What if we all just start using bitcoins and stop going to banks?
It went from $500 a coin to $5000 in 1 year and has no signs of going away. Is Bitcoin the endgame or BANE of International Money Supply Jewry?
What if we all just start using bitcoins and stop going to banks?
It went from $500 a coin to $5000 in 1 year and has no signs of going away. Is Bitcoin the endgame or BANE of International Money Supply Jewry?
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that pic is so fucking true
>What if we all just start using bitcoins and stop going to banks?
Then the banks that have not already invested in bitcoin, would.
kek, that pic
tfw use to sell gold on runescape to chinese people for bitcoin
had an old windows dell laptop
it was stolen
lost my wallet, it has several thousand dollars worth of bitcoin in today's market
bitcoins only exist because CIA finds it useful
Yeah, there are ZERO online banks that deal in bitcoin.
i remember seeing stuff on 420chan about bitcoins and i thought it was a scam similar to lockerz somehow. They were fucking pennies ;_;
My bro mines bit coins and makes about $100 a week. Is this legit?
Someone give me a quick rundown on Chancoin
Is it, dare I say it, /OurCoin/?
way to boost your profits OP, I wish I got on that when bit coin was 7 dollars
begone shill
>bought 12 bitcoins back when they were about $8 per coin and saved them because I thought it was a great idea and might make me rich someday
>seagate harddrive dies, bitcoin wallet dies with it
>was too stupid to back anything up because I was a teenager and that was the first time one of my digital storage devices ever died
sorry for your loss Satan
Bitcoin is fucking useless.
>What if we all just start using bitcoins and stop going to banks?
Then you will starve, because your payments literally won't clear this century. Blockchain doesn't scale.
I am spending around 200 dollars a month on lite coin. Started back in may when they were still 20 dollars a piece. Today I noticed that they went up to 80ish.
Feels good man.
OP implying that bitcoin isn't created by same banking cartels.
Jesus saves
>not saving that hdd and recovering the data now
jesus saved your life.
god blessed you.
Create your own money / system to get people to work. Kill those that don't or want gibs.....
While your dadda pays 110€ in electrical bill.
There's no longer any feasible way for an individual to profit off of buttcoin mining
Let's archive that
I have several thousand dollars in Shitcoin, what's the best exchange which will do direct deposits into my bank account? Preferably one that doesn't require verification and gay shit like that.
Yeah there is retard u mine altcoins like zcash
If i pull your plug will, will they die?
>the only asset the government can't steal from you is useless
>that pic
Literally me. I don't even buy the ransom coins though. I just give up when I figure out that bitcoin traders hate paypal, so whatever.
I would consider suicide in a situation like this. Not over a few $k but the few guys who mined them early on and lost their computers with millions worth of bitcoin.
I've been thinking about gettig a solar panel and powering a computer with that so I can just convert sunlight intocoin without messing with my bill.
I gambled on the electionand got the payout in Bitcoin, if you are a gambler you could do that. That Maywhether fight would have been a good opportunity.
The best autistic sources online say japanese male invented Bitcoin
>The Jew Fears...
So, installing the bitcoin wallet app on my phone is enough? Or do I have to some more stuff?
>Japanese male invents new currency that can be sold for 10x what it was worth a year ago
The massive inflation of bitcoin is awesome, but it won't just keep increasing forever.
You will eventually have to sell yourself out of it. The gamble is how long do you hold out.
Bitcoins is Dutch Tulips.
>it wont just keep increasing forever
>(((They))) wont just keep printing and devaluing fiat currency forever
>They wont just run up debt and inflation forever
When 1 crashes, another rises
>tfw risk averse
>tfw was watching btc under $10
fuck you jew coin shiller. Noone will ever buy your mind crushing bags, not even for 1 sat.
get fucked
Cryptocurrency was not supposed to act as currency really. The most exciting and real world application for it is to act as an universal, distributed and unambiguous ledger for all types of transactions and contracts. The problem lies in keeping record of this ledger as it grows, which is why people "mine" bitcoins (they are basically solving computationally intensive puzzles and storing results on the ledger, a "Proof of Work" system).
Bitcoin has promise but [crypto in general] still has some ways to go before actually being currency. It is however, right now, an excellent distributed platform for keeping records of transactions. So good in fact it might as well eventually replace every other form of ledger. It is also inflated as fuck, but don't be fooled by this, only early adopters are rewarded from this game.
There are more anti bitcoin shills than CTR and JIDF combined
Why do you trust the fiat jew more than the peoples crypto?
ahahahahahaha kys
>bitcoin is the answ-
you don't know much about the history of the rothschilds do you?
That was just a joke
Is Chancoin /OurCoin/?
>Trying to buy the next industry before money supply control becomes obsolete
the Rothschilds bought a small amount of shares of a trust that tracks bitcoin, they don't even have any of their own bitcoin
This is actually amazing news for bitcoin and crypto as a whole is they are getting involved. There is no way for them to control the price of bitcoin short of buying up every single coin there is and driving the price up to a million dollars, which would be fine with me senpai.
at least you got all those digits.
It's your standard investment scheme - a handful of (((people))) own the bulk share and sucker thousands of people into sinking their money into it. Every time there's a major drop, that same handful of (((people))) are the first ones to sell high just as the drop starts, and then buy up low when it starts recovering again. And if the market crashes entirely, they just start up a new one and the cycle starts all over again. A handful of investors might be cunning or lucky enough to avoid the worst drops, or sell at the right time, but casual investors will always get fucked. In the end, the only people guaranteed to make a profit are the (((people))) running the damn the thing.
If you want sound, long-term investment advice, nothing beats 'slow stocks'. Look for established companies providing basic materials, commodities, or services with slow, but steady growth over several decades. Reinvest any dividends into more shares with the same company, take advantage of any opportunities to acquire shares from spin-offs and subsidiaries, and gradually expand into related investments. You won't make a million dollars overnight, but you'll grow an extremely stable, diverse stock portfolio.
Early on I had friends trying to sell me on Bitcoins/Lightcoins, needless to say I missed out on a good investment even if I don't like cryptocurrencies.
Looking back though, there is no scenario on this Earth where I would have been dumping thousands into it back when BTC was ~$10, and even if I had, I would have sold when they peaked at ~$1000.
At worst I missed out on $100k-200k, which in the grand scheme of things isn't enough to spend time kicking myself over.
Then society collapse and money worth shit
So ? They can't own it or control it.
>Jews try to buyout bitcoin
>Sup Forums becomes trillionaires
>All the shills are now outgunned and outfinanced by 300lb neets in tendie fueled bugout bunkers
Checkmate kikes
chanfagcoin isn't bitcoin you bulbous nosed kike.
>go to buy anonymouse currency
>mfw they want photo ids, and 2-3 proofs of who I am, social security numbers or some shit
nopped the fuck out. its not anomolous if they track you from start to finnish
Its not anonymous, its just non-bank
Its the edgiest way to fight the jew. Dont even use money or debt, just cryptos