Germany YES!

Another company from Germanistan pandering to the Muslim community.
"Lidl has digitally removed crosses on top of an iconic Greek church from its food packaging".
Houellebecq was right.

another day in Germany

this country is so far gone this shit does not even surprise me anymore.

another day in greece you mean ameritard.

it's a sign for greeks to start worshiping zeus and hera again

Are there any foods that are sold in Germany that have Muslim signs on them?

can Germans not read? too much muslim cum in your eyes?

>The German supermarket giant erased the symbols on the roof of the Greek Orthodox building in Santorini from products in its own-label Greek food range.

It says German supermarket giant

Germany hasn't been so fucked since 1945. I'm sorry but the muzzles don't re build - look at the entire Middle East - so there will be no post war reconstruction after they complete their conquest

Your super market did it stupid kraut.

>in germany
are you retarded? american education at its finest.

why are we so autistic...

yes but greek people are working in it and not german so they are not forced to take it down.

all i see on here is Americans explaining how "far gone" countries are due to Sceencaps and news articles posted to pol. I guess the stereotypes are true - hypocritical, stupid, narrow minded people - Americans in a nutshell. You say all this whilst your country is the most disgusting cesspit of degeneracy, minority pandering and shit in the world.

There is a PICTURE of a greek building. The PICTURE is on some FOOD PACKAGING. The food is sold in GERMANY. The GERMAN VENDOR in GERMANY altered the PICTURE of the greek building. Jesus christ.

you fucking retard
Lidl photo shopped that cross away from the product label so mudslimes wont get offended
you filthy subhuman trash eating nigger chilld

atleast I live in a country where christian fundamentalists still have some sort of power.

Good, it would be shocking for Muslims to find out that there is a church in Greece.

>Microscopic crosses
what the fuck why is nobody in germany woke about this.

We have Trump. You have Merkel. Your country is more far-gone than ours.

my fault please forgive me.

>lol its not germany

>The German supermarket giant erased the symbols on the roof of the Greek Orthodox building
>The German supermarket giant
>The German

>pandering to the Muslim community.
no such thing on the article.
what kind of fake news is this, projecting that hard.

The removal of a tiny cross missed off the Germans?
The niggers raping, murdering, and passively invading them, are not as important as tiny cross?
You use to be strong Germany.

Iconoclasm is the lowest of all lows.
Exterminate a people? They will live on in stories and tales. Destroy all evidence of that people? Now they are dead for good.

I'm pretty sure the Nazis would have euthanized you for being too stupid to live.

uk bongs being cucks again
They have autonomy no german has anything to do with it


Dear god this triggers me harder than an SJW watching his wife's boyfriend get deported by ICE