30 billion could end world hunger

But whites decide to spend 30 times that money on war.

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>Cost to end world hunger
>30 billion

I doubt that.
Slode thread

>ending world hunger
I will end You



Mass sterilization is the only fix.

>Hungry and poor? Keep having more offspring.

Fucking idiots

War make the world, ending word hunger will end the world.

you can end world hunger for free if you genocide all kikes


cannibalism is free

>1 post by this ID.
I've seen this thread so many times, can't you come up with new material?

stop making the same thread over and over.

if it was just 30b to end all africans, somebody would have done it already.

>give $30 billion to africa to stop hunger
>have more kids
>still hunger

The US defense budget is nothing more than another form of gibs.

No amount of money would solve world hunger, unless you're just unleashing wildfires and West Nile virus throughout Sub-Saharan Africa

>give Africa 30 billion dollars
>they get Nike shoes and diamonds
>still starve

Ask the jews and not us.

If Africa is starving to death, how come their population is exploding???


You are right it will cost 30 billion to end world hunger that will be around the cost to kill them all.

>end world hunger
>even more niglet offsprings
>more world hunger
>repeat until no resources left

Why can't the leaders of their countries sort out their hunger why do white majority countries have to sort out their problems?There isn't much hunger in the US, they even have a surplus to spend a 737 billion on defence, maybe Africa should follow the western model rather than whatever the fuck it is they do. I feel no guilt/responsibility or even much compassion for starving africans. Kid ask your parents why the fuck you are hungry, ask them to do something about it, YT is already doing more than his fair share and getting no thanks for it.

>jobs created by solving world hunger: 0
>jobs created by military spending: hundreds of thousands

Don't tell me how to run my economy...

Don't feed them.
Let them take care of themselves.
Millions will die because they can't take care of themselves.
Millions who would never have been born if we didn't send food shipments every day.
Africa in its current state is unnatural.
Let nature resume its course.
Problem sorted.

>30 billion could end world hunger.
Fuck off, you lying nigger.

they're using shit math. 1 Billion ppl starving x cost of food.

Not including shipping storage inventory waste.


and the fact that they breed like rabbits

>give people free shit so they get used to getting free shit to live, thus creating a dependent population
they have "don't feed the birds" signs for a fucking reason you massive idiot

Fake news
3 billion could maybe buy every poor person in the world a sandwich. The cost to KEEPING world hunger away would be perhaps $400 million per day.

first, we spend 611B not 737, second since your second claim is false I am going to question the validity of your first claim because you fail to provide a source.


This guy gets it. We are cruelly just propping them up for a more catastrophic failure as we full-retard into a malthusian world of scarcity.

>Omar from Occupy Democrats

Not even once.

I get the "sage" thing.

Explain the whole "Drop a redpill" thing. Are we supposed to enlighten the shit-poster?

if it costs so little, then why haven't those KANGZ solved their own problems yet?


Gad. Ya'all need to watch more Star Trek the Original Series.

The Tribble episode was about useless eaters. You feed a hungry tribble and you feel good about yourself, but you end up with a lot more hungry tribbles.

All they do is eat and fuck.

>send 30 billion to afriniggers
>instead of buying food they buy guns
>wipe themselves out

You're a failure of a race if your people are starving to death. Farming and ranching is so fucking easy. Let them figure it out, every other race did.

But black filthy rich governments to spend 30 times that money on war and kill white farmers and white business owners.

>60 bil next year
>120 year after that

quit making this thread, faggot. I like my 13 carries and hate nigger so its working out great on my end. If you give starving nations money, they start fucking and overpopulating. Then there is more starving people to give aid to. And so on.

I unironically want the entire third world to starve to death.

Prove the first world benefits from them in any way.

so whites have to save everyone meanwhile whites r a minority in the world spectrum

you're really dumb

Unfortunately they are trying to take Sam Kineson's advice and move to where the food is

Sage? Sage.

Because they are sex crazed and cant afford birth control



>west gives the $30 billion
>ten years pass
rinse and repeat ad absurdum

>>jobs created by solving world hunger: 0
Probably not true, shit loads of money to be made in 'charities'. And before you say real jobs, there is a long gravy train in the military.

>Wanting more niggers in the world

We've already tried giving food to the nigger hoards. That's why there are so many more now.

>giving monkey to dirty monkeys
>it's illegal to do charities for whites in South Africa

>meddling in foreign affairs usurping their natural resources and destabilizing entire regions that sets off waves of migrants that we don't want is my business

didn't we give a solid and sound bash against world hunger and give them a stable system to work off but they couldn't stop shooting, robbing and fucking each other back into the brown ages?


cost to end world hunger:
0$ and about 30 years.

You could solve the top by using the bottom without any additional cost whatsoever, dead niggers aren't hungry.

Here, take some Japanese wisdom. It explains the situation so clearly that even dumb fucks such as yourself can understand.

Criminally underrated

I see this exact thread all the time but honestly it's probably shitty shills like this that made me side with the moderates on Sup Forums anyways

For how long?

Only 30 billion to sterilize Africa? I'm in.

$30b to enable more africans to breed.

>US gave 50 billion in aid every year
>Brits gave 12 billion in aid every year
>Africa alone has receive over 30 billion a year

It's because UN pedo rapist like OP that all that money/food is wasted on warlords and drug kingpins who provide them with kickbacks and children.

People that build weapons need to eat as well.

is TNG worth watching? I always thought it was the liberal utopia version of startrek

I almost missed the name

>30 Billions.
That's even more than the entire world population.
How do you even go about killing 30 Billions anyways?
Hitler tried, and it was just a fraction.

There's a saying about fish somewhere and knowing how to fish....just can't remember it OP.

>30 Billions.
That's even more than the entire world population.
How do you even go about killing 30 Billions anyways?
Hitler tried, and it wasn't even close.

Fucking retard
>we're poor and hungry, what do we do?
>proceed to have 15 children

how much would it cost to end the famines in the DPRK? only a big fucking military and capitalism

>give Africa aid
>government takes it all and people get nothing

How the fuck did Africa forget how to farm, forage and hunt?

ending hunger = niggers over populating the world.

proof look how fucked up america's welfare state is.
free gibs creates illogical breeding and genetic mutants.
just look at innercity niggers they are one step away from a banana and a tree.


If you want to end world hunger, sterilise the niggers before you feed them.

For all of a few months. Maybe a year or two. But then they will have 9 kids then go back to starving and begging for more.

You can:
>end world hunger for a single day, resulting in a massive increase of the nignog population by tenfold that will further overpopulate the world
>do nothing and allow social darwinism to take place

Hmmmm, yeah, I think I'l take option 2.

Also, politically correct red pill documentaries:

>If you want to end world hunger, sterilise the niggers before you feed them.
This. It should be a requirement to eat on our dime. You get a portion of food, IF and only IF you agree to get sterilised.

>you can end world hunger with a finite lump sum

The outcome is always worse than niggers and rednecks winning the lotto.

>30 billion to end world hunger
Then what happened to that $40 BILLION we spend on them anally?
Or for that matter the several billion that every other anglosphere country is shoveling out to a very similar map of countries

Administrative costs :^]


should be "cost to feed starving people for one day"

Donate: food, shoes, books, computers to niggers
End up going to local warlord
>gibs us more
Christ we might as well start recolonizing
They'd accept it with open arms

>Then what happened to that
I thought thats what the 6.5 trillion that the pentagon lost was for.. or was that simply the handling fee

Theyd open arms alright

30 billion could end world hunger now perhaps.

However you've failed to take into account that niggers have 10+ kids when there is no food to feed them with. They could easily have 20-30 if you started feeding them, they're like rabbits and then you're up to 90, 240, 720, etc billion dollars in a few decades.

exactly, it 30 bil wouldnt last a month

Just let them starve

most tax money comes from whites

its funny in a way, these trillion dollar rothschild or billionaires like cheney rumsfeld bush's pick your favorite war pimp fuck face, they have all this money and still go for more but the additional sum does literally nothing for them. that is the pathology of the jew and other jew like creatures we have enriched. we should stop that sort of behaviour.

>and cant afford birth control
You mean too dumb to use it.

>end world hunger
>all the formerly-starving africans have five kids
>world hunger becomes worse than ever after a few years

Letting them starve would be free

>usa is no longer lead of the free world
>usa feed poor africa

Yeah, all the military power should be directed to these shiskins.

No, the math is good.

If you organized on an industrial scale, you could sterilize a billion with that budget.

If Africa is fed they'll just keep breeding and in one generation they'll all be hungry again. The solution is to use the military and kill them all to end world hunger.