out others create sites similar like theirs

> Can I host a torrent on my site?
> Yes, the more the better. Otherwise, this project is just another YouTube wannabe. We will eventually have tools and tutorials to assist and encourage this. Torrents take on a life of their own and can operate independently of any web site that indexes them. Your website can be another index as we work towards a decentralized Internet.

They seem as if they want to take down youtube, even if it isn't with their personal platform.

Please keep your meme flag on, I don't want anyone seeing that you are American.

How the fuck do i upload? i created an account and "uploaded" a video, but can't find it anywhere not even my account page

I'm from Sup Forums there were some good discussions on it and alternatives, but then shills derailed hard. Mods rewarded the shills with an autosage, opposed to moving the thread here. Mods are corrupted or on the other side at Sup Forums for certain threads at times.

Nevermind i just had to go to my videos page and "publish" it

Don't worry lad, we know you're not all like that. At least half of the burgers out there are total bros

How do you pronounce BitChute?
Can you record it on vocaroo, user?

This guy is right unfortunately

I disagree with Gab, though it should have been called Trumpet

Fucking hell, yeah
>the next site will SURELY be the thing
>this is almost it!
If we keep on coming up with new and new sites and fraction the userbase further we will never get anywhere. BitChute is made well enough to compete with YT, all it needs is traffic. It is puritan right now because everyone wants to reupload/mirror the videos that were censored on YT or speak out on the issue. Once more varied content starts flowing in I believe it can catch on.
The last this we need is a new site

It's a bit odd, once you're done uploading you need to click 'save' under the video description, only then will the 'upload' button on the top right be avaiable. Then it takes you to a 'processing' page, where you wait a while and click 'publish'

Its literally called "bitch oot". Im sorry, but that's fucking dumb

>Site gets paid while the users host the content

Sounds alright-ish in a British accent at least.
"Bit Shoot"

complete switch is only possible if content creators move there

No ads on the site, absolutely no agenda pushing, you can still get paid with Patreon
>muh name
Apple and Google were literally named as jokes. If the site is good the name will be beyond irrelevant

molymeme is there

leaving Direct Connect was a mistake

I like the site but this guy is 100% right. The branding and marketing for a lot of these competitors is pleb tier.

Can you ask them in there and link?


why they call it BitchUte tho

Whenever I see an absolutely retarded post from another country, I have to stop and remind myself that American teenagers aren't the only teenagers coming here.

The videos can have no seeders, not one copy of a video is apparently saved on any server. Its shit.

so it's like torrent for fucking youtube
ads? monetization for users?

It's a good idea and it's still early days but I don't love the layout, nor the fact they're using Disqus commenting.

>ads? monetization for users?

No and no, use hatreon for funding

its slow as shit, torrenting means someone needs to seed videos for them to be available, seed 24/7, dont forget that the nigga that is seeding has 30kb upload lmao, good luck when more than 2 people will try to watch it

It's kinda slow. It takes some time to load a video

Sweet name

like naming your ShakeWeight competitor CuntRod or WhoreHands this will blow the market up big league

Does this have a feature that just feeds me my subscriptions in chronological order like YouTube?

>SJW cunts decide to get authoritarian
>kill every industry they infest
>mfw it spurs real people into action

Don't get it, for me it opens almost instantly, about at the same speed as YT videos

Yeah there is still a lot of room for improvement in terms of layout, but bear in mind that the site was created less than a year ago. So compared to 2006's YouTube it's fucking sweet

Not yet, feel free to suggest it in the bottom left part of the page

how about this one?

So if the alt-right commandeer BitChute what's stopping the CIA or FBI from uploading child pornography videos on that site and subsequently ruin it's reputation, income and create a reason to shut it down and put you in jail for suspicion or plating false evidence because of being an active user/uploader?

Gab is boring as fuck. It's a circle jerk. Was a decent idea, but it's so bland and echo chamber-y it makes you cringe after a while.
Right wing attention whoring is just as bad as left wing attention whoring.

I get you, but eh, it will be until normies start coming onto it. The problem is that they have poor word-of-mouth, too, and those that do simply don't have seem to have a productive cash flow.

I think it'll be a while until we get something... better. I imagine Gab and so on will be kind of like Myspace. There's a lot of room and talent on the chans that could enable us to grow, but we're often so disorganised.

Bump. Also, bit chute needs to open it's plataform for music and documentaries.

Maybe it has to do with the country i live. I don't know

Also, leave rebbit, come to Sup Forums

It offers nothing one can't get a better variety of here, except "muh upboats!" and massive e-celeb dicksucking, basically. It's been around over a year, and has got worse, not better IMHO. Left it and haven't missed it. Like, at all.
Unless it starts mainstream, it ain't gonna be mainstream. Echo chambers stay that way.

fuck that's something I didn't consider, although it is "a little" extreme
don't the feds usually track the IP of cp uploaders? Wouldn't it be suspicious if a whole site was blamed?

Agreed, you can already see plenty of docs going up

I look at bitchute, their policies, marketing, willingness to get out and promote itself. They don't strike me as wanting to be the youtube slayer, they seem like they want to forward video host standards and create a new and more accessible way to mitigate hosting costs. Vidme thinks they want to take on youtube, but for the most part just wants to take it's place not make any change.

A new platform will rise, just do your due diligence, understand what they stand for, what it could be in a year, 5 years and so forth.

if i'm always uploading videos how is it that my internet connection would not suffer

you upload it every time some opens it instead of only once like with yt

Hey Bitchute shill, I made a gay new Fandom wiki about replacing YouTube, would you (or anyone else who likes Bitchute and is reading this) mind filling the Bitchute page out? It's here:

This will get shit down too as altright

There will be lots lf dmca claims as well

even if i'm not the host?
so what you're saying is it would really hurt my internet connection when i'm uploading 1000 videos

if you are not host then you dont upload. nigga, do you even know what torrents are?

what is seeding then

The safest way to host videos (including controversial ones) is by using your own website. It is rather cheap, a domain costs 10$ a year, web hosting is from 60$ a year. No one can take you down easily.

I wonder if we ever get to a point where everyone uses their own websites instead of centralized ones, just like in the past.

Meh. It'll just be taken over eventually.

but yu dont seed if you only watch, where are these videos store? where do you seed them from?

>ads? monetization for users?
If you host vids on your own website, you can monetize it in absolutely any way you like.

That might be true, the big allure of a youtube, major hosting platform is traffic growth. But with the curator and forums as big as they are, who knows if you truly need them. The other issue as well is that you have to be hawklike in order to stop freebooters who lift your content and then post on the major sites. There's a site being created where they will be your content watchdogs coming soon, but the issue remains that facebook and youtube slap them on the wrist and they keep doing it. There needs to be a landmark class action lawsuit, where lifted videos caused a loss of revenue, while facebook/youtube displayed gross negligence.

>has only earned 1000 pounds
plebeian. talk to me when you can pay rent

I'm using the Brave browser and bitchute only allows me to download the videos and doesn't let me watch in the browser. However when I'm using Safari, it doesn't give me this problem. Is this happening to anyone else?

>That might be true, the big allure of a youtube, major hosting platform is traffic growth.
That's true, traffic is an issue. The reason big sites have a lot of traffic is simply because people recognize them. So in order to promote a new site, you need to reach for the masses, do PR and marketing. It can REALLY help if the site goes viral somehow. Then people will simply spread the word among each other.

>The other issue as well is that you have to be hawklike in order to stop freebooters who lift your content and then post on the major sites
This is true for Youtube as well: using one of the few free services, I can easily download any Youtube video to my computer and upload it elsewhere

Anyway, whenever you post your content on someone else's site, there's always a risk it will get removed. The basic unit of internet property is a single website. It's the hardest to take down.

Sorry for offtopic but the symbol on the bus is them same symbol from the fbi pedophile-symbol list

Does it have a Roku channel yet? Roku is the only reason I tune into (((YouTube))).

To me too

i also want to add: Parragon is the main publisher and little baby bum is one of their products.
and they also published this >pic related

Decentralized video services are great and stuff, but I really think we might just start fostering the idea of independent video sites. We might pull off something like traffic exchange widgets or searchable video catalogues.. This is as decentralized as it gets, and is implemented much easier (and faster) than p2p networks

They have a common standard for blogs, it is called RSS (you can read posts from many different blogs in one single feed). If there was something similar for videos, it would be great: you would be able to watch videos from different sites without visiting them. Decentralization.

just use
you can even watch (((limited state))) videos no problem

Do we know any ways to bypass paid youtube vids?
This would really piss them off.

Only if a rat downloads them and uploads somewhere else

There's no known way around? Damn.
What about clicking Youtube monetisation ads to ruin them? Could that be done?

It's pretty much done all the time, they have filters in place